To keep insanity at bay I have a new policy for our Unit. I shall not keep track of your individual characters in game through promotion, however, your forum ID shall be. At present I have a count of 17 members and it is reflected in this new CoC:
All members may form additional charcters but not higher than your forum rank.
As always, PM or post any member I may have missed or substituted a character for a forum member.
Ceasefire intiated by previous administration & HF will be honored, to a degree. Refrain from entering Liberty space. (ooc: unless needing passage to NY since it is open system. Have members state their intentions to do so and refer to this agreement to enact agreement. In addition, if War re-opens I shall honor previous rules as well).
To keep insanity at bay I have a new policy for our Unit. I shall not keep track of your individual characters in game through promotion, however, your forum ID shall be. At present I have a count of 17 members and it is reflected in this new CoC:
All members may form additional charcters but not higher than your forum rank.
As always, PM or post any member I may have missed or substituted a character for a forum member.
My regards,
Rusty (aka, Fleet Admiral RedBear)
Again I am missed....
Lt. Commander Mitch Woods
Also I will be absent for 2 weeks staring tommorow
Has been loosened to include the Raven Claw fighter to offset engineering mistakes and limited to upper echelon of officers.
Weapon Selection
Since weapons can be bought, bartered, captured, salvaged or stolen there are no restrictions on the type of Lawful and Neutral weapons that can be used. Adapted from SF faction thread
To: SA
Comm ID: Virginia Hq
A major course change for the South Alliance is in affect as of this post!
I am tired of being on the short end of the stick due to engineering SNAFUs at Baltimore and Norfolk. To compensate for their mistakes, Command is loosening the weapons and ship types available to our Unit. Follow the above new parameters and they shall be included shortly into our faction post, Enjoy:)
Has been loosened to include the Raven Claw fighter to offset engineering mistakes and limited to upper echelon of officers.
Weapon Selection
Since weapons can be bought, bartered, captured, salvaged or stolen there are no restrictions on the type of weapons that can be used. The Nomad weapons used by SA forces are based on Nomad technology but are developed by Detroit Munitions." Adapted from SF faction thread
To: SA
Comm ID: Virginia Hq
A major course change for the South Alliance is in affect as of this post!
I am tired of being on the short end of the stick due to engineering SNAFUs at Baltimore and Norfolk. To compensate for their mistakes, Command is loosening the weapons and ship types available to our Unit. Follow the above new parameters and they shall be included shortly into our faction post, Enjoy:)
Comm ID: Admiral Christopher Phelps
To: Fleet Admiral RedBear
Ok, I obviously fail to see what's going on. I'm adding on to what's stated above The Raven's talon will not be in use regardless of what is stated above. Also if i see anyone with Coloda del cids, Tizona del cids, or nomads I will start doing very unexpected and very unwelcoming.
Seeing as you have made this a public discourse and threaten a superior officer I give you this one chance to retract your statement to discuss this in a better forum.
Threaten a superior officer? I did no such thing, that was to SA in general. I know full well i can't stop you, your free to do your own grave digging. I may have stepped down from leading, but I have not stepped down from protecting the many people within SA.
Seeing as you have acknowledged my COMMAND of the South Alliance in open forum I shall forget the threat, for I am also of the South Alliance so your forgotten threat was directed at me, as well.
Now, if any have questions, or misgivings, on any or all of my commands the proper venue is in private and I am always open to different opinions, but open questioning will not be tolerated. We are a Unit and we provide a united front.
However, your position on particular weapons is well founded, but Nomad weaponry shall be allowed due to the vast amounts accumulated in our warehouses and their added benefits of power saving and hitting power.
So, as a way to smooth ruffled feathers, I provide an adjusted command:
Ship Selection
Has been loosened to include the Raven Claw fighter to offset engineering mistakes and limited to upper echelon of officers.
Weapon Selection
Since weapons can be bought, bartered, captured, salvaged or stolen there are no restrictions on the type of Lawful and Neutral weapons that can be used. Adapted from SF faction thread
Nomad weapons will not be used, but those who may have purchased may keep them but no more than 2, if you have extra sell or trade for other approved weapons.