Bonjour, mes amis.
Yesterday, I was idling through Languedoc. It was quiet, nothing to do anywhere...I got a message from Etien asking if I would like to go exploring. I gladly accepted...I love exploring.
We started off at Lix'eim, Etien in a Currassier and myself in a Courier. We 'eaded past ze guard station, Luneville, to ze northern area of ze mines. A split in ze field which I 'ave seen before, yet never explored.
We flew through ze gap in ze mines, quickly coming to ze center of ze field, ze reason it was there in ze first place...
I took a few shots, and-
Bonjour, mes amis. Today was a good 'unt.
First off, I found a freelancer using an Aurochs...I demanded my usual price, and he laughed in my face.
He died.
Next, I was 'eaded out into ze Taus...I encountered another freelancer, this time in an unknown fighter...I offered him 'protection' from ze least, as far as he knew, for a cost, and 'e denied...So there was nothing protecting him, from me.
I 'eaded out to ze Taus, and encountered a destroyer-class vessel in use by ze outcasts. I took regular scans and guncams, as I did with ze Freelancer's fighter.
[Databurst Detected]
[End Databurst]
I discovered nothing in ze Taus, ze only prey I noticed quicky ran from me...That is all.
Estelle, Out. Au Revoir.
[Signal Lost...Saving]
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
Bonjour, mes amis. Today Gallia was quieter than usual, so I decided to take a jaunt out into Sirius, a system we have not explored. Tau-37. Upon exiting ze jump 'ole, in Tau-23, I was greeted with an amazing sight. Asteroids, some ze size of bases, or larger.
I quickly mapped out ze field I was in, locating a base belonging to ze IMG.
[Databurst Detected]
[End Databurst]
And after I 'ad mapped ze base, I 'eaded back towards ze jump 'ole. I passed it, locating a wreck and another anomaly, before passing out of ze field into clear space.
Ze system seemed quite dull, apart from passing outcast patrols. I 'eaded to ze only visible base in ze system...A zoner base by ze name of "Freeport Ten"
[Databurst Detected]
[End Databurst]
It was simply astonishing. Several different types of ship passed me by, and I took ze time to scan and graph each one, along with the multitude of equipment they all carried. Once I was absolutely sure I 'ad seen all there was to see, I went onward to ze northern 'alf of ze system. I located another jump 'ole, and another wreck, before I 'ead 'ome, to Montbard. Uploading final data now.
[Databurst Detected]
[End Databurst]
Estelle, Out.
[Signal Lost...Saving]
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
[Sender ID: Etien Fitzroy]
[Sender Affiliation: Gallic Brigand, Legion des Damnes]
[Location: Data Scrambled]
[Message Begins]
[size=12]Excellent work, Jasmine. These nav-maps will prove extremely useful in the future. However, I would advise not going into Sirius alone. a bare minimum of two pilots per trip. We need no losses, and Sirians can be quite dangerous.
Ah, forgive me my lord. I only recieved this message after a quick jaunt into Tau-23, tailing a GMS transport that got past me in Languedoc...Though, I was witness to a massive weapon of war attacking ze IMG, on behalf of ze outcasts, as well as several smaller fighters and capitals of the IMG, and this..."Colonial Remnant". I also procured a few million on my way back, from a barely-armed-or-armored trader...Uploading data.
**||\\... PILOT DESIGNATION--"VULPE"...//||**
**My lord...Today while on recon of the Hole to Orkney...I happened to encounter two Sirian vessels...I had simply asked them kindly to pay a small fee and I would not have harmed them...However...They did not listen...I'm afraid I had to terminate their vessels...**
**Their registrations we're Kaptin_Solo and Doktor...And I'm afraid both of them needed one after they refused to pay...**
**My Guncam was damaged in the array..However I was able to recover a single shot of one of the Sirian ships before its destruction...**
**A good day for the showing of my new ship...Thank you Lord Etien...I am glad my claws did not have to...leave their mark upon your face, for the ship you have granted me...**
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
**||\\... PILOT DESIGNATION--"VULPE"...//||**
**Many good things have happened today....With the revival and return of Lord Enzo....To our newly established contracts....and My approval as Economics Manager for the Legion...**
**I shall begin with what started on my patrol with Orkney with Lord Etien...This Sirian vessel came within our scanners and I will admit...It's design reminded me of a wilde animal...Ready to attack without notice...**
**However....Due to the pilot refuzing to answer our hails on who he/she was, or why that ship was in mystery...and we were forced to take it out when its intentions became hostile..**
**Later in the day we made contact with a company in Sirus called USI...They're intentions were not hostile but as a result, we now have the ability to bring in Sirian goods to our bases to study and use...**
**Last and most important...It seems fruit has been bared from the tree of opprotunity...With the total deletion of our files on the Omicron-80 system...Our relations have now strengthened with Monsieur Jameson, and as a result with the transport of two full L'ane's of the goods the Maltese call "Cardimine"...I have sent 1000 units to Valance Base as an initial drop...I will unload the rest to our other bases....then finally send a sample of the items to our few scientists that we have with us to study it in detail...**
{Camera Logs Opened}
{Camera 62 - Valence Base - Cargo Bay 13}
{Prioritised by Medical Personnel}
{Displaying Recorded Video Feed}
A grainy video feed shows one of the many cargo bays on Valence. This one is packed high with containers, each of which is marked by a 'hazardous materials' symbol. A meter wide gap has been left between the containers and the wall, and the camera can see from a corner down two of these long passagelike spaces.
A figure can be seen entering the bay from the single large door leading to the rest of the station.
{Retinal scan confirmed}
{Password confirmed}
{Voice recognition confirmed}
{Neural net ID Confirmed: Etien Fitzroy}
A hood conceals Etien's face, as well as the bruises covering it, from sight. He can be seen gazing at the containers, moving along the row, every few moments his hand brushing against the cool metal. A pained whisper can be heard as he moves close to the audio reciever located under the camera.
"...So long I wanted this......and it comes to me in the strangest the devices of another..."
{Containment breach has been detected in container 37-C, Cargo Bay 13}
{Cause: Suspected Hostile Nanites - Unknown Origin}
{Sealing Cargo Bay}
Etien's hand brushes over the tiniest crack in one of the containers. Realising the danger, he limps towards the door, desperately trying to override the security controls, but to no avail. He can be seen typing furiously at the computer beside the door
{Communication from Cargo Bay 13 Detected}
{Destination: Medical Personnel}
{Comm Data Has Corrupted}
{Backups Corrupted}