They mention that the LPI-, [LN], and =LSF= haven't bothered them anytime til now, what they fail to account for is that...
the LPI, [LN] and =LSF= don't act, or do act a certain way, unless the government issues an order for them to do so.
It's a civilan trial, the only way the IND can take ingame combat actions against us is by mercenaries, or the LPI. The Navy and the LSF have no connection to the IND, which is a corporation, and does not represent the state of Liberty. It's not a government issue.
' Wrote:So they were used oorply to decide the outcome of the trial. Thank you for making that clear to me Alley.
Also, using those links in the way that you have to forcefully and oorply attempt to enforce trial's outcome, and the community's opinion on a thing such as an inRp trial, makes me sick. My opinion is that you should both shove that Forum Moderator Title up your throats.
And since not you or Tanker, as Forum Moderators won't stick to the god damned topic, I guess I can do the same.
-We asked for Laws. Were told to 'Find them yourself'. Not something I'd expect form a judge.
-We asked again, and we were asked for money in exchange for the laws. Seriously?
In any sort of human civilization, laws are PUBLIC and cannot be kept away from any human being, even more so in the case of a trial.
Using Law as a means of forcefully imposing a fine is plain stupid. But then again, that trial is not an example of stupidity, it's an example of powergaming.
Tanker, the only way of me knowing that is by taking your word for it. I don't want to tell you how much your word is worth to me right now.
Since when, just because I became a mod to keep the forum a bit organised, did it therefore revoke me the right to state my personal opinion ? Since when, just because I became a mod, will my opinion count in a roleplay ? I have no say at all in this roleplay, stop pulling assumptions out of your paranoia.
The only thing I stated is that the CR used inRP malignancy to create issues to the IND, especially by lieing about docking rights and then trying to spread that out to multiple factions. The real issue is : was this only a roleplay thing or did the beautiful CR HC decided to pull an oorp holywar on the IND for whatever reason ? I'm pretty sure if it wasn't a habit from the CR, that question wouldn't have rised in anyone's mind.
I fail to see how this is off topic. After all it's this very specific event that led to this chain of actions, and led to Linkus posting this because this chain of actions led to the Republic of Liberty lawyering the CR. Of course, we all know how it is when things don't go your way, so please don't pull that joke on me.
Linkus knows I am a straight up guy, I even advised a couple of routes, measures both today and back when the trial was taking place. On paths to resolution.
You could go any number of routes, you could have treated this like an arbitration, and fought on the grounds of a solid and compelling argument.
Fought on the grounds of evidence.
You could even have challenged the IND on PR grounds. You could have requested a delay/extension for the appeal due to the fact that you just got rogered sideways by Valours...
the route chosen, however, was to ignore the RP and hope that it went away. And, until today, I had no idea that it hadn't done just that. People are choosing now to give consequence to inRP action.
Inaction is an RP action.
You have a few choices that remain, either you continue to duck and weave the issue, knowing that you have zero traction on that front. Meet the RP head on and fight back. Or simply capitulate in somefashion that saves you face, and causes the opponant to loose face.
Hell I would have loved the idea of a PR campaign centered around starving babies born on the decks of rundown battleships, being exploited by the evil mega-corporation's greed...
It makes the IND linked through the LPI. Even if it is a third cousin sort of connection. Or long lost brother sort of connection. They are still there.
Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid. - David Hackworth (1930 - 2005)
' Wrote:Rommie. It's just basic common sense. I could paste the laws from some countries here. Would that make you feel better?
If you use basic common sense and life example, the payment will be somewhere between few thousand Sirius credits to few hundred thousand. I've already posted the summary on USA practice in that case (although it's wiki, but still).
Also I bet RL lawyers here can bring in more things, like Liberty's "jurisdiction" over something that didn't happen on it's territory, etc.
Quote:Between 1992 and August 2004, 41 criminal defamation cases were brought to court in the United States, among which six defendants were convicted. From 1965 to 2004, 16 cases ended in final conviction, among which nine resulted in jail sentences (average sentence, 173 days). Other criminal cases resulted in fines (average fine, 1700 USD), probation (average of 547 days), community service (on average 120 hours), or writing a letter of apology.[12]
Sure, sue CR for 1700 Sirius Credits, I think they'd accept that?
Note: I'm not acting as a member of CR in that case, and not representing anything related to official CR position.
EDIT: And all I wrote here is offtopic anyway, since the thread is about "Courts on disco", not about that particular case and that particular sum.
' Wrote:Since when, just because I became a mod to keep the forum a bit organised, did it therefore revoke me the right to state my personal opinion ? Since when, just because I became a mod, will my opinion count in a roleplay ? I have no say at all in this roleplay, stop pulling assumptions out of your paranoia.
The only thing I stated is that the CR used inRP malignancy to create issues to the IND, especially by lieing about docking rights and then trying to spread that out to multiple factions. The real issue is : was this only a roleplay thing or did the beautiful CR HC decided to pull an oorp holywar on the IND for whatever reason ? I'm pretty sure if it wasn't a habit from the CR, that question wouldn't have rised in anyone's mind.
I fail to see how this is off topic. After all it's this very specific event that led to this chain of actions, and led to Linkus posting this because this chain of actions led to the Republic of Liberty lawyering the CR. Of course, we all know how it is when things don't go your way, so please don't pull that joke on me.
Nobody posts here without a purpose, Alley. Just because you have no say in the roleplay matter doesn't mean your words won't affect the issue oorply. Even more since you're in one of those forum groups that imply that your words carry more weight than a regular member's, whether you mean it or not.
And it's not the Republic of Liberty lawyering the CR, it's the IND. A corporation from Liberty.
' Wrote:It's a civilan trial, the only way the IND can take ingame combat actions against us is by mercenaries, or the LPI. The Navy and the LSF have no connection to the IND, which is a corporation, and does not represent the state of Liberty. It's not a government issue.
I wasn't talking about in game combat actions, I was simply bringing it up because one of you guys mentioned the LPI, LSF and LN.
So I was responding to say that the LN, LPI and LSF do what the 'Lib Gov' wants, when it wants.
So if say one week the CR is neutral and being assisted by the [LN], the next week it's entirely possible that the [LN] will be evicting CR vessels from Libertonian space.