I have some unexpected business to handle, if things go as planned I shall return fairly soon. I will leave my medals and Identification card. I'm also leaving my ship in the care of the navy, I have a meeting and can't be late. This is possibly my last chance to achieve my "goal" then I may never have another shot. In my absense my replacement will be Captain magnum. Congratulations Admiral.
To: SA
Comm ID: (insert what ever my rank is here) Greg
engaged multiple pirates in texas: Queen_Anne's_(something here, cant remember), A BMM tagged-outcast id'ed-OC cruiser, and a small ship of some sort...
also to be added to KoS list: Will, for smuggling cardamine
Passing along some intill . [SA]-LNS-BB will be offline for some time due to computer in real life not working right.. when fix an working right well be back..
Caught a pirate named Rogue63, he engaged me while I was sitting in front of LA. Stood no chance in his pathetic bomber against a cruiser.
After a while, recieved a transmission from a bounty hunter reporting that a cardemine smuggler was in action in Texas. I halted and made the guy pay fine for docking at planet Houston with a load of cardemine in his cargo hold despite my stop call.
"ooc" And if i see that again, your name will be revealed.
' Wrote:To: SA Command
Comm ID: -------
Passing along some intill . [SA]-LNS-BB will be offline for some time due to computer in real life not working right.. when fix an working right well be back..
Comm ID: Christopher Phelps
Target: Admiral RedBear, Wedge, and Virginia HQ.
hmm intresting I see recruiting has been going on without the consent of high command. Also "LNS" sounds like a capship to me, I believe all ensigns are only capable of flying a Guardian class VHF.
((Also posting an actual comm ID is appreciated thank you.))
It seems your under the impression your my replacement. Planning to get rid of me are you? Well, that must mean you plan to kill me, try me pal section 8 and possibly your death. Make my day I'll be waiting.