I was on patrol in California when the wanted criminal who calles himself "Rogue 63" was spotted disrupting the Riverside Staion to New York Jump Gate Trade Lane. I imediately engaged and Severly damaged the rogue, and he ran to the cortez jump hole. He manged to escape though it and, apparently called in some heavyer weapons.
His brother, "Grinch 1" arrived shortly in a heavly upgraded gunboat and started attacking lawful vessels in the immidiate vicinity of the Magellan Jump Gate. Fortunately "[RSAM]Stier" (RGB) arrived and we engaged the hostile. In the battle, the un-outfitted Quartet sustained critical damage and was forced to leave the battle to the Stier. We had heavly damaged the criminal, dispite his gratious use of nanobots and batteries, and the Stier finished him off.
The Quartet, consequently is being repaired in the dry docks.
LtCmr. Belkin, out
Transmition End : -------
Edit: added screenies
Loyal SA Commander
-It's simple. Houston has the best BBQ, and Denver has the best doughnuts! -Belkin (snack conversation)
Well I'm back, but only to let the high command members know I'm going on vacation. Magnum will still take my place as the acting admiral, also I want you all training long and hard while I'm away. When I return I want the Southern Alliance to be stronger than ever, good luck to you all while I'm away and enjoy it because when I get back the training schedule will be brutal.
Im afraid there was a mistake in the contruction of the Retribution and I have taken it back to correct this problem.
I am not sure ho long this may take, but I hope she will be ready soon.
Cmr. Flint, Reporting out.
Transmition End : -------
Loyal SA Commander
-It's simple. Houston has the best BBQ, and Denver has the best doughnuts! -Belkin (snack conversation)
From: Republican Express Shipping, Inc.
Public Relations Department
To: Southern Alliance High Command
Subject: Relations Request
Dear Sirs,
We here at RepEx would first like to thank you for the work you do in Liberty Space to protect ours and other trading company interests within your space. We would not be able to do our jobs unless you did yours. Secondly, we would like to extend our hands in friendship to you. We ask for your continued protection and offer our services and allegiance to you and the laws of Liberty. We hope that this request is well received and we look forward to your response.
Republican Express Shipping, Inc.
Public Relations Management
OOC: We would like to be added to your list of friendlies and we will give any help you request from our Security department and request the same from you while we are trading within Liberty.
<span style="color:#FF0000"><strike>RETIRED</strike></span>
From: Republican Express Shipping, Inc.
Public Relations Department
To: Southern Alliance High Command
Subject: Relations Request
Dear Sirs,
We here at RepEx would first like to thank you for the work you do in Liberty Space to protect ours and other trading company interests within your space. We would not be able to do our jobs unless you did yours. Secondly, we would like to extend our hands in friendship to you. We ask for your continued protection and offer our services and allegiance to you and the laws of Liberty. We hope that this request is well received and we look forward to your response.
Republican Express Shipping, Inc.
Public Relations Management
OOC: We would like to be added to your list of friendlies and we will give any help you request from our Security department and request the same from you while we are trading within Liberty.
Comm ID: Christpher Phelps
To: RepEX public relations
Wow on vacation and Virginia is still sending me news, I guess worry free doesn't apply to the navy. As for the offer that RepEX has put forth, the Southern Alliance happily accepts this offer. The Southern Alliance garuntees you our help while within liberty space or on borders (Magellen,Cortez,Bering, and Hudson) good luck with the trade.
As the changes to the Retribution are taking longer than i expected and is reported that it is a problem with the frame, and will have to be completely rebuit, i will cancel it and ready the LNS-Predator.
Cmr. Flint, Reporting Out
Transmition End : -------
Loyal SA Commander
-It's simple. Houston has the best BBQ, and Denver has the best doughnuts! -Belkin (snack conversation)
Shiloh was performing ship maneuvers with Predator and Longshot when a Pirate named Grinch_1 appeared and posed a threat to the California System. He was soon taken care of by the excellent tactics used by our men. Commendations to the Captains of the Predator and Longshot for a job well done.
John Matrix
cc: Captain (Predator) please submit the full report. Thank you.
I made a good selection with the Predator.
Earlyer today the mence knowen as "Grinch 1" moved though the Magellan jump hole into California and engaged varoius military, police, and commercial ships by the vicinity of the Magellan Jump Gate.
Myself, the LNS-Longshot, and the LNS-Shilo analyzed the situation and engaged. Thanks to our planning and team work, we knocked the Grinch strait out of the sky.
Continuing Patrols,
Cmr. Jason Flint
Transmition End : -------
OOC: hmm, i thought i took scrennies......
Loyal SA Commander
-It's simple. Houston has the best BBQ, and Denver has the best doughnuts! -Belkin (snack conversation)
Got transmission from SFBS-Norwich reporting that an unknown identity had infiltrated California. We discovered later on that it was a nomad battleship. He got stuck in New York jumpgate and was terminated immediately because of working with HF who had entered California as well without permission. After a while a Hessian Cruiser emerged helping the HF fighters against us. He was destroyed as well thanks to Norwich, yet while dealing with these capital ships, HF pilots dealt considerable damage on LNS-Arizona which is now undergoing for internal repairs.