Do you want to become a part of our Mining and Transporting company? Then join us today! Krüger Mineralien can offer you a variety of things, from helping to set up your first Krüger ship, weather it is a transport, mining or an escort ship and providing the safest working conditions to flying to all parts of Sirius sector, seeing things you never saw before, strength Rheinland economy, serving the Vaterland and the most important thing... GREATEST COLLECTIVE you will ever find out there.
Krüger Mineralien can offer you 3 company branches:
Krüger Mineralien offers you a support in form of a behemoth class ship + up to 200 Million credit loan with 0 interest! Also shared company ships can be given upon request.
We know you want this! Vorsitzander Julian Müller.
To get a better acquaintance with the company you will be joining please take a look at the following documents:
[color=#33FF33]Insert your Personality Traits here[/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Tell us more about you (Biography, the longer the better):[/color][/b]
[color=#33FF33][align=justify]Insert your Biography here[/align][/color]
[color=#33FF33][align=justify]Insert your Education and/or Previous Occupations/Employments/Jobs here[/align][/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Why do you want to join Krüger Mineralien and what do you expect from the company:[/color][/b]
[color=#33FF33][align=justify]Insert your reasons for joining Krüger Mineralien here[/align][/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Desired Branch (mark with X):[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]What is your local timezone?[/color][/b]
[color=#33FF33]Insert your local timezone here[/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]What is your skype name, not the skype call-sign or Discord ID (one of 2 is required)?[/color][/b]
[color=#33FF33]Insert your Discord name here[/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]How long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7?[/color][/b]
[color=#33FF33]Insert your time spent on Disco here[/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7?[/color][/b]
[color=#33FF33][align=justify]Insert your reason(s) here[/align][/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Are you currently in any official or unofficial faction(s) in Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7, if yes which one(s)?[/color][/b]
[color=#33FF33]Insert your faction(s) here[/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]What OOC reason(s) do you have for joining Krüger Mineralien, if you have any?[/color][/b]
[color=#33FF33][align=justify]Insert your OOC reason(s) here[/align][/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules?[/color][/b]
[color=#33FF33]Insert your answer here[/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]How do you rate your (1-10):[/color][/b]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]English:[/color][/b] [color=#33FF33]Insert your English speaking and writing skill level here[/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Fighting skills:[/color][/b] [color=#33FF33]Insert your Fighting skill level here[/color]
[b][color=#FFFFFF]Roleplaying skills:[/color][/b] [color=#33FF33]Insert your Roleplaying skill level here[/color]
If your application is declined, don't worry, you can reapply in 2 weeks using the same info or updated info, if required.
Applications will be judgged very strict... We accept some grammar mistakes, but not a disorder. And if something is wrong, we will contact you, but you have to do as we say.
Quote:For accepted members only!
Make sure you read and follow these steps:
1. Before you start section.
- Don't forget to PM me the ship names before you make-name/rename them and remember to use the naming convention!
- Krüger Mineralien ships mainly use the German city names (use Google for city names and make sure that they are not already used).
2. Remember.
- To avoid jump-holes.
- To not-destroy the ship "without a reason".
- To maintain RP everywhere in space.
- Remember to make sure who is talking in the system chat, if your name is not displayed.
- To follow the SERVER RULES.
- Make sure you understand and follow the ''LAWS OF RHEINLAND''.
Full Name: Johann Von Struger Birthdate and Age: 797 A.S- 20 Years of Age Place Of Birth: Planet Stuttgart Look:
Sex: Male
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Blonde
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 180lbs
More (optional):
Photo (optional): Personality Traits: Desire to work for va vatherland, by which ever job. Quick to the point. With Military background, has built a skill to work at a fast but efficient pace.
Education: Basics, though I had not moved onward with mein education I do master in mathematics.
Previous Occupations: Rheinland Militar transport crew operator, and Security wing.
Well, growing up on Planet Stuttgart, mein education was not great. But I made with what I could, but nearing my year of 18, I turned to the Rhiendland Militar to fight for das Kanzler. Unfortunately after two years of service, mein duty was cut short after a transport I was on was ambushed and nearly destroyed by those communists Hessians. Normally it would be mein job to be apart of the security wing for safe delivery of the transports, unfortunately the one time I was placed on the crew, it would be nearly the end of mein life. Though nearly lost, we had made it to our destination, though with an extreme case of burnt flesh in mein leg, I was paid and honorably discharged from service in the Militar. I wish to continue to serve for das kanlzer by protecting the goods we produce to help zhe people of Rheinland prosper.
OORP form: What is your local timezone? PDT/PST
What is your skype (required) and x-fire (optional) name? |GhostFace| No x-fire(at least I don't use it)
Are you in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)? RoS, RM, Order|, for right now. Working with Maquis and [C].
Why do you want to join us? Never been in a trading faction and want to get into that organized mining/trading business, and why not join a company that's located in Rheinland.
Do you agree with the server rules? Of course, never been warned or sanctioned.
How do you rate your (1-10):
English: 10
Fighting skills: 7
Roleplaying skills: 9
OORP test questions: Explain with Your own words what does the RP mean... To me it means to interact with others as if you were the character you created, in other words, if your a German Military man, I would speak to others professionally with strong pride for the Kanzler.
Why does the player gets sanctioned? For breaking the rules.
Maquis|Leon.LaBreau-If your interested in joining the Maquis PM me. [RM]Of.Viktor.Niklovach[RoS]GhostFace[E]David.DeWester[101st] Order|Ens.Adam.Jones[C]Jean.Claude.Moreau Kruger Security-Johann Von Struger]bd[Akio.Kimura
ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Vorsitzender Gustav Albrecht To:Johann Von Struger Subject:Recruitment Application
Guten tag -Johann Von Struger-,
I will start off by informing you that Kruger has [color=#33FF33]-ACCEPTED- you as apart of our escort wing. Prior military service is always an excellent thing to see on an application. The military produces individuals with great discipline and strong work ethic. Both of which are very important in security and escort services.
I'd like to get you out on duty as soon as possible, so let's get you started by you sending me your ship specifications and ship name over private comms. You can look Here for naming conventions and faction information.
Next I would like to direct you to our Requisition Office, here you can learn about promotions, request loans and shared ships. Here.
And don't forget to stop off at our bar, have a drink, and introduce yourself. Here.
ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Vorsitzander Gustav Albrecht To:Werner Hoffman Subject:Recruitment Application
Guten tag -Werner Hoffman-,
To have been mining for that long you must know mining pretty good, sounds like you would fit well within the Kruger Corporation. However, there is one minor problem. Without access to S.K.Y.P.E, I am not exactly sure how we would contact you. That is currently the system we use to communicate, between miners, escorts and transports. So without S.K.Y.P.E, it seems you would be a sitting duck, and I cannot knowingly send employees into dangerous situations.
So instead of denying your application, or accepting it, we are putting it on review. Register into the S.K.Y.P.E. network, forward your contact details to us, and then I am sure we could find a place for you in Kruger.
I know purchasing software/system licenses for independent businessmen can be taxing, so I will offer you S.K.Y.P.E. under Kruger's corporate license.
Transmission application begins: Full Name: Bamburg berli Birthdate and Age: 790AD, 27 years old Place Of Birth: New Berlin Look: Proper
Sex: boy
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Pitch Black
Height: 5 foot 9
Weight: 139 lbs
More (optional):
Photo (optional): Personality Traits: I like painting, mining, molding, and crafting
What can you tell us about your self?: I like pie and strong beer. I do not like to get angry either mates so don't push it.
OORP form: What is your local timezone? -5 GMT, Eastern USA
What is your skype (required) and x-fire (optional) name? I have none.
Are you in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)? RHA
Why do you want to join us? I have never tried out this kind of faction before so i wanna have a go. I think it would be fun to be part of the Kruger faction too.
Do you agree with the server rules? yes
How do you rate your (1-10):
English: 8
Fighting skills: 7
Roleplaying skills: 8
OORP test questions: Explain with Your own words what does the RP mean... RP means when you act like humans with real emotions meaning you would act like people would when i gun is pointed in your face. Cower.
Why does the player gets sanctioned? When you don't follow the rules or you are really really bad.
Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering!
ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Vorsitzander Gustav Albrecht To:Johann Von Struger and Bamburg Berli Subject:Recruitment Application
Guten tag -Johann Von Struger and Bamburg Berli-,
I regret to inform that both of your applications have been [size=small][color=#FF0000]- Denied - due to your refusal to register with the S.K.Y.P.E. Network. Communication and cooperation are key in a corporation of Kruger's size, and without the network I'm afraid you would be flying blind. I hope you reconsider, and if you do Kruger will be here!