First off, I commisioned a gunboat called the Arcana.Somehow I wasn`t allowed to change the name myself.... Like the archives dont want me to pick a name for my own ship... I wonder why...?
secondly, said gunboat has already shot the **** out of a mute artifact smuggler on her maiden voyage. I was tipped off that an artifact smuggler was headed for Manhattan. I intercepted him about 12k from manhattan. he refused to stop and was mute so I burned him.
after patrolling for a bit a hacker gs emerged. Dimitrova and another navy pilot I dont know attacked him and he went pop.
Then we went to the cali gate and were forced to open fire on a retarded navy captain's ship who refused to obey orders. when his ship was about to explode, he finally ceased his foolishness and left.
We lost 1 fighter to enemy fire: Matt Smith got his ship snacced by a pirate bomber. I returned the favor by emptying the main gun in said bomber's face.
1 pirate fighter remained. Dimitrova was fighting her but she exploited the the lack of agility of dimitrova's Cupholder. So Jason Hunter is fighting her as we speak. I have to go now. I have a<strike> date</strike> crossroad on the road of life ahead of me.
LN Comm System: OPEN
TO: LN Command
FROM: Ensign Matthew Ramsey
RE: Patrol Report
Just a brief report this evening. After chasing off some [Cartel] pirates from NY trade lanes with the help of an LSF agent and a Liberty Navy gunboat, I encountered the Rogue guboat Flynner on the Mojave-NY JG trade lane in California. He had ten lawful pilots in his hold. After some negotiation, I was able to purchase their freedom and get him off the trade lane for the day. I immediately returned the pilots to West Point for medical treatment.
***** Incoming Transmission *****
***** From : LNS-Soul.Mark.II *****
Comm ID:Captain Bridge
' Good evening gentlemen,
Today I have something shocking to report, the rumours of the Rogue's becoming capital ship owners are true. The LNS-Soul, became under attack by a Rogue Cruiser during it's patrol to Texas. My crew were shocked, as was I. I called the red alert, but the cruiser managed to open fire before my gunners were ready, it managed to close down out shield within minutes, however, the generator booted up, and shields were regained, we opened fire with our main gun, and several shots from the Light Mortar did it's job, at great timing.
I'll let high command provide the next steps with this topic
LN Comm System: OPEN
TO: LN Command
FROM: Ensign Matthew Ramsey
RE: Patrol Report
Reporting the loss of my ship last evening, and my setup in a new one today. Last evening, I met a trader - QwertyNm at West Point for escort to Mojave. In the lane to the CA JG, we were disrupted by three pirates: Gill.Brown, Castigan, and a Hacker GB, Zrrf. I stayed close to the trader, warning off the pirates, but to no avail. Gill.Brown began firing upon the trader, upon which I fired upon him until he disengaged. He proceeded to re-engage from time to time until the trader made it safely through the JG to Cali. Immediately following that, at least two of the pirates began firing upon me as I attempted to return to West Point. Eventually, my ship was destroyed.
I was pleased, however, to hear later that the trader made it safely to his destination. Well worth the trouble, in my book.
In a recent skirmish with the Rheinlanders, the Battlecruiser Groom Lake was taking point to destroy the invaders when a massive reactor leak caused a catastrophic explosion on board, shattering the reactor core and containment field. All those within Sector-5 were killed instantaneously. With limited offensive and defensive technology left working, the ship was a prime target for the Rheinlanders. I ordered an evacuation and all but fifteen made it out alive.
I will personally be making the calls to the relatives, meeting some of them in person.
This tragic event also marred the maiden voyage of the experimental, Trinity-class Dreadnought; The [LN]-LNS-Minneapolis. I will be stationed on board the Minneapolis for the next week or so, overseeing the final stages of development - Choosing the cafeteria menu. My new extension is +MINN01 if anyone wishses to contact me.
Incoming Secure Transmission
Confirming target ID: Liberty Navy, Liberty Security Force and LPI operatives and Officers.
Confirming sender: Nikasha Jinko
COMM IDCommander Thomas Logan (Acting Captain) :Secondary Fleet TARGET ID:Secondary Fleet Command, All Liberty Navy Mobile Assets SUBJECT:Contact Report ENCRYPTION:High PRIORTY:Medium
Today we completed fitting of the LNS Black River, and commenced our maiden patrol. At 1830 SMT we launched from San Jacinto Station, and made way for our primary area of operations, the Texas system.
At 1840 SMT, we arrived in Texas, and commenced an initial patrol sweep.
At 1855, we opened communications with LSF vessel LSFC-Heroic. Heroic reported a Rogue Destroyer in New York system, and requested assistance. Due to the severe nature of the threat, I gave orders to set course for New York.
By 1900, the Heroic had advised of a second Rogue Destroyer near West Point. My comm station detected, and sent a tactical update to LNS Voidrunner, whose captain indicated his vessel would respond.
At 1902, Black River arrived at Norfolk and held position. Additional assets were brought to tactical alert, including-
Vessels moved into search pattens. I held Black River at Norfolk, pending further clarification of ememy force.Several minutes were spent in attempting to locate the hostile vessels.
At approximately 1918, our vessel picked up a faint IFF signal of a large vessel, along the Norfolk to Fort Bush tradelane.
At 1922, LNS-Voidrunner reported sensor contact with one of the vessels, and confirmed vessel class as a Rogue Destroyer, interpeted as a variant of the Scylla Class. Voidrunner reported vessels apparent course as bound for Rochester base, in the Jersey debris field.
At 1925, Bounty Hunter gunship Yojimbo reported the Target had docked at Rochester Base.
At 1927, LNS-Vortex arrived on scene, and was added to fleet comms. Reported they were near West Point. I gave orders to my crew to rendezvous with the Vortex at West Point. We arrived at West Point, and tailed the Vortex towards Manhattan, then into the Jersey Debris field.
By 1937, the Black River had searched and secured the lower end of the field nearest the lanes. LSFC-Heroic confirmed the target had docked at Rochester base.
At 1938, our comm center intercepted parital transmissions between a Junker vessel, and LNS-Vortex.
.:j:.Special.Ops: I appreciate the base here and all
.:j:.Special.Ops: But your presence here is bad for our business
LNS-Vortex: Jason: Ahh, well then junker, kick that rogue dessie out so we can deal with it.
.:j:.Special.Ops: I have no information what so ever about a Rogue Dessie here only these guys say there is.
LNS-Vortex: Jason: Well then how about you go and check your base for a destroyer.
At 1945, LNS-Vortex reported receiving a call for assistance in the ****** system. Black Rivers' comm station established brief contact with LNS-Sacramento, who reported two unknown contacts in ****** system.
LNS-Voidrunner and LNS-Vortex, with gunboat LNS-USS-Pandora, set course to assist LNS-Sacramento.
With enough forces near Rochester, and LNS-Sacramento provided with adequate support, I directed my crew to attempting to locate the second reported Destroyer.Though clearly only to locate and report, being a gunboat class. I ordered the Black River to the Manhattan to West Point Lane, when at approxomately 1955, we encountered LSF officer Reno.Ashford, who had stopped what was clearly a Rhineland fightercraft. (Call sign -Dilan_Hunt) I shadowed the vessel alongside the LSF pilot, until I determined the matter was firmly under his control.
At 1957, We were contacted by a light bomber , call sign RF|Vito.Tagliano[S]:, who began to make what I initially interpeted to be a series of idle threats. I approached this bomber to give it closer attention. He seemed only interested in spouting nonsense.
However, at 1959, a Rogue Destroyer, transponder ID "Dispair.And.Disarray" quickly closed with my vessel. As of this afteraction report, I believe it is fair to surmise, based on the vessels behavior, that the bomber RF|Vito.Tagliano[S]: probably reported my isolated condition to the Rogue vessel, as he did seem to make a point of attempting to delay us. I immediately launched a distress call, and gave orders to withdraw the Black River. The Destroyer closed incredably fast, and was in firing range in seconds.
The bomber contact "ordered" me to hold, as did the destroyer. As I was clearly outclassed, I concluded that no good would come of surrendering to their demand, and continued towards West Point.
At 2000, both the Destroyer and the Bomber opened fire. Only the sharp maneuverability of the Black River prevented its loss to hostile fire. The enemy vessels put down an enormous amount of fire, requiring our constant movement and taking out succeeding sets of trade lanes before we could reach them. At one point, I turned the Black River into the Destroyer, with enough time for one pass with the guns. I believe I inflicted little, if any, damage, but I might have surprised him, and they seemed to hold back a moment, long enough to get the Black River under the protective fire of West Points defence batteries. With total failure of all shields, I was forced to moor at West Point under cover fire.
At 2002, I broadcast Black Rivers status as out of action, and gave last known coordinates of the Destroyer.
As a final task before tending to repairs, I contacted Naval Gunboat LNS-Absolution-Assault7. and apprised them of the situation. Absolution-Assault7 reported contact with another Destroyer, transponder tag "Praeclarus". Having been seen in the California system earlier.
Absolution-Assault7 reported contact in the West Point to Norfolk lane at 2013.
2014 contact lost due to residual damage to comm system.
By 0110 we were able to restore full mobility, and returned to San Jacinto station for full repairs.
[color=#FF0000]Damage report
Casualties:2. Minor injuries to crewmen J.Davis and M.Swaim. Both have been treated, and are expected to return to active duty at 0700 hours.
-Aft dorsal exterior hull plate, sections twenty six thru thirty, were damaged, awaiting shipment of hull components.
-Shield generator sustained heavy damage, replacement has been installed.
-Missle Turret, slot #7, destroyed by enemy fire. Slated to be replaced with new unit 28Sep.
-8 EPS relays shorted due to shield matrix overload. Replaced.
Additional minor repairs are underway, and I expect a return to active duty by 29Sep. Will resume patrols of assigned sector once repairs complete.
Personal notes;
It could have gone alot better for the Black River, but it also could have been alot worse. We survived close contact and sustained fire from with a vessel over twice our size, with bomber support, and managed to withdraw without overly significant damage to the ship or loss of life. I've ordered extensive after action debriefings with the crew, to see what we can learn from this contact, and how to do better next time. I don't believe I was in error to withdraw, as I can't see how I could have sustained a contact with that class of vessel. It sure was a hard shakedown for our new boat. But my boys and girls have seen we can work together, and I think we're all more ready for the next time.
COMM IDCommander Thomas Logan (Acting Captain) :Secondary Fleet TARGET ID:Secondary Fleet Command, All Liberty Navy Mobile Assets SUBJECT:Patrol Report ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORTY:Medium
We'd just finished refitting Black River from our near-miss the other day, and were bringing her out for a operations check, when we received a report from Battleship Petersburg of a unknown, non Naval vessel jumping into Virginia from the Texas jumphole. At 0230 SMT, we received a transmission from the LNS Minneapolis, confirming the unknown contact as an outcast gunship. We made course towards the Texas hole, and picked up a faint sensor contact. I sent a localised transmission for the vessel to halt, but it was not heeded. As we approached the jumphole, we lost the contact and adjusted course, based on my conclusion that the contact was heading for the California jumphole. We'd just picked it up again when the contact jumped, and we headed in after him.
Upon arriving in the California system, we had a much better range to the contact, which operations identified as a "Tridente" Class gunship of Outcast manufacture, Outcast IFF, transponder designation "Zrrf" however, he had a head start on us, had engaged his cruise engines, and we were unable to close enough to run a through scan of the craft. I ordered firing of cruise disruptors, but we must have been just out of effective range.
The contact ran a hard burn into the Whitney Ice Field, and the scanner lock began to become intermittent. We lost the contact in the vicinity of Grid coordinates F-5 in the Whitney Field, and the contact escaped.We spent some time combing the field, but had no luck in finding him again. The vessels known characteristics have been added to the Black Rivers' tactical database, for future reference. We'll get him.
Moved into Texas system for a patrol sweep. During the sweep, we encountered a total of 12 mixed class Rogue fighters, 1 Rogue light transport,"Mule" class, and nine Outcast "Dagger" light fighters; all of whom attacked us on sight, a grave error on their part. We were able to save sixteen of the pilots.
Near the conclusion of our first sweep, we lost the primary control relays for the missle turret guidance system, apparently an aftereffect of the recent damage to the ship. I gave orders to return to San Jacinto, to have the problem addressed.
Upon reaching Virginia, I transferred the captured hostile pilots to LNS Castle Wilson, along with related data logs to assist in their prosecution.
Now docked at San Jacinto, see if we can shake out those equipment bugs.
...incoming message...
Comm ID - Recruit Chris.Elias
Subject - Patrol Report
*yawns* first day at work, and woah, whole eight hours, isn't that great?
so, the morning began with me getting into my brand new executioner. It's quite nice actually:)Then... a trip to Ontario, and there i spent the first five and a half hours of my day, fighting rookie hackers, xenos and rogues, they just keep coming... I had taken about 45 missions there already, and then i knew... i was ready to go to our system, where i outfitted my ship with all the equipment i needed, and went on a patrol.
A couple of rookies, trader ship scans, nothing significant, until the very end of my working patrol, when a LNS Carrier called me to coronado, where his ship was ambushed by The Order. When i got there, The Order ships were gone, and i escorted the LNS back to NY, and took west point lane to manhattan. I thought my day was over, but in the lane got disturbed in the middle by two pirate gunboats... Unfortunately one trader had to pay them, and another one got destroyed right before reinforcements arrived... the gunboat captains, seeing that a siege cruiser is closing in, tried to run for the 'lane, which was back up, one of them succeeded, but i managed to disturb it before the other one could get anywhere... a little bit of shooting, and one of them was down, i almost caught up with the other one, but he went into a zone where i didn't want to pursue him, and he was leaving the system anyway, so it's a clear win for us...
and that's the end of it.
::::Incoming Transmission::::
::::ID - Commander Mike Ypsilantis::::
::::Liberty Naval Report::::
Hmm, it's been quite some time since I submitted a report....and I do so hate writing out these drab things, but the situation warrants a report.
This report pertains to the LNS-Kitty.HawkAssualt11, the renegade gunboat. I encountered the Kitty Hawk and its captain's greatest love, Praeclarus, nearby Norfolk Shipyard. Upon getting in range of both ships, I quickly surveyed the scene and then opened up my S.K.Y.P.E. communications system to call for some bomber support. However, an explosion caused me to turn my attention back to the scene where I saw a secondary fleet ship suddenly explode as the escape pod jettisoned just in time.
Then, without a warning and a word, the Kitty Hawk opened fire on me, before I could even exclaim my surprise at what had just occurred or call for his arrest.
The whole situation then proceeded downhill. It seems I've gotten a tad rusty, but I accidentally pulled my bomber into a tight turn that was too close to the Kitty Hawk and so found myself in my escape pod.
The fact that the captain of the Kitty Hawk so ruthlessly opens fire, without almost any sort of word or any remorse, on his fellow officers is very disturbing. Such behavior would point to the captain having psychopathic or anti-social behavioral this someone could have gotten a gunboat is beyond me...and why his crew mates follow the captain's bloodthirty orders perplexes me more.
I only hope his crew sees reason and realize the crooked ways of their captain and mutiny.
Ypsilantis Out-
::::End Transmission::::
' Wrote:TDL Dark pretty much hit the nail on the head..