Just what exactly were you thinking when you told an LSF Agent to "bugger off" and then let him get annihilated by your apparent "buddy" in the nearby Rogue cruiser, Praeclarus. Here's the evidence: |001| |002| |003|
Although the LSF can be a pain in the arse, even I'll admit that, they're here to ensure everyone does their job correctly and to the highest possible standard. There's absolutely no room for that kind of language towards our allies and it simply wont be tolerated.
Your arse is on the line, Captain, think very carefully before responding.
::Incoming reply from the LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11::
>Starting message, recorded by Captain Jason Wade
<Jason appears on the screen, obviously not amused by looking at his face. He crosses his arms as soon as the message starts>
So you need an explanation? What is there to explain? The evidence shows all of it. I'm getting married. And if you didn't notice it yet, to Alexis Glover. The captain of the Praeclarus. Your beloved Liberty Security Force has already been acting like morons towards her. This event wouldn't be different than the previous times they ended up finding Alexis. They shot her, and I wasn't planning to let that happen again.
<Jason blinks a few times. He sits down in his chair, still with his arms crossed>
Do you have a wife? A girlfriend? Anything? If you do, then you know why I had this kind of behavior towards the person. I won't explain anything more than this. I simply don't need to explain anything more.
(a) Resign your command of the LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11 immediately and give command to your XO. You would be required to hand over any and all sensitive documents pertaining to national security and your clearance level would be revoked and access codes locked out. Essentially, you'd be discharged from the Liberty Navy.
Effective immediately, you're to hand command of the LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11 over to your XO whilst you make your decision. This ship is also grounded until this matter is resolved. You've been put on shore leave and your access codes have been temporarily revoked.
Personally, I wouldn't like to be making this decision - I hope you think through the magnitude of the situation you're in as well as the consequences of your pending decision.
Name: John Xiger
Rank: Capitan of LNS-Assault1
Commander of Assault Gunboat Wing
Transmission to Assault11
You have dissapoint me.
First in Hamburg when Mealstrom attacked me, you attacked me as well, asking to stop fighting, back than, I could understand that you not knew that Mealstrom is hunting navy.
However I see you are doing another trouble, and as your leader, I not can ignore it.
First of all, you informed me that you are getting married.
However you could try to negotiate without using that kind of language, I agree with Vice Admiral.
You are navy officer after all.
If you want to avoid fights with your Vife and make sure she is safe, than I have nothink again asking both sides to not fight, or to ask your Vife to leave possible battle.
However I wont tolerate any kind of harsh words and hostility to your comrades and our alies.
I can just hope that you can come back and lead Assault11 once again, good luck.
Now, my "open door" policy only applies to my office - Not to the communiques I send out. Keep whatever you saw in this communique confidential and erase any link you've received.
::Incoming reply from the LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11::
::Subject:'I don't think so, not in hell, not ever'::
>Starting message, recorded by Captain Jason Wade
<Jason reappears on-screen again, with a slight, evil grin on his face. He apparently just read the reply. His grin soon fades away>
I can't describe how disgusting and immoral this is. You're trying to use our love to gain information on the Liberty Rogues. It seems I have been in a wrong position as a Navy Captain.. All the time. Seems I'll reject both of your offers and take the Kitty Hawk straight to a Rogue base, let them dismantle it and use it against Liberty. If they have an undamaged gunboat in their possession, I'm sure they can figure out some what to be much more efficient versus the Navy's ships. And besides, what bad can you do if we're pulsing around the asteroid fields in California right now? We'll be out of your range sooner than you can launch your ships.
<Jason, which breathing started to speed up during the talking, seems to be calming down a little bit>
Or you can offer a more reasonable offer, and stop playing with fire. Go ahead, you can lose a Navy gunboat in the process of all of this. Both the ship and it's crew, or you can start using your brain.
Now I'm a little pissed off. Both options I gave you allowed you to walk away a free man with no charges laid against you. Feel lucky that I gave you the options in the first place - I could've easily declared you and your ship rogue, giving you a kill-on-sight status.
I don't negotiate with the officers supposedly under my command - They listen to orders and follow them to the goddamn word. Captain Jason Wade, you are dishonorably discharged from the Liberty Navy, you and your ship are now declared rogue, with all your access codes permanently locked out.
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]Fleet Admiral David Hale TARGET ID:Vice Admiral Malrone, Captain Jason Wade. SUBJECT:Dishonorable discharge ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORTY:Medium
Hale here.
Just to reiterate what Vice Admiral Malrone said...
Captain Jason Wade has been dishonorably discharged from the Liberty Navy and a warrant issued for his arrest. If Wade refuses to turn himself in within three standard days, then docking rights will be revoked for the LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11 on all Liberty controlled installations and planets.
If Wade does turn himself and his gunboat over to us, then we will assign the vessel to a new captain.
Now, a personal note to Mr Wade. Your gunboat doesn't matter to me. I don't know if you noticed just how many of them there are floating around, or the fact that they are considered to be inexpensive and of limited combat efficiency... Or did your bloated sence of self importance make you think you were a vital and irreplacable part of liberty's war machine? I suspect the latter.
You're an incompetant, angry, childish, irresponsible, idiot. I don't want people like that under my command. Good day Wade.
::Incoming reply from the LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11::
::Subject:'Crunchiest time'::
>Starting message, recorded by Captain Jason Wade
<Jason is seen giving commands to the crew members in the Kitty Hawk's bridge. He briefly faces the screen>
Then do your worst. The crew members which wanted to join me in this did, most notably executive officer Bill Green and battle coordinator Alex Williams. The rest can be replaced. And if you want a more precise answer.. Go to hell. <Jason is about to turn around and walk away, but suddenly turns around, facing the screen>
And another thing... Hale. None of the two cases you mentioned applies here. And I might be an irresponsible, incompetent and childish idiot, but I'm certainly not angry.