SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Battleship Strausberg,[color=#33CC00] New Berlin. [color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FF0000]High, port RM-CH-HC-0244-F.
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military. [color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Bretonian Government, Bretonia Armed Forces High Command. [color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Regarding the Omega treaty.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
The recent diplomatic and combat developments in the Omega sector brought forward a question of what we believe is a matter of national security to both of our nations. The increasing pirate activity and the influx of rogue military personnel prospecting for the shadowy organization known as the Wilde threaten not only the prosperous free trade, but the good relations between our two nations.
I'm not aware of to what degree the Omega treaty was signed by Bretonia nor Rheinland, as I was merely a Major back when the negotiations were conducted. Since the fleet leadership in the Rheinwehr has long changed and I believe the same applies to the Bretonia Armed Forces, I would like to ask for the re-evaluation of the Omega trade pact.
We are both aware of the neutral status enjoyed by both known Omega systems, that being Omega-3 and Omega-7, as well as the authorities that are meant to uphold peace and security therein. With both Bretonia and Rheinland having to focus on wars, sending able men to that region becomes harder and harder every day, which the malefactors present well use as an opportunity to fulfill their twisted goals.
Due to the aforementioned facts, I believe we can come to an agreement that is beneficial to both Houses, thus allow me to propose a draft of laws which can of course be amended according to mutual preference and further discussion.
The Kingdom of Bretonia will allow permanent access to Rheinland Military-affiliated vessels entering Omega-3 to uphold trade lane security and the freedom of trade if the following criteria to the entering vessels apply:
The entering vessels must be accompanied by a pilot ranking Feldwebel or above.[color=#33CC00]*
The entering vessels must not be of any larger class than the Rheinwehr korvette.
The entering vessels will not continue towards Bretonian sovereign territory without Armed Forces High Command authorization.
The entering vessels will not be parts of a Rheinland intelligence gathering organization (currently, the Rheinland Marinenachrichtendienst) unless permitted by the Armed Forces High Command.
The Kingdom of Bretonia will allow Rheinland Military vessels to engage Corsair, Red Hessian, Landwirtrechtbewegung, Bundschuh, Unioner, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army and "Wilde" -affiliated hostiles, as well as any non-Kusari based organizations the Armed Forces requests help to deal with, if aside the criteria listed in point 1, the following apply:
The Rheinland Military will not cause damage to any Bretonian law-abiding organizations.
The Rheinland Military will respect the Freeport regulations.
The Rheinland Military will not attack Liberty-based commercial nor military entities.
The Rheinland Military will be able to employ the right of self-defense.
The Rheinland Military will acknowledge Omega-3 as an independent system belonging to the jurisdiction of the Bretonian government, the Bretonia Armed Forces and the Bretonia Police Authority and will respect the laws issued by the aforementioned organizations.
The Rheinland Federal Republic will allow permanent access to Bretonia Armed Forces-affiliated vessels entering Omega-7 to uphold trade lane security and the freedom of trade if the following criteria to the entering vessels apply:
The entering vessels must be accompanied by a pilot ranking Lieutenant Commander or above.[color=#33CC00]*
The entering vessels must not be of any larger class than the Bretonia Gunboat.
The entering vessels will not continue towards Rheinland sovereign territory without Rheinland Military High Command authorization.
The entering vessels will not be parts of a Bretonian intelligence gathering organization (currently, the Bretonian Intelligence Service and the Albion Guard and their sub-organizations) unless permitted by the Rheinland Military High Command.
The Federal Republic of Rheinland will allow Bretonia Armed Forces vessels to engage Corsair, Red Hessian, Molly, Gaian, Bretonian Buccaneer, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army and "Wilde" -affiliated hostiles, as well as any non-Liberty based organizations the Rheinland Military requests help to deal with, if aside the criteria listed in point 1, the following apply:
The Bretonia Armed Forces will not cause damage to any Rheinland law-abiding organizations.
The Bretonia Armed Forces will not attack Kusari-based commercial nor military entities.
The Bretonia Armed Forces will be able to employ the right of self-defense.
The Bretonia Armed Forces will acknowledge Omega-7 as an independent system belonging to the jurisdiction of the Rheinland government, the Rheinland Military and the Rheinland Federal Police and will respect the laws issued by the aforementioned organizations.
The Rheinland Military and the Bretonia Armed Forces both reserve the rights to withdraw their signature from the treaty if one of the aforementioned parties fail to fulfill or break the criteria listed above.
* Ranking criteria may change in light of Armed Forces/Military reserve organization ranking structures.
I do hope I managed to propose something that is applicable and beneficial to both sides. I am of course, open to discussing any proposed amendments as well as adding more criteria as the Bretonian representatives deem fit.
Looking forward to your prompt reply as well as the continued cooperation.
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military. [color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Bretonian Government, Bretonia Armed Forces High Command. [color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Re: Regarding the Omega treaty.
Not that I wish to hasten your decision making as I understand you have a lot of issues on your hands, but can we please get an approximate date of a reply being made?
TO: Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military
RE: Omega Treaty
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the Admiralty Board of the Bretonian Armed Forces, I thank you for your patience on this matter. The treaty is currently under discussion by the BAF admiralty, who hopes to have a response for you quite soon, if not within the day.
Again, thank you for your forbearance on this matter.
[Comm ID: Mark Howe; New Whitehall]
[Target ID: Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military]
[CC: Bretonian Armed Forces High Command; Albion Guard]
[Subject: Re: Regarding the Omega Treaty.]
The Bretonian parliament has discussed, reviewed and passed a counter-proposal to the proposal recently sent to the Kingdom of Bretonia regarding the Omega systems;
Omega Treaty
A.) Omega-3
The Kingdom of Bretonia will allow access to Rheinland Military-affiliated vessels entering Omega-3 to uphold freedom of trade if the following criteria applies:
The entering vessels must be accompanied by a pilot ranking Feldwebel or above.*
The entering vessels must not be of any larger class than the Rheinwehr korvette, unless permission is granted by Government-approved personnel*.
The entering vessels will not continue into Bretonian core territory* without Armed Forces High Command, Director of the Bretonian Intelligence Service, or Bretonian Government authorization.
The entering vessels will not be parts of a Rheinland intelligence gathering organization, such as the Rheinland Marinenachrichtendienst, unless permitted by the Armed Forces High Command, Director of the Bretonian Intelligence Service, or Bretonian Government.
The Kingdom of Bretonia will allow Rheinland Military-affiliated vessels to engage Corsair, Red Hessian, Landwirtrechtbewegung, Bundschuh, Unioner, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, "Wilde" -affiliated hostiles, any non-Kusari based organizations the Armed Forces requests help to deal with, and any other criminal individual or organization bountied by the Rheinland Federal Republic. The following restriction apply:
The Rheinland Military will not cause damage to any Bretonian law-abiding organizations.
The Rheinland Military will not attack Liberty-based commercial nor military entities within Omega-3. Any Liberty vessels being found and attacked within Omega-7 that flee to Omega-3 are valid targets for the Rheinland Military.
The Rheinland Military will be able to employ the right of self-defense.
The Rheinland Military can request assistance from Bretonian forces. These forces reserve the right to deny this request.
The Kingdom of Bretonia will prohibit any Liberty combat or intelligence forces from launching operations against Rheinland out of Omega-3 or Bretonia core space.
The Federal Republic of Rheinland will acknowledge Omega-3 as an sovereign system belonging to the Kingdom of Bretonia and will respect all the laws of the house. In case of joint operation, the highest ranked Bretonian officer will take the lead of the joint wing within Omega-3.
B.) Omega-7
The Federal Republic of Rheinland will allow access to Bretonia Armed Forces-affiliated vessels entering Omega-7 to uphold freedom of trade if the following criteria applies:
The entering vessels must be accompanied by a pilot ranking Lieutenant Commander or above.*
The entering vessels must not be of any larger class than the Bretonia Gunboat, unless permission is granted by Government-approved personnel*.
The entering vessels will not continue into Rheinland core territory without Rheinland Military High Command, Director of the Marinenachrichtendienst, or Rheinland Government authorization.
The entering vessels will not be parts of a Bretonian intelligence gathering organization, such as the Bretonian Intelligence Service, unless permitted by the Rheinland Military High Command, Director of the Marinenachrichtendienst, or Rheinland Government.
The Federal Republic of Rheinland will allow Bretonia Armed Forces-affiliated vessels to engage Corsair, Red Hessian, Molly, Gaian, Buccaneer, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army and "Wilde" -affiliated hostiles, any non-Liberty based organizations the Rheinland Military requests help to deal with, and any other criminal individual or organization bountied by the Kingdom of Bretonia. The following restrictions apply:
The Bretonia Armed Forces will not cause damage to any Rheinland law-abiding organizations.
The Bretonia Armed Forces will not attack Kusari-based commercial nor military entities within Omega-7. Any Kusari vessels being found and attacked within Omega-3 that flee to Omega-7 are valid targets for the Bretonia Armed Forces.
The Bretonia Armed Forces will be able to employ the right of self-defense.
The Bretonian Armed Forces can request assistance from Rheinland forces. These forces reserve the right to deny this request.
The Federal Republic of Rheinland will prohibit any Kusari combat or intelligence forces from launching operations against Bretonia out of Omega-7 or Rheinland core space.
The Kingdom of Bretonia will acknowledge Omega-7 as an sovereign system belonging to the Federal Republic of Rheinland and will respect all the laws of the house. In the case of joint operations, the highest ranked Rheinland officer will take the lead of the joint wing within Omega-7.
C.) Limits
The Federal Republic of Rheinland and the Kingdom of Bretonia both reserve the right to withdraw their signature from the treaty if one of the aforementioned parties fails to fulfill, or breaks the criteria listed above.
SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinwehr Kreuzer Seydlitz,[color=#33CC00] New Berlin System. [color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FF0000]High, port RM-CH-HC-0244-F.
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military. [color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Mark Howe; New Whitehall. [color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Re: Regarding the Omega treaty.
Sehr Geehrter Herr Howe,
The Rheinland Military High Command has reviewed your amendments and after a throughout discussion, we decided to approve the counter-proposal as it stands.
With the signature of all Rheinwehr High Command members, and that of the Armed Forces and the Bretonian government, I believe we can both make our next steps towards announcing the treaty as official and implementing it into our modus operandi.
With the safety of the Omegas guaranteed by the successful cooperation between our military forces, I personally hope this can be the beginning of a longer-term mutual benefaction between our two nations.
[Comm ID: Mark Howe; New Whitehall]
[Target ID: Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military]
[CC: Bretonian Armed Forces High Command; Albion Guard]
[Subject: Re: Regarding the Omega Treaty.]
In honor of the Rheinland High Command, and Rheinland representatives. The Kingdom of Bretonia would wish to hold the signing on Planet Cambridge at the University of Cambridge. We wish to schedule the signing this following weekend. Which is hopefully acceptable for both parties. We will give an official date and time when Parliament has finish discussing such an event. You shall hear back from me within a couple of days.
[Comm ID: Mark Howe; New Whitehall]
[Target ID: Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military]
[CC: Bretonian Armed Forces High Command; Albion Guard]
[Subject: Re: Regarding the Omega Treaty.]
Admiral Voelkel,
We've discussed a time frame for the event to be held, we're wishing for it to be this Sunday, at Seven o'clock p.m. GMT + 2. The Bretonia Armed Forces will grant the Rheinland Military a gunboat escort, and a fighter escort to escort along a Rheinland Cruiser.
Armed Forces ships will be schedule to meet the delegation upon arrival to Omega-3, and will be escorted further into Bretonian space, once in Cambridge, the delegation will meet with the QCG|HMS-Dominion, and her escorts in orbit of Planet Cambridge where both parties will take shuttles down to the University of Cambridge for the signing to take place. If you find this acceptable, we'll have our treaty signed in no time.
SOURCE: [color=#FFCC00]Rheinwehr Kreuzer Seydlitz,[color=#33CC00] New Berlin System. [color=#33CC00][font=Impact]ENCRYPTION: [color=#FFCC00][color=#FF0000]High, port RM-CH-HC-0244-F.
[font=Verdana][color=#33CC00]SUBMITTER: [color=#FFCC00]Admiral Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military. [color=#33CC00]RECIPIENT: [color=#FFCC00]Mark Howe; New Whitehall. [color=#33CC00]SUBJECT: [color=#FFCC00]Re: Regarding the Omega treaty.
After a brief discussion, we found the timing to be acceptable, myself, Admiral Rall and Vizeadmiral Weissman will be able to attend the meeting in person.
Although, since the highest ranking military personnel of Rheinland will be present in space at the same time, I have to ask; how many additional Rheinwehr fighters will we be permitted to bring along?