Anyway, I'm always in for some pvp but not without some proper RP infront or within or after it. But often I have days where I'm just talking around without a shot fired. Even in a hacker ^^
just call your self something mexican and you are in :P like:
(this are some membres just for example)
and act like an angry mexican guy, arrriba aiaiaiai !!! pew pew
rob some bretonians , burn some BH and outcasts, enjoy your teqquila and chili :laugh:
Shadow Wrote:and act like an angry mexican guy, arrriba aiaiaiai !!! pew pew
rob some bretonians , burn some BH and outcasts, enjoy your teqquila and chili laugh.gif
theres only pvp if the IMG/Cr catch you in the taus, or if the GRN come a-callin. If you really dont want pvp, we can send you on a Cardi run. and if yer too poor for a transport, we have pretty freighters.