As you've seen, the title of this message is named ORDER BASTET. Since I've worked with the Order and fought side by side with numerous Order/Zoner agents against the Nomads and the Bounty Hunters Guild (ship names are following: Cerberus|Reaver, Cerberus|Maj.C-Swanson and Cerberus|Agnostic). I'm asking you if my rusty ol' Bastet could become my daily Zoner vessel.
I'm not asking for Order weaponry (although it would be nice to have the Order technology available for me, but it isn't that important) but only for the ship, because I deem it one of the best Very Heavy Fighters in Sirius so far. Will you give me permission to fly the Bastet as a Zoner pilot dear Order leaders?
---Transmission Closed---
*A Short beeping sound occurs*
<span style="font-family:Impact"><span style="color:#FF0000">JUDAS PRIEST - METAL GODS</span></span> Rob Halford - Glenn Tipton - <strike>K.K Downing</strike> Richie Faulkner - Ian Hill - Scott Travis
<span style="color:#FFFF00">We are Screaming for Vengeance!</span>
Your request to keep bastet as Zoner is denied.
Bastet class vessel is a prototype in certain way, as you know,
and High Command does not see strong enough reasons to allow you keeping it after joining the Zoners.
We do understand your efforts for Order,
but Zoners do have acess to quite good fighters aswell,
and I am sure you will find a suitable replacement for bastet.
That would be all.