::::Ubertragung von: Rheinland Militar Lieutenant Hans Putzkammer::::
::::Ubermittlung an: Oberkommando der Militar (OKM)::::
::::Verschlusselung Ebene: Low::::
FROM: Lieutenant Hans Putzkammer
SUBJECT: Promotion request from Lieutenant to Hauptmann
- Report of a scout mission/coordinated assault led against Liberty.
- Donation of 50 million credits (because valuable positions are buy able, you know).
- 2 members evaluated OR 2 training events led.
Evaluated Flieger Rheinhart Weiss
Evaluated Flieger Joseph Porta
Evaluated Flieger Miles Cadre
Evaluated Flieger Dominik Mertins
Lead a training event with:
Gerfriter Lindau
Flieger Axt
Flieger Resinger
Flieger Schoon
- Regular Field Activity
*Check* Mostly on the Hudson/Bering front
Und sorry for being a day late mein herren. I would have sent this the other day, But I was exhausted from fighting the Libertonians in our very own Hamburg und colaped on zhe bunk before I even checked the time. I once again apologize for my tardiness.
<<<<SENDER ID : Flieger Joseph Porta
<<<<RECEIVER ID : Oberkommando der Militar
<<<<SUBJECT : Promotion from Flieger to Gefreiter.
Guten Tag. I request a promotion from Flieger to Gefreiter.
Source: Mecklenburg Station, Office 203. From: Admiral Rall's Secretary, Albert Keller Subject: Promotions. Recipient: Flieger Laura Schoon, Flieger Dominik Mertins, Flieger Miles Cadre, Flieger Joseph Porta, Oberfeldwebel Wenzel Kreuzchen and Lieutenant Hans Putzkammer
Guten tag piloten,
I am proud to pronounce zhe latest batch of promotions!
First up we have a new bunch of Gefreiters, they have performed greatly as Fliegers and are ready to move on up the ranks. Here they are:
GefreiterLaura Schoon GefreiterDominik Mertins GefreiterMiles Cadre GefreiterJoseph Porta
Gut luck out there!
Secondly, I am glad to say that Wenzel Kreuzchen has been promoted from [color=#33FF33]Oberfeldwebel to [color=#33CC00]Hauptfeldwebel.
I now have a very special announcement. After a long Military career Hans Putzkammer, who became a symbol of hope to the people of our great nation, after numerous successful raids, many more daring acts and always willing to risk his own life for the people, I am proud to annonce that [color=#33CC00]Lieutenant Hans Putzkammer is hereby promoted to the rank of [color=#33FF33]Hauptmann
That concludes promotions at this time.
[color=#FFFFFF]Signed on behalf of [color=#99FF99]Fleet Admiral Gunther Rall,
Oberfeldwebel Albert Keller
Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid. - David Hackworth (1930 - 2005)
Accumulated Report Count: 15..Times three the amount of required reports.
And regular field activity, believe I have dedicated myself to the Militar, but I leave the decision up to High Command.
Maquis|Leon.LaBreau-If your interested in joining the Maquis PM me. [RM]Of.Viktor.Niklovach[RoS]GhostFace[E]David.DeWester[101st] Order|Ens.Adam.Jones[C]Jean.Claude.Moreau Kruger Security-Johann Von Struger]bd[Akio.Kimura