Greetings, I am Director Norom Diputs and I oversee the AI vessel DSE-Sentinel.Kiosk
When the ship first launched, I was very prompt about getting the ship a nomad license so that we could display and research our newly acquired artifacts. Those were good times...good and prosperous. Up to today, we've always had multiple officers or agents (mostly agents) come across the friendly Sentinel and wonder about the nomad items aboard. For the most part, they notice we have a license, and they go on their merry way to chase rainbows and shoot ships.
However, today I was informed by a rather persistent agent that our license was no longer valid...furthermore demanding that I immediately remove the many nomad artifacts from the ship, which was impossible given the many fail-safes built into our security system. Also because no doubt some insane nomad-lover would probably attempt to steal such items as they were being transported.
After talking to Admiral Anderson, I have agreed to ground the ship until further notice and hand all control over to the authorities, as long as the nomad artifacts remain safely aboard the ships in their designated zones. All nomad items currently being research have been put into safe containers aboard the ship.
All that I ask for is that we allowed to continue our research on nomads and our display of them in our space museum. All information regarding security, from our on-board guard patrol patterns to the security system schematics are available upon request.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We agree to the following terms and are fully willing to hear any other terms (and likely accept them):
1. We will provide results of the research to Liberty authorities.
2. We will provide any necessary data regarding containment and protection of the nomad items
3. We will instate any security options desired by the authorities as long as they are plausible
4. Nomad artifacts and items will ONLY be used as displays or for research
5. Nomad artifacts and items will not be sold to 3rd parties unless agreed upon by the authorities.
Again, in summary, I am requesting permission for my vessel, the DSE-Sentinel.Kiosk to carry nomad items. Information regarding validity of prior (though, now apparently void) license can be obtained here
Thank you for your time,
So truthfully, Norom Diputs,
::::End Transmission::::
' Wrote:TDL Dark pretty much hit the nail on the head..
The evidence you provided me in flight is now declared invalid. It is an old passage over two years ago and is not in accordance in our current laws.
The law concerning Nomadic materials are as follows:
I. Contraband possession.
It is illegal to have any amount of these goods on your person at any time:
Liquid Cardamine
Counterfeit Software
Black Market Munitions
Human Organs
Synthetic Marijuana Artifacts
Blood Diamonds
Nomad brains
This does not apply to the primary fleet, as personnel of the primary fleet may confiscate the above goods to deliver them to a safe and secure destination.
Additionally, the transport of Nuclear Devices is only permitted by vessels with the following ID papers: Liberty Navy (Guard), Liberty Security Force (Guard), Deep Space Engineering, Ageira Technologies, Universal Shipping, Interspace Commerce, Interspace Neuralnet Division, Gateway Shipping and Borderworld Exports.
And Licensing:
I. Licensing.
There are no licensing procedures as yet for actions such as arms dealing (legal currently) and the transportation of nomad material (illegal currently).
and the following:
I. Weaponry.
All types of weaponry are permitted in Liberty, with the exception of Rheinland manufactured guns (Firekiss, Flamecurse, Hornviper, Stealthblade series), Phantom labelled guns and Nomad weaponry. Anybody in possession of these weapons will be asked to dismount them and hand them to any station authority for transportation to Willard research station. All civilian installations are equipped to handle nomad material.
I will now bring you to the next crime commited by yourself:
IV. Obstructing the course of justice.
Any individual preventing, evading or delaying the administration of punishment on to an individual found to be breaking the law will be subject to any punishment deemed necessary by the ranking officer on duty.
Refusing the Judgements that I deemed correct according to the Liberty penal code class's yourself now as a Criminal untill Fines are payed. And the nomadic materials are handed over to either the Liberty Navy or the Liberty Security Forces and only to there respective Primary Fleets.
I hope to see this issue resolved peacefully as I hoped it would.
Nikasha Jinko LSF's Public Liasion Officer
Message Ends-
Encyption protocol engaged. [Access to the Owner of the artifical intelligance craft, [LN] and =LSF= only]
After carefull consideration I have decided to fine you 2.5 Million Sirius Credits. This is to be paid to =LSF=Bank with in 7 days from now. Proof must be transmitted on this channel to. You are also hearby ordered to hand the items in question to any of our LSF agents, preferably myself or those with in the Research and Development Department. You are allowed to contact me to organise a safe time, and location for the transfer with in Liberty, and will be under escort till the items are transferred.
Failure to comply will likely result in you being classified as an enemy of Liberty and being treated accordingly.
So....I notify my secretary to keep track of any messages from Naval High Command or a LSF director while I go on a business trip. Of transmission from either....oh well.
As for bypassing this deadline, I apologize, as I was rather swamped with work lately. However, due to the fact no high ranking intervention occurred, nor do your demands comply with preset conditions (seeing how you made a demand that countered the conditions already made by the LN)
Yes yes Mr. (or is it Miss?) Jinko, I will deal with your issue later. First I need to secure some sort of license for the unit, as it's very bad business to keep my expensive unit grounded. Not to mention all the various companies represented on board, who constantly insist on filling my inbox with tons of emails. I seemed to have missed yours.
Worry not, I will deal with your outrageous claims later. As I have stated I had reached an agreement for the nomad items to remain on board. Furthermore, not only did you endanger the lives of the many tourists on board the ship by recklessly firing, you refuted all logic when the unit informed you what you asked was very much impossible. But, that's another issue.
However, I want some official remarking on this issue, not some random agent, especially the one who caused this whole mess in the first place, that's hardly compensating for any sort of bias, eh?
If a high ranking official from the LN or LSF ask me to pay the fine, I will, as a sign of goodwill. However, the foremost issue (for me and the interests I represent) is to obtain a license.
Norom Diputs
P.S. - Oh, and could I perhaps request, most preferably, more action or remarks from LN officials? I've had a much more pleasant experience dealing with the LN and more ever there are rumors flying around the office of a LSF conspiracy to nick the relic, seeing how the LN are quite willing to simply guard it, instead of runing off with it.
::::End Transmission::::
' Wrote:TDL Dark pretty much hit the nail on the head..
Firewall Status... [color=#33CC00]Online Verify Encryption Keys...Ok Confirm Identity... Mike Edwards Recognised Initialise Video Uplink...Established
Dear Mr. Diputs,
Your attempts to delay the sanction imposed by a Liberty Security Force Agent while on duty could be considered a crime themselves. You have been properly explained what law you violated, and that the old license you had bought was rendered invalid by the last changes performed to the Liberty Penal Code. Despite that, you continue with your claims, "subtly" accusing our Agent, Mr. Jinko of being biased towards you.
That's plain unacceptable. Your situation was exposed by this Agent, and a plain review of the Licensing paragraph on the current version of the Liberty Penal Code excluded any kind of doubt. The possession of artifacts is strictly forbidden, with no licenses being granted or allowed.
Summarizing, you will pay the assigned fine by infringing the following laws:
I. Contraband possession.
IV. Obstructing the course of justice.
And this will not be delayed further. I'd recommend you firing your current secretary. We do not care if your daily mail reaches the roof of your office, or fills your storage devices. Law makes no exceptions, sir. And you're pulling more strings that what would be recommended under this clear situation.
Mike Edwards
Chief of Operations
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