Brothers, I have some foul news! My Sabre was blown up last night while I was //afk// in Puerto Rico. Probably a mistake on my part, but some Junker (.:j:.) scum decided to blow my defenseless ship to pieces. A call to arms may be overreacting, but you have been warned my friends. Time and time again the .:j:. Junkers have turned a blind eye when asked for as little help as handing off some nano's in a desperate fight. But tonight they have taken it one step further.
All I ask is that us Hackers think twice before letting any .:j:. ships fly by without paying a little "respect" if you catch my drift.
[color=#FFFFFF]CommID: Baron von Derp Target: GangStar Source: [Static] Subject: GangStar, Ich am dissapoint- *coughing*
> Initiating Audio Feed <
So, you vere blown up by a Junker in their home system? Are you suprised zat he rezorted to such a tactic when you never responded to zhe hails zhat he sent? I've met some Hackers in my career, but none az stupid az zis. Also, you make zhe claim zhat Junkers don't assist you? Junkers are a quazi-lawful organization, zhey -try- to stay within the boundaries of zhe law. Und who exactly vere you fighting? If it was Xenos, zhen I vould be surprised, but against zhe Liberty Navy or zhe LPI? No. Ich hate to be the barer of bad news, but...
*Bridge of the Wake*
*Vieques Docks - Dockmaster's office*
Right, son. *crooks finger*
Lissen 'ere.
Me pilot, Murph, were oot on patrol t'other night when Vieques Shipyards calls regarding a suspicious ship adrift nearby. Requestin' Congress patrol attention, Vieques then went on lockdown and radiation alert status.
Me pilot 'e shows up wif a fellow Junker who were kind enough ter join 'im on his patrol, in case o' trouble.
Well, I'll nae bore ye wif th' details leadin' up ter yon runction, allow me ta transmit th' Dropkick's logs...
Oi think ye can clearly see why them's two Junkers were concerned, an' rightly so. *stabs a finger at the screen*
Next time ye wish ta rest yer dead hull up 'gainst a controlled Junker outpost, ye'd best've payed th' docking fee FIRST!
An' like me pilot said, we'd 'spect th' same treatment in Vespucci, in fact Oi'd be dissapointed wif anyfing less. *glares steadily*
So you'z just watch yer arse when ye go pointin' fingers at th' Congress, mate.
Oi dinnae take kindly to th' accusation o' impropriety ye be makin'.
All attempts at civility were made. *raises eyebrow, leans in to screen*
Oh, an' ye keep yer ruttin' hide out o' Puerto Rico.
Yer name's on nae list 's Oi can find.
Gonna cost ye a pretty penny now as well, after this move...
-Wake out.
Aye, an' one other thing, lad...
Independent Junker Cap'm Wycroft were there at the request of a Congressman.
An' the first shot was fired by a Congressman, under Congress orders.
'F Oi hear o' ANY bloody form 'o revenge taken on Cap'm Wycroft, Oi'll hit ye so ruttin' ard ye'll hafter lift yer kilts ta see out.
Z'at clear?
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Invergordon****
I couldn't help but notice how the pilot of this sabre has refused to identify himself. Just who are you? Better yet, where is the proof that a .:j:.blew up your ship? You flew into our home system. Let me say this again. YOU FLEW INTO OUR GUARD SYSTEM. Most people would fry you on the spot for being so bold but we have chosen to let people come in who wish to do business with us. Now, I have a few questions for you.
What exactly was the business you wanted to conduct in Puerto Rico?
Where exactly is the proof that one of my men shot you down (which they would have been well within theri rights to do in that system)
I'm going to give you 48 hours to provide an answer to both questions that I find acceptable. Should you not be able to do this I'm going to assume your only purpose here is to cause trouble an smear the good name of our organization. If that is the case you will be dealt with accordingly.