' Wrote:umm yeah, it IS fun:dry:But be logical about it. There's no point in having friends or enemies if everybody gives pre-cognitive information that basically negates role-playing. Doing that is also an out of character action.
They let them know OORP. It just let's them know that they can have a cool battle if they bring up some guys within the next 10 minutes.
I'll agree with Waratah. Eliminate powergaming, it's not l33t. At least if you see player in Iota, don't take your Makos screaming "our long range blahblahblah", tell something like "I have feeling there's guy in Iota", that's already better.
Or something just bringing you to location of future conversation... like "Guys, let's head to Iota for expedition".
So, using the chat window is not powergaming if you have a gut feeling as opposed to something that could actually work in a sci-fi environment like long range scanners?
Powergaming is powergaming, doesn't matter if you dress it up.
(disclaimer: IMO, using the chat window to find people is fine)
' Wrote:There is no such thing as long range scanners.
Let me apply some basic realism to the Freelancer user interface.
Given: There is a chat window that lets you see what system any given player is in at any time.
To see who is online and to chat with them one must use the chat window.
By viewing the chat window one will automatically intake the general position information the chat window provides, even if one's intent is not to get that system information.
Sub-Conlusion 1: People will get that information, regardless of their intent, through the use of the chat window.
People suck.
Sub-Conclusion 2: People will seek this information no matter how much you'd love them not to.
It Therefore Makes Sense To: Instead of burying our heads in the sand and trying to pretend a game mechanic doesn't exist we can take the game mechanic and roleplay it out like we're supposed to.
Furthermore, I'd imagine that, at least in this case, there would be long range scanners, or sensor posts, or even stealthed ships hiding out in gas clouds, or observers on the Freeport, or any other number of methods by which the Outcasts or Corsairs could observe each other's fleet movements. Theta is open territory, after all.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
' Wrote:You're joking, right? What if Hitler gave advanced warning to the allies, or Napoleon to the Haitians a few years before hand before he used a capitalistic excuse to f*&^ them over? Are you listening to yourselves??!!
Godwin's Law achieved. Win.
' Wrote:I thought it was supposed to be about having fun? I'm not sure I see the logic in playing something that is not fun?
Noted. (Take guesses why if you want.)
@ svk: Jinx covered why your first post sounded like a Q_Q thread about ganking PVP-whores. My post highlighted the hypocrisy. If you cannot realise these two things then your English needs some fundamental improvement.
I laughed my head off at svk and some Sails| guy complaining about pvp-whoring gank raids.
I don't know who n00bl3t is in-game and I think that after so much forum spamming done by him on forums I would be surprised if he has time to play. Because that's basically what I have to assume when he writes something as stupid as that. The Sails haven't even touched Omicron Alpha since a half a year ago and I have never seen them during my entire time here ganked anybody. By the way, I'm not a member of this Faction.