My apoligizes if you feel I posted in the wrong place, but I truely feel that a link to the server rules needs to be created on the homepage of discovery forums. Even though there are many opurtunities for new players to receive the rule information, I believe that a quick link posted on the home page should give no excuse to anyone to read the rules of this server... Also, I would like to request that the rules be updated to post any "Admin decisions" on the rules to help clairify. I truely feel that if this request is completed, then many players, old and new will be able to understand the rules better and be able to play this wonderful game in the correct fashion..
--- " I might not be much help, but by God, I'm all the help you got" ---
EFFIN' ROLEPLAY GUYS ... off to flood we go for that - Hoodlum
Yeah and the link needs to be easily visible from miles away as that people don't miss it...
And yes I agree....
And since we're already on the subject of the forums... can we get a Cbox? We have invision, it would just be nice to have a sort of actual communication attached to the forums. (Cbox = a sort of chatroom)