Putting aside the childish name calling and your public conduct unbefitting for an officer representing our great Liberty Navy for a moment...................
Maybe it would help your course to direct the Congress leadership to exactly where the Liberty Navy has declared Mr. "The.Elusive.One" a criminal?
If you can provide this piece of relevant information then you could also have included it in your original message, which would have been just peachy.
You see son, at the moment we have only your word on the matter and, if you forgive my bluntness, at the moment you haven't come across as a person capable of continuing this discussion at the level of professionality which the Liberty Navy both demands and deserves.
Max, it would be prudent of you to just sit back and, again, wait for the Admiralty to step in.
I'm worried you may have an aneurysm due to all your pent up frustration - not the best way to enter into any form of high level diplomatic discussion, especially if you are already feeling a little out of your depth.
In short, you are not really contributing to successful negotiations whilst at the same time dragging the name of our glorious Navy (and those brave men and women who are putting their lives on the line every day to defend all of Liberty's citizens) into the mud.
Max, again I suggest you let those who are in a position to discuss this matter get to work.
Your job of reporting an incident is done, I now recommend you leave all the 'intelligent stuff with long words' to the big boys before you do any further damage to the image of the body you represent and, possibly, your future career prospects.
Lieutenant-Commander Maximo Valeri
[color=#FF7700]My, my, this is too funny.
I mean, you got to be downright mentally retarded.
This fella, Elusive One, as been stated fifty times before. Has been shooting me, my allies and Admiral Hale himself during multiple encounters. He has been witnessed, by the frickin' Admiral himself aiding The Joker. You know that guy who was pinned down by the Junkers after we reported him for using your facilities as safe havens? Yeah that guy.
I don't need to show you anything. The fact that we have personal witnesses, the Fleet Admiral out of all of them (being the same situation as in the Joker's one) by the way, just in case I need to remind you of this as well, one plus one equals two. Is enough. We don't need to show or say anything more. He is marked hostile by the Liberty Navy and sure as hell by the rest of the Liberty Authorities. This foot-dragging you are doing is making YOUR situation worse, not mine.
All they gonna tell me is to calm down, take a chill-pill and bla-di-da with the regular Liberty Navy BS*. You on the other hand they are going to shove a ten-foot pole up your behind because you can't get it through your thick skull that you have been faced with the exact same situation in the past, and it was solved the exact same way. By either you taken this fella down your docking list, or you becoming hostile based on aiding criminals.
Do you also want me to teach how to use the toilet?
Firewall Status... [color=#33CC00]Online Verify Encryption Keys...Ok Confirm Identity... Emily Anderson Initialise Video UplinkEstablished
Good Evenin' Junkers,
Yet again pirates have used your base for an escape route for themselves, as this looks like second nature, I took the liberty of relaying this transmission from a previous channel.
The three pirates which are as follows: Celadon.Gryphon
And with that I think we are done here Max, don't you?
As you hinted at in your last communication, lets wait for Admiral Hale (or another Liberty Navy officer who is capable of resolving this issue in a mature and professional manner) to arrive shall we?
Yes, similar situations have been solved in the past, not by you "going off on one" but by more mature and professional commanders of the Liberty Navy sorting it out in an adult manner as is befitting the standing of the illustrious Liberty Navy.
Max, don't you see the damage you are doing here to the standing of the Liberty Navy and your fellow comrades in arms?
Your latest public rant shows insubordination and a clear lack of respect for your superior officers and the disciplinary procedures of the Liberty Navy.
I suggest you to keep the 'barracks talk' to the barracks and let those who are qualified undertake the more complex matters of diplomacy and public relations. For our Navy's sake, for your sake and for the sake of Liberty.
You are dragging the whole of the Liberty Navy down by continuing with this style of 'diplomacy' for which I am not even sure you are authorised to undertake.
You may well be frustrated that you have been handed a 'cushy' job tootling around New York and feel the need to release your frustration and pent up testosterone by continuing with this line of communication but all you are doing is besmirching good image and professionality of our Navy's pilots and officers.
Please stop now, you are only digging your own hole deeper and sullying the good name of our Navy, it's officers and all those brave men and women who are daily putting their lives at risk on the front line with Rheinland for all of us Liberty citizens.
I suggest you take that "chill-pill" long before entering your C.O.'s office...................
It would be a shame for an officer of your obvious tact and standing to be posted to some battle ship in the middle of Butts-ville dodging the Sausage Eater's plasma bolts all day long.............
The Liberty Navy's public relations department must be having kittens around about now.
Being but a lowly Congress member I am in no position to enter into discussion with regards the incidents you have brought to our attention - that is the Arbiter Jack Crows job, but...............
Your 'proof' clearly shows Outcasts and Hackers at least in the vicinity of Rochester, not some frightened, battered and bruised Freelancer being hounded by three ships.
Could your people get together with Maximo Valeri's people and offer him a crash course on what counts as 'proof'' and how to present it please?
The Owen family would gladly cover any costs involved, if only to improve the public face of the Liberty Navy during these demanding times.
On behalf of all the Owen Clan.
p.s. - what 'ya doin' tomorrow night? I can get us a reservation at a really classy sit down joint on Manhattan, knives an' forks an' everythin'.
Shame, shame on the house of Liberty for allowing an officer of this caliber into the
ranks of Lieutenant-Commander in our great Liberty Navy, Shame!
Not only dose he have no respect for civilians, he has no respect for his own officers
or Law, not my words make this so, but his own, "evidence above"
We have we been shipping the dead and wounded men women and children from
Inverness to Rochester since yesterday, and this officer brings himself and bounty
hunters to shoot at vessels in our NFZ when we have an emergency going on?
This officer ask's us to destroy a mans reputation because he said so? and dose not
care what others say about his opinions, a officer who cant even control his own head
and tongue or know his own law, a officer who shouldnt be a officer!
As for "The.Elusive.One" for all we know he could have been aiding our emergency
when he was attacked by this Navy force on our land.
We will need time for reports before we do anything on this matter, the right way!
And also reports on Lieutenant-Commander Maximo Valeri on this matter!
Thank you.
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg
Folks in this channel;
First of all, I hear a lot of words about No Fire Zones being thrown about. Piece of news for you; the only ones that exist are either declared by the government or forces, or those recognised by a formal diplomatic agreement. Stations within Liberty can try to declare their autonomy as much as they like, but this will not change what happens.
Short version: You don't have a no fire zone within the borders of Liberty. Your 'land' is sovereign to the house of Liberty.
Now we've got that out of the way;
The only difference in this case between the Ellusive One and the Joker is that the latter is far more notorious. That's no excuse for the resistance being experienced here. Concerning the Joker, the High Command had to strongarm the Congress into stripping his docking rights. Frankly, to do this every time is very tiresome for us, so please get it done.
As for Maximo's language, short of inflicting permanent brain damage or removing his vocal chords, there's not much way he'll learn not to piss off everyone he talks to. Using his language or his rank to avoid doing what you should be doing means that if you bring this to a court of law, the case will probably be far more complex than you'd like it to be. I can completely understand anger directed at a group of people refusing to assist the forces in bringing criminals to justice, or at least away from the civilians that this man and people like him prey on.
Short version: You don't have a no fire zone within the borders of Liberty. Your 'land' is sovereign to the house of Liberty.
This short version as you say, Ms Robinson, is a very complexing statement indeed, i shall never forget
this, as i have these exact same words tattooed in my right arm, it simply says STELATINA.