This report covers the patrol almost 4 days ago, I was unable to send in the report earlier at due to Neural Net failure.
Upon assuming my patrol, I contacted Chûsa Myuki Kokori and was called to Honshu system to assist in neutralizing a Blood Dragon cruiser and its escort craft. I went there as fast as lanes could carry my craft and was in Honshu within a few minutes.
Once in Honshu, I consulted the NavMap for the location of my superior officer. I found the transmission signal near Osaka Storage facility and headed there by lane.
However, once I got to Osaka, I found that signal is moving way from me, towards the sun and planet Honshu. I figured that dragons might be attempting to flee into the clouds, so I quickly turned around and headed by lanes to Yukawa shipyard to intercept them from the other side.
My plan was not enirely flawless, but it worked just well. Dragons used Sun's corona to temporary hide from Naval Forces. They didn't stay there long, though, and attempted to flee. That was not successful, and soon we had them by their throats. It must be noted that allied pilots [AFA]Nakashima.Michiyo. and Toshiro.Ishido-Kanbaku were actively assisting Naval Forces.
During the fight I engaged the dragon fighter and was separated from my comrades who took care of cruiser. Quite soon I managed to inflict critical damage upon the dragon's vessel. By that time, the cruiser was already dealt with.
Then I went to restock and repair my Chimarea, as well as modify the callsign transmitter to meet the new standards.
Once it was done, I undocked and was called by Chûsa Kokori to resume patrol. We headed to Kyushu and were accompanied along the route with Hogosha member [|]-Motoko.Kusanagi.
Our patrol was not in vain. We spotten a Blood Dragon gunboat near a lane. Detailed scan revealed the presence of escape pods of KNF and civilian pilots in its hold.
Chûsa Kokori demanded Dragon to hand over the pilots and leave the system. Blood dragon complied without much hesitation and this incident was resolved in a peaceful manner.
My superior officer was concluding the patrol at this point. It was also near the time to conclude mine.
I went back to New Tokyo system, patrolled a full circle around the lanes and finally landed to New Tokyo to deal with paperwork.
During a Patrol with another pilot Toko.Oyashio, we found a Corsair Pilot working as a Freelancer in Hokkaido system, we asked him what he was doing here several times, he kept the silence during a very long time, which it was not really wise from his part. After that he engaged cruise engines to avoid our control. He kept the silence during the chase. But we made a fantastic teamwork with Toko.Oyashio, we blocked him, and we killed him, unfortunately during the battle I lost my wingman, but we achieved the mission. That was a very strange fight, because seems that this ship was " protected " by a local Ion storm and it was very hard to hit the hull of this bastard. Seems that he used an unknow technology, it would be interesting to keep an eye on this pilot in future.
| Kusari Explorer Gunboat Phoenix, DD-735
| Captain Daniel Maxwell Commanding
| Location: Nago Station, Tau 29 System
| Subject: Trickery.
| Receiving: Kusari High Command
| CC: Soldiers of Justice High Command
| Encryption: Medium
While I was busy making a message to someone, I was contacted from the Bridge, as I have been sitting in my quarters, that we were picking up a distress signal. The Phoenix was holding station next to Battleship Nagumo, and was ordered by the ship's Captain to investigate. As such, I returned to the bridge as soon as possible and gave the order to enter the trade lane from Tau 29 Jump Gate to Planet Aso. I contacted the person who called out in distress and they said they were being attacked by GC between Planet Aso and Planet Kyushu.
When we arrived at Planet Aso, I ordered the ship to proceed through the Trade Lane from Aso to Kyushu but soon exited half way to meet with the two Heavy Fighters under attack. To note to all Kusari Officers, the Soldiers of Justice just arrived into Kusari Forces from leaving Liberty Space, and did not know if MM's were on Kusari's Hostile list or not. I went through all the records and hot listed people under Kusari's shoot on sight, and I did not see these names.
Also they appeared Neutral on our sensors, so immediately, I ordered my tactical officer to power weapons and engage the GC. But shortly after two GC fighters were destroyed, the two MM's, they say they are a Mercenary Group, told me that their distress signal was false and was meant to draw me in or obviously any single Kusari Navy Vessel, to destroy them.
The instant we got this message and seeing them disengaging the GC, I ordered my tactical officer to immediately open fire on the Mercenaries, as I did not take disrespect and dishonor lightly. Sadly in all attempts and hard work my Helm and Tactical officer put into, we were forced to retreat back from where we came from, (Actually we were destroyed *sighs*), and went into the Tau 29 system.
We are currently docked at Nago Station, going under repairs. The bridge of the ship has sustained extreme damage that we were losing atmosphere, that the evacuation alarm immediately signaled the moment we had entered Tau 29. I did not get the chance to familiarize myself with the ship, to see if it had a secondary bridge or not, but we had helm control re-routed to main engineering, as that was all we needed to get to the Nago Station. I am sitting in my quarters, as I write this message, while my Senior Staff and Executive Officer begin writing letters to families who have just lost their children in line of duty. I do not want to upset them or feel ashamed that their children died by being tricked by mere Mercenaries.
Tomorrow I will be doing extensive examinations of all corridors and rooms of the ship to familiarize myself with the ship and have my senior staff conduct extensive training every three hours to keep the their staff ready for any surprises, as well as the ship entering unmentioned battle drills differing from time to time. I will not let this mistake happen again, not on my ship.
As such, I would like to submit these names to the High Command of the Kusari Empire and Soldiers of Justice to keep these Mercenaries, as mentioned above, on a watch list in case they attempt such trickery again on any other Soldiers of Justice and Kusari Naval ships. If anyone ask, I am still waiting the chance to speak with a Kusari Official to discuss about Soldiers of Justice's position and reason to be in Kusari Empire. If the Kusari Empire receives this battle report, please contact me as soon as possible.
Now I must assist my senior staff in their letters.
If my last few patrols might have been tagged as relatively uneventful, this one sure makes up for all of them.
I was patrolling New Tokyo system, when I noticed a freelance Dromedary freighter by callsign JaucheJochen with its cargo hold full of human organs of unknown origin. He was on route by planet New Tokyo, so I halted him right on its orbit.
Trader was cooperative when I explained that, according to Kusari legal codex, he is not allowed to transport human organs. I demanded the organs to be brought down to Ney Tokyo's surface and donated to local hospital, which would take care of them. Codex also requires a 5M fine to be paid by the offender, but considering the small size of the craft and its obviously poor condition, as well as the fact that offender cooperated willingly, I levied 250k fine, which was duly paid.
During the last few minutes of aforementioned incident, I picked up fragments of conversations in system-wide communications, which suggested pirate activity in system. I resumed patrolling the lanes and soon located a Golden Chrysanthemum bomber [GC]-Sei.Osugi and independent Rogue Gunboat La.Villa.Strangiato, right in middle of trying to pirate a Mastodon tracker.
However, the situation proved to be more complicated that it seemed at the first glance. The transport had its hold full of plutonium, which is restricted to Samura, Kishiro and GMG.
This situation was a rather delicate one: I couldn't engage the GC and its friend to let transport have a chance of escape, as the plutonium might as well be heading to our enemies across the front-line. And yet I could not allow military material to fall in hands of these pirates.
To make things more complicated, I was informed by transport The.Escapist through private channel that there is a phantom in Honshu by NT gate.
At this point the Rogue gunboat opened fire on the trader. As the vessel made no evasive maneuvers and didn't have reinforced hull, it took critical damage in seconds and started to disintegrate. As stated previously, I couldn't allow plutonium to fall in wrong hands, thus I set my weapons ready and and positioned my Chimarea near transport's cargo hold. As soon as the containers of plutonium appeared, I opened fire on them, effectively destroying them.
With one problem down, I still faced two, Chrysanthemum in pair with gunboat and the unknown Phantom. I received another transmission of the same source that Phantom is opening fire on a trade vessel.
Since there was little my weapons could do to the Gunboat, I opted to deal with the Phantom threat. GC said something when I departed that they are done for today, but they might have just been lying.
Communication log excerpt:
Quote:[05.11.2010 00:09:00] [GC]-Sei.Osugi: Wonderful, we were just on our way.
[05.11.2010 00:09:12] La.Villa.Strangiato: Lots of work for no gain.. *sighs* Let's go, then.
I arrived at Honshu gate to find the Phantom Pitchfork' attacking the trade vessel. I ordered phantom to cease fire at once, but, as expected, it didn't comply. I had no other options than to open fire.
Unfortunately the trade vessel did not last long. After it was destroyed, I engaged in a duel with enemy.
After a while of fighting, two Hogosha members arrived on scene: [|]General-Yarr and [|]Xellos:Kurozawa. I heard them saying they will not engage unless asked to. My main motive by the was fury, so I did not ask for help to finish what I had started. If I fail it, the hogosha shouldn't have too much problems dealing with an already damaged craft.
I must admit the skill of the phantom pilot slightly exceeded mine. We both drained each other of our nanobot reserves, mine dwindling a bit faster. After a good while of relentless fighting, my unshielded Chimarea took a critical hit of a mine, forcing me to eject.
My escape pod was collected by a passing police patrol. The salvage crew has retrieved what is left of my ship and now the technicians are applying their skills and generous amounts of glue to put it back together in flyable order. They are getting quite used to it.
Nakamura here, after having several exploration lessons, on-top of my front line duties. I finally got the chance to take the Explorer out.
The mission was to simply take scans of the Ardenne Asteroid Field
My exploration mission path as follows: Exploration Path
However, my exploration mission was delayed by a Maquis|Fabrice.Andrieux he seemed to be disrespectful, and dishonourable when it came to social skills. I would class these Maquis, as untrustworthy.
I preformed my mission after the Maquis left. During my exploration of the asteroid field I found a base structure, and took a few readings.
Base Structure
I powered down scanning, and was confrotned by a [C] Gunboat. He claimed to be the leader of the Council army, he offered me a place of rest at Planet Marne, however, I believe we need to clear up our relations with the Council, as our operation could have been lost in some data transfers, or forgotten.
departing to : Kusari Naval Forced HQ
source : [KNF]Si.Daisa.Takato
Konnichiva raport : 01/10
Finally after a few minor repairs, mechanics have installed a new camera, and a new armor upgrade, so that the Chimaera is ready for its maiden flight The first patrol- patrol routes Planet New Tokyo-through trade lines to both JG Kyushu and Honshu
scan completed several transports, but nothing that would be worthy ....
at 1445h received several calls over an open channel of the pirates in the Honshu system
investigation has found that a 2 ships Hogoshe who stopped and asked for "donation" of traders
Ship type is T-833-GB "Ahoudori" Kusari Explorer,
Both pilots were away
personal opinion-Hogosha became too daring in his campaign, and all the rude pirates near the stations and planets
departing to : Kusari Naval Forced HQ
source : [KNF]Si.Daisa.Takato
URGENT 02/10
2010-11-19 15:18:33 SMT
[KNF]Si.Daiso.Takata: Rheinlanders Military,this is KNF patrol..what are you doing here?
2010-11-19 15:19:34 SMT
[KNF]Si.Daiso.Takata: I ask you some Rheinlanders!!! what are you do in Kusari space?
2010-11-19 15:20:00 SMT
RNC-Wismar: we are on secret mission and want to go back to rheinland
This is a conversation that took place and which carries in its entirety!
two RM GB, observed in Honshu System JG close to Sigma 13
without stopping and without showing any respect
Both GB went to the Sigma 13
name of ship is RNC-Mannheim and RNC- Wismar
I started my patrol from Tsushima depot and headed to New Tokyo. Right at the gate I noticed a bounty hunter tagged ship, callsign EDGE|Heimdall, moving the other way. Simultaneously I received a private transmission from a Hogosha member Honami:Akamatsu, who informed me about that very same hunter and asked me to halt it.
I caught up with him at planet Kyushu, where I explained that hunters are not exactly welcome in Kusari, at which point he agreed to leave.
Unfortunately I had no chance to personally make sure that he complies and actually leaves, as at this point I and Akamatsu-san noticed a Spatial with council IFF frequency. Further scans showed presence of outcast weaponry. This ship passed me on lane and ignored my requests to stop, so we set for a chase.
We caught up with him in New Tokyo at Shinjuku station, where we disrupted all outgoing lanes and kept the vessel out of cruise. He wasn't responding to our questions and demands. We were seconds away from opening fire, when a couple of other ships, apparently affiliated with the Spatial came into range. One of them explained that this pilot has some sort of communication problems.
A lot of what that pilot said made little sense as well as their equipment and IFFs, so I assume they were having some technical difficulties and/or some disease affecting their pilots' actions. Either way, allowing unidentified ships with guns of our enemies fly though Kusari was not acceptable, so they were told to leave. They complied and departed to Taus.
I continued my patrol through New Tokyo and a round through Shikoku. Nothing worthy of mention: some transports of optronics which I questioned about destination and made sure they head towards Liberty.
After a while I was contacted by Chûsa Myuki Kokori, Daii Jiro Tachibana and Daii Hiro Barakuda.
We had reports of unauthorized vessels in Hiroshima, so orders were given to head there and investigate. My chimarea was first on site, yet I found nothing on my scanners. Other officers arrived after a few minutes. Not long till the unidentified vessel, a yacht Tarkan_2 appeared.
I disrupted him in Hiroshima, unfortunately triggering our automatic defense systems, which in turn made me take evasive actions so lose the trespasser from sight for a few seconds. Yacht was stopped again right next to Hiroshima JH in New Tokyo. Kokori-san issued a fine, which was reluctantly paid.
Daii Barakuda left us at this point. Rest of us proceeded with a patrol to Tau-23. No hostile contacts or unlawful activities were found.
We returnedto New Tokyo, where Blood dragon presence was reported by a passing trader.
We found the dragons, namely ]bd[Yanaka.Tyodoshi, ]bd[Teraku.Oshiro., ]bd[Heruya.Chiba. and freelancer Ozei.Ruousha: at Shinagawa station.
I had some minor technical imperfection to fix in my Chiamrea, so unfortunately I wasn't able to follow the communications closely, yet from what I overheard, that was a series of insults that resulted in a battle.
Freelancer's bomber was the first to go down, damaged by its own mine triggered by a disruptor missile.
First time I was commissioned to the front. Saw early combat when I arrived in Leeds. It all started with a unmarked train with a Miners identification heading to planet Leeds. Now, I saw him earlier pass by me in Tau-31 from the Bretonian Control area of Harris. I took no action in seeing this until I did hit Leeds.
I ordered him to hold his vessel for questioning which he ignored. I then ordered him to hold or I would get dirty and he did stop. I ordered to know why he came from Planet Harris and he said it was 'a secrete'.
He then engaged me with his fast firing transport turrets and I eventually destroyed his vessel.
departing to : Kusari Naval Forced HQ
source : [KNF]Si.Daisa.Takato
raport : 03/10
Immediately after the start of today's patrol, from the battleship Myoko, I got a notice that was observed ,in Shikoku, terrorist ship with identifying [GC]. I set a course and followed closely reflect on the radar.
At a distance of 18k from the Jump Gate {New Tokyo-Shikoku}, appeared on the radar facility requested but was soon gone.
Assuming that the terrorist ship also noticed me, and disappeared in the direction of Kyushu Jump hole
The search has been started.
As I thought, [GC]was in Kyshu but the top speed went to Hokkaido system.
Monitoring has continued and on entry to Hokkaido was a great disappointment, the reflection disappeared.
sailing close to theAinu Depot, requested object appeared to 9k from me.
In question was a pilot[GC] Sei.Osugi rank - O-shaku (Battle Commander).
I unsuccessfully tried to negotiate a peaceful surrender miss Osugi and departing her to battleship Matsumoto. Supported by a large number of her friends from the Ainu Depot and a couple of Dragons {NPC}, the fight was unequal.
Very nearly damaged ship in flames, was completely useless i am now docked in Battleship Matsumoto, where waiting to be finished repairing and arming
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