CommID: Doctor Thomas Harvey Target: Charles Davis Encryption Level:Very High Source: [Static] Subject: N/A
I'll keep this brief for security reasons.
I'll honor my word, just tell me how much you want and where it should be delivered. Keep in mind that supplies are scarce, and that it may take some time to find all of the necessary ingredients.
Make sure that you're using only the best encryption methods, because it would end badly for both of us if you were caught.
[Incoming Transmission]
[Encryption: Very High ]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Harbinger ]
[CommID: Captain Charles.Davis]
Establishing Video Uplink
Aaa good to hear from you Doctor. Not much its for just one time use. Send it VIA normal mailing ways. To locker 39 in the Leeds Space Port. From there I should receive it with no problems.
I trust the above is clear. Davis out
Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces [End Transmission]
CommID: Doctor Thomas Harvey Target: Charles Davis Encryption Level:Very High Source: [Static] Subject: N/A
I just sent an anonymous delivery-person out with the shipment. It should arrive soon.
The shipment contains 4 (four) pieces of blotter paper, which the drug is laced over. Each blotter is 1.5 cm in length and width. Each dose contains 40 µg (micrograms) of the drug.
One, and only one piece of blotter paper should be placed on the tongue at a time. The blotter paper should remain on your tongue for a few minutes, and then discarded. Taking more than one dose at a time could cause serious health complications, such as death. Don't operate heavy machinery while you're under the influence of said substance, as this could cause you and other people much harm.
The effects of the drug will be felt for about 6 to 8 hours, so please allow yourself to have some free time when using the drug.