Comm ID: Director Regis Lawson Location: New London, Home Office of Military Intelligence Encryption:High
Dear Board of Directors,
I'm Director Regis Lawson, you can call me Regis.
The purpose of this transmission is to request the use of Scarborough Shipyard.
The 82nd Task Force's research and engineering team, known as Sector Zeta, would like to use Scarborough Shipyards for a special military project, I would first like to request that upon your acceptance of this, that all civilian traffic is to be shut down to and from that station, aside from the minimal amount of Bowex transports carrying specially needed goods and supplies for station and dock workers. The Bowex ships will carry a selected amount of goods needed to complete the project.
If, for the first three weeks, the project runs smoothly without any outside interference, Kusari spies, or other wise, we will allow for Scarborough to run at maximum capacity and re-open the station for general civilian use.
I would like to state, that this is a matter of national importance, and has the most urgency at the moment for the Kingdom. Your corporations participation in this project will lead Bretonia to victory against the Kusari menace.
A shipment of 2,000 of the following goods are needed for at least three months:
Platinum (2.000 x 3)
Polymers (2.000 x 3)
Optronics (2.000 x 3)
Super Conductors (2.000 x 3)
Engine Components (2.000 x 3)
Super Alloy (2.000 x 3)
Robotic Components (2.000 x 3)
Optical Chips (2.000 x 3)
High Temperature Alloy (2.000 x 3)
Scrap Metal (2.000 x 3)
That would be 6,000 units of the listed materials above needed for the first three months of this project. Additional shipments might be required for this project if it falls behind schedule. The next set of goods will be needed once the first three months have passed. These materials are vital for the ship, and will need to be transported within one week.
Oxygen (6.000)
H-Fuel (6.000)
MOX (6.000)
Water (6.000)
Food Rations (6.000)
For the next three following months, we will require the exact same amount. Due to the lack of man power, we will be building one of these vessels at a time. The second large shipments will be notified to you we need them.
Bowex ships will be escorted into and out of Newcastle space when they're enroute to Scarborough with the supplies we need. This is to ensure none of the cargo goes missing that would hinder our capacity to build these vessels.
I wish to hear back from you in a nominal amount of time.
Director Regis Lawson Home Office of Military Intelligence
Allow me to introduce myself, and why I reply on this communication frequency.
My name is Jack Schwarz, mostly known as [Convoy].Rubber_Duck, but called "Ducky". I am the CEO of the [Convoy], a Bowex subsidiary, which should be the reason why your papers landed on my desk, too.
Of course, I am not able to grant you the usage of Scarborough Station, this is the topic of the CEO of the main Bowex part, not of my merchant navy.
But I may offer you the Convoy's shipping services, of course, if your request too use Scarborough Station for your shipbuilding pueporses is accknowledged.
We have a sizeable transport fleet, and would be glad to serve the military intelligence services of her majesty with all the goods they need for their shipbuilding intentions.
I'm awaiting your reply, and remain
With all respect
Jack Schwarz
* End of Transmission *
** Disconnecting **
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Incoming Transmission Encryption Level: Â High - Eyes Only Source Check: Â Â Confirmed Clean
CommID: Â Pete Conroy - Director Borderworlds Exports (Bowex) Message Target: Â Director Regis Lawson - New London : New London Message Source: Â Director of Operations Office - Scarborough Station : Newcastle Subject: Â MoD and MI Cooperation
How do Mr. Lawson. pleasure to make your acquaintance. Been a spell since we've heard from you boys in the Ministry of Defense.
Pleasantries aside, lets get to brass tacks. I've taken a look at your requirements, and there's a few issues that I can see bitin' us in the behinds. The commodities and quantities of each ain't no problem; my boys can have that done in no time'¦except fer that there Scrap Metal. Junkers kind of have a stranglehold on that one, and ain't nobody sellin' that stuff that ain't a Junker. Might we could do some negotiatin' with'm over at Trafalgar and get to scrappin'.
As for escortin' ships to and from Scarborough, it ain't really necessary from my perspective. You don't seem to be asking for nothin' secretive or earth shattering. Normal day-to-day operations at Scarborough. If it's a stickin' point, I'm sure we can make some accord.
The big problem I see is closin' down Scarborough. She's a big station, and there's a lot of people dependin' on her to provide. We've a contract with Rheinland right now to supply Super Alloy in exchange for the vehicles the MoD needs to keep up the good fight. If the Station does indeed need to be closed, I'd have to rest the job of security onto the MoD's shoulders Mr. Lawson, as our ExSec division is still fairly small, and tasked with keeping the lanes clear for our transports. Perhaps after a sweep of Scarborough by your men, and maybe a week's quarantine of the facility, you and yours will be satisfied and open the Station up for business again.
Subsidiaries aside, I'm sure a project of this import would require the tried and true services of Borderworlds Exports proper. You just let me know if the terms are to your liking, or negotiable, and we can work out a deal to both of our mutual satisfaction.
Respectfully, Pete Conroy
Director of Operations
Borderworlds Exports
Encryption complete Message Transaction...Success Transmission End
Comm ID: Director Regis Lawson Location: New London, Home Office of Military Intelligence Encryption:High
Mister Conroy,
The proposal you've addressed can easily be negotiated. When I first drafted my last transmission it was originally sounded demanding. That's not the case I wish to address at the time, but I will have to agree to these terms on a slight modification of them, one being that we'd request at least a small bit of the station closed off from the rest, due in-part to anyone attempting to spy on this project.
For the most part, I would like to keep this under wraps and quiet. We don't need a civilian station away from the front to be targeted. So if this is acceptable we can go ahead and begin phase two of this little operation.
However, you bring up an interesting point. The Junkers do seem to hold majority of the scrap collecting rights. There are some old Victoria class Battleship hulls still floating in the scrap fields. If you can secure those hulls, or any scrap metal, that would be highly appreciated. If you would like, I can personally negotiate with the Junkers for scrap mining rights.
Mister Schwarz,
While this transmission was mainly directed to the primary trade wing of Bowex, I'm happy it came across your desk as well. Your companies services have provided time and time again to Bretonia, as has the primary wing. If your company takes part in this operation, providing the extra material that we need to construct more of these vessels, then we could begin building more than two.
Director Regis Lawson Home Office of Military Intelligence
I'm glad to hear that our services can be of use.
I will immediately begin with the preparings of all necessary logistic, I think we can begin with the shippings
during the following week.
And of course, all shipping papers come as a carbon copy to your desk via this channel.
I await confirmance, until we begin, and remain
with all respect
Jack Schwarz
* End of Transmission *
** Disconnecting **
*** Disengaging Comm Link ***
I don't know what's your actual status in your mission, but I have thought that the worst situation when planning something needed logistial background is, when you are ready and cant begin because of a lack or resources. So, I took a part of my shipping department and began shipping the required resources to Scarborough Station, Newcastle.
As I didnt want to influence the Scarborough Storage personnel with flooding all floors and storages with goods, my engineers have attached several free-space storage containers below Scarborough Station, directly fixed at the hull in locations not influencing the regular traffic. The are secured with a code lock, the code to unlock them is
The containers unlock their station mounting automatically then, and can be tractored.
To the exact amount of goods that has been delivered:
As you can see, the papers show that the following amounts have been deliverd:
# Platinum 6000 Units
# Polymers 6000 Units
# Optronics 6000 Units
# Super Conductors 6000 Units
# Engine Components 6000 Units
# Super Alloy 6000 Units
# Robotic Components 6000 Units
# Optical Chips 6000 Units
# High Temperature Alloy 6000 Units
# Scrap Metal 0 Units
Furthermore, the vital goods for the ship have yet been delivered, and fixed with the same cargo containers, so that a quick setting to operational use of the ship should be secured.
# Oxygen 6000 Units
# H-Fuel 6000 Units
# MOX 6000 Units
# Water 6000 Units
# Food Rations 6000 Units
We havent been able to aquire a sufficient amount of Scrap Metal yet, as soon as it is possible, the delivery will follow.
Just let me know, if all is to your confidence, and if you need other/addtional supplies. I'm sure i could spare some additonal capacity.
with all respect
Jack Schwarz
* End of Transmission *
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