' Wrote:Then Name Ordo Hereticus doesn't mean 'Order of heretics'
It's a High Gothic word that means the opposite of that. IT can be Directly Translated into 'Witch Hunter'
And we do not care about your little 'experiments', as long as your not trying to form an uprising or contaminate the rest of the Human populace, we will leave you alone.
Verginix Out
Well, we have an interesting conundrum then.
"Kallisti Gold" is in essence a "mutagen". Every time someone takes a free toke, it tweaks the ol' Pineal.
If you start seeing visions and start a massive uprising of 'Kallisti Gold' inspired people who think that they can see things from the gods and start killing humans who don't follow them, then the Inquisition takes notice.
Ok, I did some editing to this, Ir an it through spell check so it should be nice and not bad. There will be some gramatical mistakes that I will iron out eventually.
Another thing is, I changed the name of the Inquisition battleship to the Ordo Xenos. This is to reflect some things I will be introducing later on. I liked the name Hereticus and Didn't want it to die just yet.
Inquisitor Lord Tregan walked onto the main meeting chamber of the Amalathian and sat down in his chair. To his right was Grand Inquisitor Lord Lichallen and too his left, Captain Inquisitor Leonardus of the newly Commisioned Ordo Hereticus. This ship was the last of the three sister battleships of the Inquisition and the only one to survive the battle of Puerto Rico.
Also in the room, were the other two Inquisitor Lords, Roddy and Rita. They had been pulled from Tau 31 to attend this meeting in the New York system.
"Good. Now thatw e are all here, we can discuss the future." Began Lord Lichallen. "As you may all have noticed, we seam to have been growing thin, and our Grand Fleet may not be so grand as it used to be. We have several options as to what our next move is to be."
He withdrew a scroll from his robe. "Option one; We move our forces to Rheinland to recount the gorwing threat of invasion. Their Military is weak from the Nomad wars and they made need some assistance. Option Two: We split our forces halfway, one to remain in Liberty and Rhienland, and one to move to teh Omicrons to counter the nomads. Three: We remain in our current possition and send a portion of the Grand Fleet to Puerto Rico."
Rita spoke up: "Puerto Rico sir? Didn't we just finnish removing the helghast from there foothold in the system?"
Lichallen quickly responded, "Yes, we did, but unfortunatly, there are still lingering suvivors, and, one of our survivors has picked up the faint signs of a Jumphole. This could lead us to the Helghast home-world, where we can fully eradicate them."
Leonardus spoke next; "I have looked into the idea of this attack on the Helghast home-world, and when the Ordo Heretcus was re-commisioned, she was retro-fitted with guns desied for attacking planets. Much in the same sense as the Heretical Planet Killer, but without such disatrous after-effects. We could-"
Tregan Interveined, "If we used such a weapon, would we not be falling to the levels of those we strive to defeat?"
"No, not really," Said Lord Roddy who had been silent, "The purpsoe of the Planet Killer was to destroy Human life, or worse, corrupt it into something un-imagineable. This is simply a converntional cannon of greater power."
"As I was saying," Said Leonardus, "This attack would be beneficial. However, a full attack would spread our resources thin. Suggestions?"