Comm ID: Jack Kaine
To: Supreme Commander Drake Thastus
It's Jack Kaine. Don't you remember, Mark died tragically in an accident several months ago.
For the Legion!
Kaine out.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
I do not give a flyin' fox if you girls are having a little spat. YOU WILL LISTEN when a moderator asks you to
stop spamming OOC in your message dump.
What sort of example do you think this exhibits to the newer members when a couple of 'old gits' start this sort
thing in the roleplay forum.
YOU WILL NOT do it, and John, respect, but if Verg says so, move it to PMs or flood ... Or I will move the whole
Posts edited and deleted - Hoodlum
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
My sincerest apologies sirs, but I have no choice but to resign from the HF. I find myself stretched thin as of late between my responsibilities. Again my apologies and good luck to your organization.
OOC: I am never on when any other HF appear to be on and I never have a chance to contribute. Plus I am in too many factions that own systems, hence I am breaking rules, sorry.
<span style="color:#FF0000"><strike>RETIRED</strike></span>
"If I hear reports of anymore dishonorable conduct going amongst the ranks I will not be very kind..."
ooc: The next member of HF to disobey an order or to violate a server No questions asked, I am tired of this. I will do not want to kick out 3 members within days of each other. If this keeps up then I will kick whoever does it out instantly. Without mercy, Montross, BFH and if Kaoru violates another server rule he'll be amongst them. Now as I said I have no tolerance for rule breakers in my faction. Luckily for Kaoru I'm in a good mood.
It would appear Kane's little addendum to my post concerning OOC in message dumps has fallen on deaf ears
here, or its just being blatantly ignored.
Take it to your thread in 'factions' ... Not in roleplay. Its not relevant to characters, unless in character.
Do not give me cause to make an example of you please - Hoodlum
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Comm ID: HFGB Mentu
Target ID: Hellfire Legion
Mission Time: today, 2038 hours.
Mission Location: California system, outside California Minor.
The wingmen of the elite gunbaot squadron of the hellfire legion, along side two fighter escorts and a lane hacker comandeered nomad battleship organised a strike team to assail california minor. the strike force assembled included the HFGB-SilverFire, the HFGB-Mentu, the Harbinger, HF-Debian, and HF-Kaoru. we proceeded to minor and managed to inflict heavy damage to the military defence platforms on the docking rings, bombard the nuclear bunkers near the landing pad and eliminate 4 navy cruiser/gunboat patrols.
while the silvverfire bombarded minor, the rest of the squadron engaged all the navy/police personnel. the civilian escorts escorting the traders were eradicated within seconds of reaching distance. the SA-battleborn was then seen on system comms, adressing the HF on the whole and asking them to leave. next, we see the LSF gunboat the fuzion entering comms as well. they did not dare engage us just the two as them, since they knew they would be outflown and outgunned on their own.
instead, remarks were passed between the two squadrons, and the navy started to assemble a fleet of capital ships at the magellan jump gate, thus preventing us from returning home.
we were then joined by another lane hacker gb which offered its assistance. it went on a recon mission to scout out the area, and when he reached teh magellan jumphole, he was confronted by 3 liberty cruisers. he saved himself and returned. the liberty stalled the attack, and the battle born conducted recon missions coming close to our target and away, trying to lure us into their trap. the SA asked for assistance from the BSG, who entered the california system with a few capital ships and a bomber or two.
natually they attacked together, and they flaked the Harbinger to death. then they switched targets to the Hellzapoppin, the Silverfire, then finally the Mentu. and then came the ominious meteor shower (server crash). when the shower ended, the two fighters ran for their lives and returned to america base in vespucci.
even though we were obliterated, i would like to point out that our enemies fear our skills. i fail to notice that our fight was hardly what i whould say 'fair'. a fleet of capital ships against 1 battleships, 3 gunboats, and 2 fighters? if they challenge us ship to ship, i can say they will not survive our attack.
the onboards camera managed to take one final shot which was sent to america base before the mentu was heavily damaged, and the camera damaged.
INCOMING TRANSMISSION... Comm ID: Taurvi Target ID: Hellfire Legion High Command - Denelo Mori
Location: Unknown
I heard you were looking for me?
I see the test unit I have sent to you have found it's way into the battle. Thankfully the unit has returned with valuable information along with the *resources*. Severe damage was dealt, it needs *rest*, also certain *equipment* was lost, although most of it made back. I suggest not using those in direct assault especially when outnumbered in situations like the one happened, these units are very fragile and yet to be modified to use with the human technology, which is why I have sent you one - your specialists know what to do. I don't have much of those at the moment. The great war has taken toll on our *bretheren* and finding *untouched ones* especially of that kind is difficult.
The conflict of yours has taken new form since my departure, *we* suggest to look further to improve the strategy by removing *human/unnecessary* steps.
It has been based upon the obversation of the previous major battle took place in the same system a little earlier:
Comm ID: HFGB Mentu
Target ID: Hellfire Legion
Mission Time: Yesterday, 1910 hours.
Mission Location: California system, Near the Magellan Jumpgate
I returned from my post after an off duty patrol when i recieved a transmission from fellow HF pilot, Kaoru. it was a distress call since he was being engaged by an SA fighter and he reported that an LSF BC was inbound. i launched immediately from mactan base to provide assistance in reducing this menace to dust. on my way to the california jumpgate in magellan, i saw the LSF battlecruiser stuck in the asteroid field. it seemed he was not engaging Kaoru, but passign along. i ignored him and went on my way to assit kaoru.
on the other side of the jumpgate, i witnessed kaoru and the SA fighter engaged, with a mercenary gunboat called Jamez watching the battle. two seconds i see a public transmission that he was about to engage me. hah.
big mistake. he was reduced to his cargo pod within a minute. it seems he may need some assistance in 'watching his back' when he faces the HF next time.
the HFB-Ravager came through to assist us if any enemy capital ship was to arrive. the SA took one look at us and ran.
since we were provided with no challenge, we returned to headquarters.
It's been an eventful few days...that little project I had going out at Rostock was a complete and utter success! The station has been severely damaged and we made out like kings! A brand new battleship we didn't even have to hijack; that made my day. We brought her back to Phoenix; she's got full armor now. We're still waiting on he paint job; that company we ordered from is slow as all hell. So anyway, we took her out into California and had some fun with a little SA patrol; completely vaporized in 16.3 seconds (Yes, I timed it; I'm weird, I know, now stop looking at me like that or I will definitely pull rank, you crackhead little fighter jockeys... and stop staring at my ass.) She's parked somewhere outside of Manhattan under cloak now, popping in and out to kill the occasional Liberty Dreadnought patrol. Once that shipping company gets its butt in gear we'll head back to Phoenix for resupply (unless Fort Veracruz's yard gets finished first). Have a nice day. Admiral Dvorak out.
***This Overly Satirical Message is Courtesy of the HFB Thick-as-a-Brick and viewers like you.***
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen