A good idea IMO. Stop capship whoring, since I am bad in cruisers and battleships (VERY bad, Bulldog can confirm it:D).
We could also make something like 3 types of army. The first one is the standard one, Vtec's suggestion goes in here. Second is the classical fighter dogfight, in which no capships are allowed (maybe a few gunboats, but thats it then). And the third is the capship-battle, where the main force are capships (bombers are not allowed or should be very few of them then). What would you say to this?
Well I don't think it ought to be a server rule. Or something like that as that would be a violation of Player's rights. And it would detract from RP so severely that it is out of the question.
So I think factions should just decide ahead of time, on how they will be fighting their wars.
I also don't think we need a special rule reducing number of cap-ships per faction. Reasonable faction leaders already restricted access to capships to members within a faction (like the squadron rule in TBH:)). There are of course some unreasonable factions leaders, who ignore the fact their members are cap-ship whores, which only leads to ignoring the roleplay of that faction by the rest of reasonable factions.
And I also agree with Blunt, that Discovery universe has the ability to balance itself, so the response to cap-ship whoring is increased usage of bombers, which leads to increased usage of VHFs which leads in increased usage of LFs and one day we'll all end in starflyers again, anyone wants to bet? :)
I'd thinknit would need to be a predetermind number before each battle, not the whole war. The factions shouild be allowed the same number of Battleships as their opponents, which is determined by how many BS owners can get on in time.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
What it won't do also, is restrict the number of shoddy storied, or completely RP-less capital ships on the server
either. That's becoming one of the problems here.
If like the NovaPG for example, faction leaders posted an intent to engage in a mission on the roleplay forum
before setting off, the parameters if needed, could be sorted out before hand ... And all of this could be done
Ultimately the faction leaders should control who is flying what by their members. The onus is on them to make
this whoring stop. Navies and Pirate forces DO NOT fly all capital ships ... Terrorists either.
A use of the 'old common sense' and not just the PvP orientated desire to win at all costs should be the driving
factor in all of this. You all have a brain ... Use it.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
If we put it in the server rules we would probably get lots of complaints that there are too many restrictions and we don't get enough freedom, my personal opinion, we should leave it to individual factions to sort it out. I suppose its one way of seeing if they're interested in RPing or not.. Personally, I prefer the idea of having shared capships, have one account with one battleship which people can use, rather than having everybody in the entire faction owning a giant arse capship, since, it doesn't make sense that an Ensign, or a Private commanding such a valuable piece of kit, not every person in the Royal Navy commands their own Destroyer..
The other problem with a fixed rule, and boy we seem to wanting more and more here now ... (Whats the
problem with using common sense ?) ... Is that the sudden appearance of somewhat contrived 'allies' with
battleships, will be appearing at battle scenes, to back-up certain parties.
"Errr, I'm not in that faction," will become the standard reply.
Yeah right. Loophole number one found already ...
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
As others have said, this is best handled by the faction's leadership. Most factions don't put a big block on capships, but they do usually put a number limit on battleship, and most of the time with cruisers. (An example is AW puts a limit on Battleships. Only a few select people are allowed them, and people can only put in a requestn for them after reaching the rank of a Lt. General [one special case exists however]. This keeps our BS number in a controllable number. We have a total of 4 BSs, split between 3 people. I control 2 as my flagship is incapable of leaving Theta, and so I need one that I can attack with. I know NovaPG does the about the same with cruisers and BSs. And RM does as well.
' Wrote:I love it when our enemies Cap-Whore. It's an easily defeated tactic. Begin the bomber-whoring! I'll be the token fighter-pilot, with Train CDs.
This is why I prefer piracy. Don't have to deal with all these wars. Pirates tend to deal with smaller targets of opportunity. We get involved in some of these larger battles when we are asked to provide aide. But we don't go out looking for a major battle with a house military. The Nayehiya has a total of ... count em ... 1 capital ship. Ooooooo ... Wow, I bet I could take on every house with that. But seriously, only leaders within my faction can have a capital ship and that's limited to the Outcast Destroyer. If you read the info card on this ship, you'll find its a joint venture between the Outcast and the Liberty Rogues. Yup, the Liberty Rogues were part of the design project for the Outcast Destroyer. The info card also notes that there are limited numbers of these ships outside Outcast space due to the conflicts with Corsairs. So, it makes since that we only have 1. At least until we have enough members to add 1 or 2 more leaders. Everybody else flies a gunboat or a fighter.
So, if we see you and run ... um - duh ... we're not there to get involved in a major battle with you. We may take on 1 or 2 of you who strays. Any more than that, we have better things to do than die.