***Incoming Transmission***
Neutral ID: James Brown
I could begin,
Your situation is very difficult. We noticed that you need things such as food, water and technical equipment, we are here to provide support to those goods arrive at your station. We will try not to encourage the killing of your people, with our contacts we can provide that support.
Like Anderson said, if someone engage your pilots we will defend him.
I appreciate you understanding in the matter. If you purpose is to defend Zoners and any supplies we may recieve, then that course of action has my blessing.
Do not misunderstand my remarks, I was in no way insinuating that either of you were looking to cause further issue or that either of you were murders in any sense. I was merely bringing a potential issue you may not of been aware of to your attention, so you may act with a more complete knowledge of the situation.
Thank you for your support in these troubled times.