After Action Report
Name: Jacques Amaury
Rank: Sous-Lieutenant
Operation Type: Training exercise
Area of Operations: Burgundy, Battleship Beuvray
Time: 1200 – 1300
Other Participants: Colonel Laurel Lavelle
Between the hours of twelve hundred and thirteen hundred Colonel Laurel Lavelle and I ran simulations between a fighter and a bomber, each dog fight lasting until Shields were dropped. The purpose of the exercise was to prepare me for defense of capital ships as per my assignment to Lavelle's battlegroup. We covered engine killing, proper use of Shield Batteries and Nanobots as well as evasive maneuvers against mine deployment.
***Incoming transmission***
Comm ID: Capitaine Michelle Picard
Subject:Patrol Report no.7
[font=Trebuchet Ms]
Today's patrol was short, but eventful. I undocked from Dijon at 15.45GMT, and started my regular tour around Burgundy. When I got to the Lorraine Jump hole, my sensors picked something up. I set a course, and found something interesting. A Council cruiser, by the name of "CLN-Concasseur". I had a strong sensor lock, so I moved in to intercept while requesting some bomber backup. Just when I was going to update Commandant Giroux on the cruisers' location, a group of Maquis bombers led me into an ambush. Most unfortunately, this allowed the Concasseur to get away.
The Commandant however, found the ship soon after it disappeared from my sensors. By the time I got to his location, he already engaged the ship together with a small fighter patrol wing. I moved in to assist, and we quickly turned the "[color=#FFFFFF]CLN-Concasseur" into a big cloud of scrap.
It was a foolish move of the Council to move a capital ship through Burgundy, an act that was punished accordingly, and something they hopefully won't do again anytime soon.
From: Colonel Lavelle, Laurel Location: Dijon Officer’s Lounge [PDA;WAN112] Subject: After Action report LLC[ b ]-AAR-001A
Message begins:
Cast away the Jeanne’s lines, and made designated patrol by Nevers and Avallon. We were confronted with a Junker transprot, hastily made to halt, so that we may fechez le Vache. Ordered sensor suite to make standard sweep, revealing a shipment of cryocubes, destined for Luneville station. Considering my patrol had already been completed, I offered him as an escort, as security. I figured this would work both ways, as he would not be so daft as to smuggle goods with the Jeanne’s eyes over him.
Convoy towards Luneville ran smoothly, encountering only limited Council tertiary fleet resistance. Junker proceeded to offload cargo and instead prepare a shipment of prisoners to return to Avallon. Apparently, his crew were unable to prepare properly, as two of the security personnel were slaughtered by a pair of prisoners, who then proceeded to take to the escape pods in an attempt to go fugitive.
Apparently escape pods aren’t shielded against flak. Who knew?
Remainder of deployment proceeded without incident. The Jeanne remains moored to Nevers at this time.
After Action Report
Name: Jacques Amaury
Rank: Sous-Lieutenant
Operation Type: Patrol
Area of Operations: Burgundy, Languedoc, Dauphine
Other Participants: Colonel Laurel Lavelle
Our patrol began in Burgundy where I joined up with the RNS Martyr and proceeded our patrol of the the trade lanes before jumping to Dauphine and continuing our patrol. Much like Burgundy all was quiet and once we had finished patrolling the trade lanes in Dauphine we jumped to the Langeudoc border guard. Here we picked up a Zoner on scanners. Colonel Lavelle made contact with the Zoner who was apparently ''exploring'' and informed him to stay clear of Gallic space. Shortly after this encounter contact was made with a Council tertiary fleet cruiser. We engaged and destroyed the vessel along with it's fighter escorts. After the engagement we completed the patrol and returned to Burgundy.
---Incomming Transmission---
Sender: Franck Valbuena
Rank: Sous Lieutenant
Bonjour mesdames et messieurs, Valbuena here
Today there was an quite unpleasent meeting with an Corse freighter near Battleship Beuvray.
He was carrying military vehicles and told me they were for battleship carcassone. A Corse freighter with military vehicles, transporting them to our base? I didnt believe that guy and ordered him to drop the vehicles.
Instead of follow my orders he docked with Battleship Beuvray and that was quite something i would have never expect. I made some guncam shots of his ship and recorded the following discussion.
Call-Sign of the Corse Freighter: L'Aimable
***Incoming transmission***
Comm ID: Capitaine Michelle Picard
Subject:Patrol Report no.8
[font=Trebuchet Ms]
Yesterdays patrol was scheduled for 21.45, so naturally, I undocked from Avallon Station at that time. I noticed the system communication channel was being polluted by dirty Brigand talk, Jean Aigle this time. Like always, "finding" them wasn't hard. Although I was quite surprised to find them a mere 10K from Dijon station this time. The group consisted of 4 Brigand fighters, 3 of them of the Legion des Jokes. Even their Lord, Enzo du Sable was there. My arrival must have scared him, because they started running right after I started talking. [color=#FFFFFF]Commandant Giroux arrived in the meantime, and demanded that we questioned the only member who wasn't part of the Legion; "Marcel Romano" . It appeared he was a mute, so the order to destroy his vessel arrived very quickly. He was flying a Brigand Light Fighter, no match for the superior Royal technology. After a short game of cat and mouse, Sous-Lieutenant Valbuena placed the final shot that cracked his hull.
After that, we resumed our patrol looking for more scum to erase. The Legion members were still polluting the system communications, but we couldn't find them at their regular hideouts. After a few minutes, a GRP member informed us of their location. It was near the RNS Beavray this time. They started running right after we found them, but we persued, to finally get rid of the spreading of lies.
The defences of their base couldn't save them from our guns, and we took them all down one by one, except for that coward cat-thing. Who "ran to run another day".
As if all that wasn't enough, two of the SMP Mercenaries decided to show up again. We had some unfinished business with them, so it didn't take very long before we opened fire. One of the present GRP pilots took one of them down very quickly with a well aimed mini-razor shot. The other one, still flying a Sirian vessel, was another story though. Because also present was a repair ship technician, who offered his help to everyone who paid. We (of course) didn't need his services, but we made it very clear that he would be treated as an enemy of the crown if he were to help the SMP's. The fool made a big mistake by repairing the mercenary right before we would have placed the killing shot. This gave the sirian an oppertunity to extend his death, and ran.
This repair ship, "LeMedecin". Is to be apprehended and brought in for questioning.
Comm ID: Capitaine Pauline Valence
Location: Battleship Beuvray; Burgundy
I started todays patrol at the Beuvray, securing the lanes up to Planet Nevers. On my way back I realized a rather large unidentified object. I moved a bit closer to see which results a scan would bring. The vesel was definately nothing produced in our space, so It had to be Sirian.
My ships scanner was able to collect the following data:
After I sent out an emergency call, because I was not able to evaluate the danger of this thing, Commandant Giroux joined me and we destroyed the vessel. Needless to say that there were no survivors.
ID: Margrave Blaise Mersenne, Lord Marechal d'Armee Navalle ENREGISTREMENT: GRN-3305-81-C ORIGINE: Gap Station DESTINATION: Sieges Sociaux CHIFFRAGE: Securite-C
On behalf of the Grand Marechal, under the auspices of His Majesty the King, the following are to be promoted in recognition for service and excellence in the defense of Gallia and Her Territories:
Capitaine Pauline Valence is to be promoted to the rank of Commandant.
Capitaine Michelle Picard is to be promoted to the rank of Commandant.
Sous-Lieutenant Franck Valbuena is to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.
Along with these promotions are all the privileges and responsibilities that come with them. We in High Command firmly believe you will maintain the virtue and solidarity befitting of officers in His Majesty's Royal Navy.
Congratulations, mes amis.
Margrave Blaise Mersenne
Maybe some day, they'll see a hero is just a man who knowshe's free.
Comm ID: Commandant Pauline Valence
Location: Battleship Beuvray; Burgundy
I launched from the Beuvray to answer to a distress call. The reports indicated that a Council vessel was close to Dijon, so I moved to the base in order to remove them. The Council pilot was already fighting a secondary fleet member, so I decided to wait as I didnt see the need to waste ressources.
A few minutes later Sous-Lieutenant de la Roche arrived at Dijon about the same time as another Council pilot. I ordered de la Roche to take care of the problem.
The Sous-Lieutenant made use of Torpedos, but he over used them, which resulted in the secondary fleet vessels destruction as well as the loss of his own shield generator. Commandant Picard joined us a bit before a torpedo destroyed the secondary fleet vessel.
After a short preparation Picard and myself jumped into the fight to remove the Council vessels.
De la Roche's ship took a lot of damage because of the lack of a shield generator which resulted in a malfunction after a collision with Picard's ship.
After the destruction of the second vessel the Council pilots wanted to retreat into the Nouvre Asteroid Field. I decided to let them escape because I expected it to be a trap.
Upon my return to Dijon I explained a few things to de la Roche which were practiced in a few flight simulations.