You can use MOX to RP this, its fuel as well. Making H-Fuel perishable would kind of screw over the GMG I guess, since it's their primary source of income and stuff.
' Wrote:inRP the heavy and expensive cap rechargies will fix more hull points per unit, that means that the price of let's say 100 Heavy will have equal price and repairability (if such a word exist xD) as 1000 normal rechargies so it'll still be the same. If you don't like capspam take your bomber and sow the caps that they are nothing more than a peace of poo (lol). The lolwuts will be diapointed in their caps and stop using them so often.
Didn't say 'and your friends who own bombers/other capships':P
Quote:My idea:
make H-Fuel perishable, to enhance roleplaying running out of fuel.
Pros - more RP possibilities
Cons - many would not RP it (powertraders, powerminers etc)
Trading H-Fuel will like become OORP cuz it's running out while in the hold,plus,H-Fuel is pretty expensive too,so trading H-Fuel will definitely not become popular,and rping running out of Fuel?What happens if someone didn't buy fuel/run out of H-Fuel?Will he get harrassed with pms going: 'Dude,you don't have fuel,it's oorp to move around without fuel'?The rp of running out of fuel and thus not being able to move is damn annoying.In the end,people won't buy H-Fuel.
I would like to see these things in the next update pretty please!!!
Maybe dynamic economy can be realized if u update only crucial and most traded and used commodities.
I hope there is some kind of log which shows most traded goods/commodities.So u don't have to update all data only this most used.
I agree on disabling the logging in after killed!Maybe there is a way to block the IP or something like that.I don't know much about such things.
It would be great if bases could be capturable.
And i hope u can add some balance or weight to the Hegemon mining ship cause every time i get hit from that little asteroid i start to spin around.It is very frustrating.
THE BIGGEST REQUEST : Please make ingame chat more user friendly!U can split the chat box into three seperate parts so when player hits enter there will be private + system + group chat all in one place!
And player can write messages without switching between chat boxes!That would save us all from trouble!
I realize that all requests can't be implemented but thank u for all the things u've done so far! Thank u very much in advance!
i ll make a dev-ticket about the rearview of the werewolf to be looked into ( and probably fixed )
@colada-del-cid stuff
as far as i remember - we wanted to re-balance the colada a little so it actually becomes useful. - but it is also correct that the outcasts have the inferno, which is the only weapon that enables them to effectivly fight large ships in packs of fighters.
other factions ( also corsairs ) can do the same - but its a lot harder for them than for people with infernos. so the balance is still there.... even if the colada gets adjusted to usefulness
' Wrote:I have a idea for outcast weaponary:
Make a Kraken type 3. (class 10)
So? Corsairs got cola del cid or whatever and thats class 10 and energy eating pulse?
Outcasts could use something like thias but hurts hull more and shield abit more, make it eat energy aswell
it could use the kraken 2 turret effect
This is the -most- hilarious post I have ever seen on this board!
I thought he was joking at first, but once I realized he was not... Oh jee, I laughed so hard. :lol:
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
You don't get my point
OC weapons are mainly HULL hurters...
they dont have an adv. hull muncher weapon
on the other hand the corsairs got their shield munchers
It seems YOU don't get us, the Inferno is a special weapon that only the outcasts have, and that rapes shields.
On the other hand, you can't always expect things to be exactly the same, it would be bored. You don't see the other factions complaining because only the outcasts have the inferno, right?
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
I dont know whether this counts as "cloak."
But I've been wondering whether there could be a (insanely expensive) device, which could stop you from being scanned and cargo scanned, and would make you appear neutral no matter what your rep is.
This could be used by groups like the LSF etc. for recon and similar missions. Of course, only small craft (fighter, maybe even bombers) could mount them, due to balance issues.
It would be great RP and would add some nice atmosphere to the game.
An idea: And I'm not sure if its possible but it would be cool if you could have a 'lock' on local chat so you don't have to type '/l' everytime and when you forget sometimes its pretty annoying.
And I support Franklins idea. Although I see abuse..