"I worked at department of sociology at Planet Manhattan. I saw that the Liberty's "democracy and freedom for everyone" is a lie. Because of my "leftist" opinions I lost my job and spent a two months in jail. I want to change something, try to from this world a better and I need to feed myself. I was a professor but after I was jailed no one would give me a job. When I heard your transmission I was working as an escort."
Jack flicked ashes from his coat down.
"But back to your question. I am ready to serve Coalition to fulfill my idea of the better world, I am ready to die for it. Because something must be changed. If I won't live long enough to see it changed, maybe my children will do. The revolution is not here for us. It's here for those who will come after us. I want my children and grandchildren not to be ashamed that I did not tried to change anything. We cannot live in lies forever."
Zdraviya zhelayu, tovarish Comissar! I am Andrew Pieck, former worker, former terrorist, enemy of state in Rheinland, revolutionist and intransigent militant against capitalism and oppression of workers. I wish to join Coalition Army because I see Red Sirius in my dreams, Sirius where children do not cry, where workers are not oppressed, where the capitalists simply do not exist. I see a proud people, walking in formation into a brighter future. And I know that my dreams can become a reality. That's why I want to become one of you, one of those who can make my dreams a reality. I wish to participate in it and use all my skills and experience to achieve the victory of Communism.
Mendel smiled broadly and clapped the man on the shoulder, "Old Hoarse told me you were going to stop by. You might not remember, but you saved my transport one night on a rather vicious night raid by the RM... I don't forget people who save my life, Comrade. Welcome to the Coalition. Go straight to Comrade Colonel Rhade, and get equipped..."
He turned. "Annd you... what are you supposed to be?" he asked looking at the other recruit.
Jack saw that Commissar excused himself and when he shouted "Next!" he entered the room. After that he repeated the story he was telling to Commissar before he was called by his duties at the end he just added:
"Reason I think that even if we success we won't enjoy the fruits of our victory is that we will still bear the scars of our fight inside us."
Mendel stared at the man before him, smoked a puff ring in his face, then smirked. The large man was quite puzzled now, but before he could ask what was going on the officer puffed another ring of smoke in his face, then simply exclaimed:
- "Too old."
Then he spun on his heel, went back inside and slammed the door shut behind him straight in the man's face.
As the confused man reached out to knock again, Alicia shook her head.
Captain Petrovin walked into the recruitment office; he'd been getting a course in the new military ever since he was thankfully plucked from the league of Commissars. For almost a year he'd worked the "underground", doing the dirty deeds no one else felt compelled to. But with the rise of the new order, the ranks of the Commissars were... diminished. It was by the grace of God and a few people up top that spared him from that particular fate.
And so here he was, stopping by on the Trotsky, back in the same room he'd once fretted in. It seemed like ages ago.
He smiled at Alicia and gave her a curt nod. Whether or not she returned it, he didn't notice, for he was already sizing up the man standing face to face with the duty Commissar's door.
"Hm, the next batch I see," Konstantin said, walking up to the man slowly. "I see you're having a bit of a problem with this process, mm?"
The man turned to look at him, clearly confused at the sudden appearance of the stranger.
"Well let's see then..."
For around thirty agonizingly slow seconds, the Coalition pilot eyed the man up and down, as if picking apart the man's every feature, every blemish, every stray thread on the man's clothes.
And Kostya furrowed his brows, frowned, and simply said, "Too young."
Jack was confused but he did not expected it to be easy. He sat on the chair again and started thinking what he did wrong. Jack knew that all recruits say this... "We are here to help people, we want better world." but how to convince Commissar that he is serious and that he is really prepared to die for his goal. He knew that even Lenin was expelled from the university but he did not surrendered. Nor shall he. For now he will sit here and wait if the Commissar gives him another chance or task to prove himself.
But before he could do that he saw a man watching all over.
"Too young." he heard
Jack watched him for a second and then he said.
"One is not old nor young. His age is what he feels like and what he is capable off. Our duty is to do what is right even if we are young. Age is not an excuse."
The door slammed open, and Mendel stepped out, squinting his eyes in the harsh fluorescent light., examining the man (jack) sitting amongst the other recruits. With a snort, he grabs a shotgun from Boris beside the door, and shoots the man in the chest. As he falls to the ground, drooling and twitching, he turns back inside.
As the door begins to close, the recruiter yells "Too Mediocre" over his shoulder.
Kostya looked at the slumped body bemused; he'd seen worse.
"Well, would love to stay and watch but there's other matters to attend to." He saluted Alicia and left the recruitment office, shaking his head with a slight grin.
"Next?" he asked taking off his coat, and rolling up his shirt sleeves while still smoking a cigarette... Allowing the orange cover-alled techs in to clear away the bodies.
He puffed a smoke ring, it had been quite a while since he'd had quite as much fun.