Alexei Vetroplachov entered the reception, greeted the secretary and sat down. The previously pleasant barbecue-like smell turned into disgust, as he noticed the source through the open door to interview room, just when some neurotically looking man with a packet of marshmallows closed them behind him. He checked the sign on the door to make sure he is on the right place. "Okay, let´s assume this is normal..." he thought and leaned back to wait.
Mendel stretched, walking out of his office to fetch another cup of coffee... the sounds of Boris working over the spy in the office were quite audible.
Given the length of the work, and the fact that it really was getting quite late, Mendel had rolled up his shirt sleeves and was happily smoking a cigarette.
"Another one?" he blinked as he finished pouring. "Let me guess, mentally deficient, a sadomachicist... or do you think you are a duck that explodes candy... here let me show you what my day has been like..." he scooped up a remote and turned on a view screen on the wall.
Alexei took a deep breath as the video ended, definitely convinced he wouldn´t like to be in commisar´s place. Still having a strange feeling about Mendel´s remark about sadomasochism, he replied: "Your excellency, I would probably start with putting glass panels along the walls, as they are easier to be cleaned."
Mendel winced, "Comrade-Commissar... your excellency is a Bourgeoisie term, and I dislike it. Now then... tell me what brings you to the Coalition... and please... spare me the boring stories... make it exciting... thrill me!"
Alexei stretched out slightly. He wanted to start talking about how he wants to bring justice to the opressed by the capitalism, just the story he had prepared in his head so many times. Now, facing the commissar, he felt it would sound like ordinary cliche. Wondering how many stories like that had Mendel already heard, he just said truthfully and modestly: "Comrade Commissar... I have a simple dream, that this flag, " he points at the Coalition banner hanging on the wall, "will wave on the top of Liberty´s senate building. That´s all there is to it." He looked at Mendel. "Is there any other way to achieve that more exciting, than fighting in the ranks of Coalition´s Krasnoy Armii, along with fellow comrades who share the same ideals?"
'Hey, what's wrong with you people? I am not a god damned spy, for how long do I have to endure this guy?' Vitali shouted from the Commissar's office. 'Get off me you fool, let me talk to the Commissar' he shouted to Boris and jumped off the metal table, now red with his blood.
A man wearing the typical Rheinland Military uniform entered in the hallway leading towards the Commissar's office, the ex-Rheinland Military officer could clearly sence the smell coming from a burnt corpse, laying on the floor, certainly dead. When he tried to pass over the corpse of the agonizing recruit, a hand touched his shiny black leather boots, he was still alive.
The officer proceeded towards a row of chairs and sat on one of them, he started to reflect on the overall atmosphere ongoing in the office, a clear scuffle between somebody
Alexander von Manstein: They aren't joking here it seems, god, I can't stand this stench *He gave a quick look at the recruit laying on the floor, half burned*
Mendel glanced up, rolled his eyes, marched across the room, taking one of the combat shotguns from one of the marines. He cocked it, Walked to the first corpse and shot it point blank in it's head... he walked to the next and repeated the motion... moving around to the third and so on.
Once he was truly satisfied that there wasn't even the remotest possibility that they were still alive, he ordered the technicians to carry off the corpses to the incinerator where they would be introduced to 5000 degree heat... if they somehow... magically... survived that... the ashes were to be deposited in the men's head to ensure that they would service the Coalition in some mediocre fashion as charcoal odour brickets.
He looked at the Spy on the table, sighed and closed the door on Boris, who was flexing a neuralnet phone book to deal with the man.
Lifting the shotgun to his shoulder he squared his jaw.
"All bloody chaos in here this afternoon. You, Captain Kraut... stay there and wait your turn... you... recruit... umm... not dead yet... I was asking you questions. Next question. What is the underlying message in the Katz Manifesto?"
"Damn, I should´ve payed attention to politics..." Alexei thought. He began to think in his head... "All manifests are summing up the reasons, goals and ways to achieve them... Premier Katz, being the leader, determines what are the goals of Coalition, and those goals I know. Katz is rather liberal, so..." A plausible answer appeared in Alexei´s head. "Comrade Comissar... It says that we are to use all ways necessary, peaceful ways first, forceful last, to achieve the ultimate goal that is the victory of the working class in the entire Sirius." He doubted he could have thought of anything better with that shotgun in unstable man´s hands.