Recently we have acquired some technology allowing us to move very quickly across great distances.
We find ourselves in Gallia quite often doing certain trade routes.
We feel these trade routes could be made much more profitable but sadly our organisation only has so much manpower at its disposal.
Seeing as your such an influential power within Gallia and we hear you have many transports under your command we wish to offer you a proposal.
We, OZ, offer you free passage from Gallia to the Omicrons with our new Jump drive technology.
We offer this so you may make huge amounts of money trading Cryocubes out of Gallia and Iridium into Gallia.
All we request is that you share 30% of your profits with us, you can keep the other 70% do do with whatever you desire.
We hope this is a fair deal as the running costs of our technology are quite high and the profit from these goods is very high.
I also hope that this agreement could build a friendly relationship with our people.
Greetings ladies and gentlemen of the Damned.
I wish to offer you my condolences. We are sorry to hear of your loss. *bows he's head and holds a moment of silence*
*slowly rises he's head back up* I also want to apologize for the long time it took us to respond.
We had some important matters that got most of our time.
I will like to let you know that our deal still stands.
And I will take care of the details on a private connection with
Mr. Felanis.