[color=#FFFFFF]The plan had worked masterfully, More transports were destroyed at LA - the second lot in as much as a week. The first lot was for fun, the second lot for money and now it was time for part 3. Capturing the navy person thing.
Luis Hernandez rocked back and forth in his chair, he was on the net communicating with his brother and sister. He still didn't grasp the situation fully. "We now have to kidnap navy pilot. We take to secret base... We.. not.. kill her?" Jeffrey sighed and explained again. "We get paid? Excellent excellent.. What do I do?" Jeffrey seems to be quite annoyed by this point, and explains Luis's role. "Ooh distract distract, ok! Distract.. distract..." Luis starts to rock back and forth again, babbling to himself. "Which secret base again?!" Jeffrey went a bit mad over the comms before screaming "KANSAS". "Oki oki, I arrange strike wing. Distract Matt. Get Matt to send distress signal, meet up with you in LA - blast more transports, Angel will arrive - Go mad. We blast her. I got it. What's after that?" Jeffrey kills the comm signal. "Can I has my cardimine now?" Luis starts tapping the screen asking it to say hello to Jeffrey again. He sets his autopilot to the Pittsburgh debris field and keeps tapping the screen, repeatedly saying hello.
[font=Courier New]Battleship Missouri, New York
[color=#FFFFFF]Matt was down in the hanger bay readying to launch when a ping came through from Docking control.
"Aye, I'm ready tae proceed through dock 1 control. What's up?" "Lt Commander Dimitrova has requested to speak with you Lt Smith." "Ah, that's a problem - wait one." Matt keyed in a comm code. "Mission control, can we divert the secondary wing out to the Pittsburgh debris instead of my wing?" "Negative, the secondary CAP wing is on the far side of Badlands. You're the only wing free." "Blast, copy Mission control." Matt keys back into the docking control frequency. "Launch control, we need priority clearance. Can you ask Dimitrova to contact me via my personal frequency? Tell her we've got a hacker problem and I have tae leave ASAP."
Matt sighs as he launches, once he was out of the Missouri - He ordered the rest of his wing to follow. They were new kids these, fresh faced out of West Point. He didn't quite know what to say to them.
"Right guys, we've had reports of a few wings of Hacker fighters assembling near the dense particle cloud. Our job is tae clear them oot. All fighters switch to TAC-5, keep the comms clear."
He chuckled to himself.
"Stay frosty, I don't want to lose my life out here because ye lot were daydreaming!"
[color=#FFFFFF]David Smith was in his office, drinking heavily from a bottle of Scotch. It was over. Two more transports were downed by the time he had arrived back. He had no idea how or why, the local freelancers were supposed to be watching them. He had a deal with the Hernandez's, who else wanted this to fail?! He smelt a double cross, but he had drunk far too much by this point.
"No, no, no, NO, NO!" David punched the wall, hurting his hand in the process. "If it was a double cross, well that's impossible anyway, they're entrapping Angelina.. Dammit does that matter now?!" David ran his hands threw his balding hair. He knew it was too late either way. "ARGH!"
[font=Courier New]Pittsburgh Debris Field, New York
[color=#FFFFFF]The wing of Liberty navy fighters entered the view. Luis, for all his mental failings, could still organise an ambush. They got just about close enough when his wing fired their cruise disruptors.
Matt heard the bleeping alarms, but there was nothing he could do about it and was taking out of cruise speed.
"Dammit! We're nae where near tha' specified place. Mission controls got this one 'rong. All fighters up and face! Accelerate tae attack speed an' target tha'.." Two explosions went off either side of him. Two pilots had instantly been downed. "Dammit! Wing - go evasive!" Matt finally saw a couple of the attackers, they were in Bayonet Heavy Fighters. Hard to hit, very maneuverable and they packed a punch. He got one in his sights and fired. Missing, he chased it for about a minute. Getting it's shields down - he fired his Mini Razor in tandem with his main guns. He was greeted with a fierce explosion which showered his ship. "Got one! Wing, report in." He was greeted by silence and then another voice. "All dead all dead all dead! "Who is this?! Why are ye on a military signal!?" "All dead, your turn now, hahahaha!"
Luis turned the remainder of his wing towards Matt - all firing, Matt lost his shields and had several hits on his hull. He saw the situation was hopeless and started a fighting retreat.
"Switching to TAC-1, ouch, Mayday Mayday - This is Lt Smith of CAP Alpha wing - I'm under attack and taking damage. We were ambushed! Need assistance!" "Hehe, we heard that toooooooooo. Mayday mayday mayday!
Suddenly, Matt took a bad hit to his left wing. He was losing power and maneuverability. He started spirling out of control.
"Leave him, leave him - awoken the beast!! HEHE! Time to kill transports and civilians on Los Angeles." "Missouri control, they've activated their cruise engines and are running. They've left me for dead. I'm alright - They're heading to LA. Send all available fighters to LA - They're targeting civilians!"
Matt looked around his cockpit, he couldn't believe he had wrecked another Guardian. The only propulsion system working was his sub light engine. It would take a while to get back to the Missouri, but he was alive at least.
"Hahahahaha, be sure to send the best you have little navy. Lotsa civi's bout to die hahaha!"
Angelina was in her office when the officer she send to get Matt returned and said that he cant come. She sighted and returned to doing the Valiant organisations plans. She was like that for the next Hour when she was called to the bridge of the Ship. She was told that they have received a SOS signal from Matt. She got up and started running towards the Bridge she was hoping that she didn't lose Matt. When she arrived at the bridge she was barely holding her tears and some of them already are out.
When she saw that Matt was on his way back to the ship she was some kind a little happy. But she had to go and take care of the the Pirates. She turned to one of the Officers.
"Get me the Silver wing !" On of the Officers Repply'd
" Yes ma'am."
Angelina went down to the hanger bay and ordered her fighter to be pepered. Her Newly guardian hybrid mixt with Liberty teh and Bretonian teh was prepared. She put her eye HUD and launched from the Missouri. The Golds we on their way to LA. She Punched her fighter and it reached the California system very fast. She saw a convoy witch was heading for the Cortez gate. She joined up formation and they proceed to the gate the Lane towards Mojave was clear they entered the lane to LA when it go disrupted the. By a lane hacker pirate group. The Hackers attacked the Transport lowering its shields. Angelina Broke formation and started to fire the bretonian guns. She missed he first sambo and the hackers fired on her fighter instead of the Convoy. Angelina Told to the Convoy leader.
" Get the hell out of here I will Hold them off." She told to herself " Came on Silvers were are you?"
In that time two bayonets were on her six Angelina fired two mens downing the shields of both she turnd and fired a razor on one of the Heavy fighters destroying it at the same time launching a mine destroying bouth ships. Then some one contact her.
" Muhahahaha and there you are time to do bissnes ."
Two Bayonets attacked her fighter Drowning her shield and give some hull damage witch disabled her ship and she was forced to eject by the time the Silver Wing arrived. It was to late. The pod was gone and all that was left was the ship.They pulled her fighter with a tractor beam moving it back to the Missouri. At that moment Matt returned to the ship as well. The Silver fighters left her guardian and returned to their base of operation.
[color=#FFFFFF]Matt is pacing back and forth in the maintenance bay. His fighter's being taken apart by the technicians trying to repair the extensive damage to it. He's offered to help on a number of occasions but they kept refusing his help, knowing full well that he's not in the right state of mind. He goes over to the window which overlooks docking control. He see's a wing of Guardian's dock. He rushes down to the launch bay to be greeted by medic's telling him to keep back and the Dock Captain pulling him to one side.
"Angelina?!" "She's not with them, from what we know - her Guardian took a lot of combined fire and it needed to be towed back, it's a wreck.. She ejected, one of the boys saw the pod.. And they retreated very quickly afterwards" "Whit.. well.. where is she then?!?" "I'm sorry, the boys did everything they could.. Those hacker's probably have her." "Where did they go?!? We have to mount a rescue or somethin'!!!" "We swept the whole area, nothing pal. If they have her, she's as good as dead." Matt punches the Captain "I'll pretend ye dinnae say that.. She's alive!" "I'll have you court marshaled you filthy Bretonian scumbag!"
Matt flies into a rage and numerous other pilots pull him and the captain apart. Matt is pulled back to his Guardian, where he takes out his anger on the inanimate object's that litter the bay. He breaks down into a corner with his head in his hands.
"Why... ?"
[font=Courier New]En Route to the Hernandez retreat, Kansas
[color=#FFFFFF]Luis Hernandez is humming joyfully to himself when his prisoner stirs in the corner. Luis gets up gleefully.
"Well hello navy navy! Hehe.. All dead all dead all dead! Your wing kaboom!" Angelina is bound and gagged, she's bruised heavily to her head and looks very groggy "Mmmhhmmmffgghh." Luis laughs insanely. "Hah! Aww, I love you too.. you're very pretty for a navy navy!" Luis jumps on her and punches her in the midriff before licking her face grotesquely. He is interrupted up a comm.
"Luis, behave. I have that camera mounted on your bayonet for a reason. Leave her alone. Maria out." "Well navy navy, Sister likes you. You bring us money! Hehe! Time to show you your new home!!"
Luis drags Angelina by the scruff of her neck to the cockpit window. There is a purple nebula in the background but ahead of Angelina is a newly constructed large space station. It has numerous weapons platforms surrounding it and the station itself has guns bristling along it.
[color=#FFFFFF]Matt on his bunk, thinking to himself. A comm message comes through, it's from Angelina's father. Matt had sent an urgent communique an hour previous, now he had to tell Angel's dad the news. Matt can hardly find the words, but he eventually manages to explain what happened.
"I'm so sorry, I'll do everything I can to get 'er back. I promise!"
[font=Courier New]Newark Station, Manhattan Orbit
[color=#FFFFFF]David Smith is in a deep discussion with the chairman of the Interspace board. David had dreaded this moment for the last few weeks.
"Look, I know we're behind schedule and have had an increase in the number of pirate raids over the last few weeks but what business *isn't* suffering? What with the recent embargo's - It's only logical that fewer transports means fewer targets for the pirates and an increase in raids! If the board would increase my defence budget this wouldn't be happening!" "David, the board have been more than favourable over this project. Your defense budget has increased in line with all the other cost increases that you have put forward. This project is like a run away train, these specialised parts are expensive to import from Bretonia." "We stand at a crossroads in humanity. Imagine the potential that hypergate travel will bring us!" "The board are well aware of the benefits David, but we have to turn a profit at some point. 5 years worth of research and development and there is nothing to show for it. There are members of the board which have a counter proposal, and one which has been accepted by all the parties concerned." "What.... counter proposal?" "Interspace will partner Ageria in their own research. By combining our knowledge and research, we aim to get the project done faster. Not only that, but with substantial cost savings. The parts we need can be assembled on Denver instead of Cambridge." "No, no you can't do that! This is our project! My project!" "David, you will either liaise with the Head of the Forward Jump project or you will tender your resignation. You have the rest of the day to consider your options. Get out."
David walked back to his office and then slumped back in his chair. At least the project wasn't dead he guessed. He might be though, if Ageria found out that the R&D that Interspace was doing was purely around knowledge already stolen from them - This... partnership... would be dead before it started. There would be legal action, appeals, challenges to the high courts. The project would die for another 400 years. David took out the bottle of whisky and filled a glass. His laptop pinged, and a hooded figure stood in front of David on the screen..
"We have your target, now release those funds." "Blowing up my transports were NOT part of the deal!" "What transports? My group were stealing this Navy girl, I have no knowledge of this." "YOU LIE!" The hooded figure smirks, she is enjoying this communication. "Why don't you prove it instead of banding about ridiculous accusations. Now we are going to finish what you started. You will pay us and then ensure that the Navy meets our ransom demands, use your web of contacts do whatever is necessary - but we want that money. I don't know the complexities of why you are doing this David, but if you want a life after this is over - You will ensure we are paid, IN FULL" The transmission terminated
[color=#FFFFFF]Luis Hernandez is in the cage next to Angelina. He's bouncing around.
"Jeffrey, Maria, Jeffrey, Maria! I want out out out.. I'll be calmer please please.. Just give me some Cardimine.. Please please." Angelina looks in a bad way, she seems more out of it than she did in Luis's cargo bag. "Mmmhhmmmffgghh. You.. mmfg.. will pay for this.." Luis laughs insanely, to the extent that saliva dribbles down his chin. "Haha! Someone needs more tranquilizers! AND ITS NOT MEEEEEE!" Luis charges at the cage opposite and rattles it around and laughs insanely.
Angelinas father was pissed off because the only thing that reminded him of his wife was angel. He calmed down and contacted is son Georgi. Father of Angel was in shock thats why he was so calm.
"Son Angel is gone missing she was last seen near LA her pod got tractor ed by the Lane hackers. Georgi get Angel home safety please she she." He gets Interrupted by Georgi.'
"Father I know don't worry I will do every thing in my power to get her back from the Hacker hands."
Georgi ceases the transmission. Then he hits his desk and trows away all the files he had stored as his new Colorado task. He opened the file on the kidnapping and and sighted heavily he told to himself.
" Angel what the hell were you thinking ? "
[font=Arial Narrow]
Battleship Pacific Colorado system Sector 5 G
[color=#FFFFFF]Then he Opened up the file of Matt and started to read his jacked. He contacted the Captain of the Missouri.
" Captain I need a Favor! "
"Captain Dimitrov Its glad to hear from you its been a wile sure tell me what you need?"
" Are you aware a fighter pilot by the Name if Matt Smith? "
" Yes I am why are you asking? "
"I need him on the Pacific for a wile I am requesting his Transfer aboard the LNS-Pacific !"
" You mean to become one of your crew members ?"
" Yes ! "
" NO absolutely no I need this Pilot on the Fighter deck of my ship"
"Oh really you see here captain I need him for a operation witch is kinda personal, I hope you understand we can make this matter official or solve it between us its your choice."
The Captain of the Missouri had no Choice but to approve the transfer. Matt was contacted abut it and at the start he didnt want to go to the Pacific fearing the Brother of Angel will do something to him but Orders were Orders. He had to go to the Pacific and report to his new ship. At that Time Georgi give Instructions to the Officer that is going to settle Matt on the Pacific.
[color=#33FF33]" Once he has landed make sure he docent go first to me. Show him around make him relax take him to our bar the launch bay to meet his new fellow pilots. Then Bring him to me."
[font=Courier New]LNS-Pacific, In Orbit of Planet Los Angeles.
[color=#FFFFFF]Matt sat his Guardian down on the docking bay. He didn't know what to think at the moment. He was relieved in that he didn't have to face the repercussions of the incident in the Missouri's docking bay a couple of days previous. He was annoyed because he knew it could get more work done there in trying to find Angelina. To top it all, he was anxious about facing Angelina's brother. He had already submitted a draft request for a deep search and rescue mission. It was refused, Angelina could be anywhere in the Sirius systems by now and the Navy couldn't waste resources in trying to track her down and effect a rescue.
"Here goes nothing."
A Sub Lieutenant greeted him and took his backpack and ushered him down to the CAP rec room. "Oi jocks! We got ourselves a new Lead Stick for Blue Squadron!"
Matt looked around nervously. He was commanding a squadron? This was an honour, but Matt couldn't bring himself to smile. Instead, he waved briefly and headed back out the room.
"Your callsign is Raptor right?" "Yes-sir-ee, I'm giving you a tour-a-round of the tub before you meet the c'p'n. "No yer not, take me to Captain Dimitrov. We have urgent business to discuss"
[font=Courier New]Newark Station, Manhattan Orbit
[color=#FFFFFF]David Smith is speaking with his secretary when his laptop goes off.
"Yes, WHAT?!" "Things are not progressing as we agreed" "I have no intention of co-operating now! You double crossed me and I have proof!" "That's a shame. I suppose I'll have to release the details of who paid for this kidnapping and who's idea it was. Not to mention all the research you've been stealing from Ageria.. Oh yes Mr Smith - We've done our homework. Now, we have a job for you. You will tip-off the Navy to our whereabouts." David recoils, confused - he doesn't understand. "I would happily do that for you to be smashed into the ground!" "That is the point. Our own source within the Navy has assured me that the ransom demand will not be met on their end. Our chances of seeing a profit for this operation have nose-dived. As such, a private investor needs to make a donation." "I don't follow" "You are not expected to, just ensure that the Pacific arrives in Kansas. That's all you need to do. Unless of course, you want your secrets revealed?"
The transmission terminates, David leans back and thinks. Tipping off the Navy would ensure those babbling idiots were silenced. Angelina would probably be executed in the firefight, the hostages always are. They were right in that the Navy would not pay out, they don't negotiate with terrorists. David holds his head. All he wanted was for Angel to disappear for a few days for Matt to get the hint that the Navy wasn't safe anymore. Disobey an order or two in the process and be discharged. How stupid was he in dealing with these maniacs?!
Something clicked in his brain. The Pacific was commanded by that Dimitrov fellow, they come from good stock. They must have a few bucks in the bank. That's what their after!! Lure the Pacific there, threaten it - get the money. Hand back the hostage then scarper before it blows whatever ship their on to high hell. This would work to David's advantage, the only people with evidence of his treachery would be dead. His research would still go on and he could cover up what he had stolen as best he could. He could see a way out of this finally!
[font=Courier New]Hernandez retreat, Kansas
[color=#FFFFFF]The Hernandez's have called a meeting.
"Jeffrey, Maria! Cardi cardi cardi cardi!" Both of them look at Luis in disgust and order the other men in the room to remove him "What I say wroooooooooooooong.....!" Luis is dragged out the room. "Jeffrey, The Pacific will hold our chances of being paid. It probably expects to run into a transport and fighters. Prepare that illusion. Disable her as soon as you can to ensure we get our money. Then set Luis loose on the hostage. If that doesn't make them pay up, kill the hostage. Then threaten the Captain with his life and that of his crew. Just do what you can to get access codes to that bank account! I'm afraid at the end of this, the station will either be lost or dismantled. The Navy will know we're out here either way and we won't have much time. Ensure we are fully prepared to evacuate. Go."
[color=#FFFF33]Battleship Pacific California System
The Sub-Lieutenant blinked and told Matt.
" Sorry sir Captains Direct orders are to show you a tour of the ship and then bring you to him sir."
The recruit hands over to Matt the Pacific Logo Patch for Matt to put on his Left Arm of his uniform
Matt was a little flushed but he managed to take the Patch. The Sub Lieutenant lead Matt to the first place were all the pilots after doing patrol were going the bar .
The Bar on the Pacific was pretty much full of pilots who were talking abut the captain missing sister.
The Sub-Lt screamed out.
The Entire bar got on its feet and saluted. Matt was shocked to see the discipline of those officers. Most of the Pilots were from the 6th Avenger wing and the 33rd Bomber wing that are on board the Pacific . Matt was impressed. The Sub-Lat took Matt to the Hanger deck were the Main fighter wing of the Pacific were doing some repairs and outfitting their guardians. Matt looked at them and ask the Sub-Lt.
" who are those guys ?" the Sub-Lt answered
" Oh Those are the 45th Pumas one of the Best guardian squadrons of the secondary fleet. This way sir"
Matt was taken to the Pilots briefing room were he saw 6 bunch of nuggets fresh out of the academy.
the Sub-Lt called out.
"" Primary Fleet Officer on the Deck ! " The Nuggets were to bisy with their own stuff they didnt even hear what the sub-Lt seas. He got pissed.
" Primary Fleet Officer on the Deck ! That mean you lowlifes stand up and salute . "
In that Moment Dimitrov Entered
Matt Screamed out
The Nuggets stood up and after Dimitrov dismissed them. He went to the wing leader Officer and Talked.
"So Matt long time no see, unfortunate that its under these circumstances. So lets hear you out what your gonna say to explain this ? " Dimitrov Pulled out his gun and a Bottle of whiskey witch was full and he pulled out another bottle witch was in half gone.
[font=Courier New]LNS-Pacific, In Orbit of Planet Los Angeles.
[color=#FFFFFF]Matt looked at the gun. It was an old service pistol. Some officers preferred projectile weaponry, most officers in the Navy like Matt stuck with Standard issue Vengeance pistols. The laser was far truer a weapon, it was clean, quick and effortless. Matt looked down at his pistol, but did not rise to the bait.
"C'ptain. We went after whit we thought were two groups o'hackers. They weren't, tha' first group were a distraction to lure tha' main force away. The second group hit a bunch of civilian transports. Angel's guardian got shot down and I think tha' bunch of hackers got in her pod. There's little in the way of evidence one way or another."
Matt stares Captain Dimitrov in the eye, the young Lieutenant unyielding and steely determined. "We've been seeing each other a while C'ptain. I ain't ashamed tae admit I love yer sister. I gave ye a promise I'd dae all I could tae get 'er back. I wonnae give up on her now!"
Matt was distracted by a beeping comm signal to Dimitrov's terminal. It seemed the Captain had a message waiting for him.
[font=Courier New]Newark Station, Manhattan Orbit
[color=#FFFFFF]David Smith lifts his finger off the SEND button on his laptop. He had scrambled and routed his last message through multiple satellites and through several fake addresses. He had faked the message to be the last few words of a dead researcher, stumbling across a base in the Kansas system. No specifics other than the fighters attacking him were Sabres. He hoped that was enough to alert the Pacific's attention.
"Well, your move."
He looks through the latest files on requisitions that were heading to Ageria. They seemed to be making good progress, but the damn LSF were keeping a much closer eye on things than usual. Another report caught his eye, transfer requests in the Navy - He had programmed his computer to keep a track of his sons, and other interesting persons, dealings so he could....
He has seen that his son had recently transferred to the Pacific. It was marked as temporary, but David knew that these things had a knack for turning permanent as soon as someone dies or screws up. Those Dimitrov's were trouble, and now they were going to get his son killed. He immediately grabbed the bottle of whisky and sipped furiously from it. He was at a loss of what to do.
[font=Courier New]LNS-Pacific, In Orbit of Planet Los Angeles.
[color=#FFFFFF]Captain Dimitrov had gone to his desk and saw the incoming message. He immediately hit the print button, while turning to Matt and said "Look's like you were right, there's a heavy concentration of Hacker ships in Kansas."
"Kansas? That's a bit far oot C'ptain. It's right aff Virginia as well, we could take tha' whole Guard fleet there n'waste um!"
Matt thinks about it a bit more. Dimitrov has directed the bridge to set a course for Virginia then Kasas. Matt shouts at Dimitrov to wait a second.
"C'ptain, it'll be a trap. They're sneaky bastards! There's a Jumphole to Kansas fae Magellan, we could take that. I'm still the XO on the Valiant, it can meet us there. I also know Commander Hughes on tha' Omaha, he's a mate n'I trust 'im. That'll give us two gunboats plus the Pacific. Combined firepower should be enough aye?"
Matt looked at Dimitrov and sighed. It wouldn't be that easy. Knowing about a trap didn't just mean you could avoid it, at the end of the day - They still had Angelina.
[font=Courier New]48 hours later, Magellan.
[color=#FFFFFF]Captain Hughes, Captain Dimitrov, Lt Smith and various squadron leaders are in the tactical planning room on the Pacific. The plans for Angelina's rescue are afoot.
"So we're agreed?"
There are various nod's around the table.
"Right, so tae confirm, we know we'll be up against some sort of base and weapons platforms.. There will be a lot of fighters and bombers. Our last recon probe showed the presence of a transport, these buggers are in it fer the money so.. The Pacific gets drawn in, it takes out the thrusters and weapons systems on the transport and Strike team 1 led by Lt Alves gets on board and takes out the crew. If Angel's on board, rescue. I gotta funny feeling she won't be though, it'll be a trap.
The Omaha and Valiant will run interference on the weapons platforms while Strike 2 led by me shall bust into the main base. Guardian squadrons are tae keep tha fighters busy, Upholder's tae take oot tha main guns on tha' station. Once we've rescued Angel, tha's the cue fer us all tae get oot'a there a'fore the Pacific blasts the station sky high.
As much as I hate saying this, it's... nae just about Angel. Her life is precious and must be saved - but... We have tae take down this base, or more navy officers are gonnae get kidnapped fer ransom..."
Matt is visibly distressed saying that about Angel, in his mind - he would not rest until Angel was save and home. He had to show strength to the commanders in the room however, there was an opportunity to put down a hefty Hacker force. If the plan worked as it should.
There was still the fact that the whole thing was a trap.