There is no good or evil, not in the real world, and typically not in games.
Bad guys dont murder and terrorize simply because they want to be "evil", they do it with a goal in mind, and always under the pretense that they are doing the right thing (whether it's the right thing for themselves, someone they care about, or for the general population is what we usually use as a guideline to moral or immoral actions).
...WAT?! there is! it's the basis of the whole existance of the Universe, it's paladins vs Black knights! Jedi vs Sith! Tvtropes vs 4 chan!. There's also in the Real World, more than anywhere else!
Bad guys may not think they're doing bad but it's cuz they just don't know, they're still doing something bad, and the good guys try to stop them and/or help the ones they attack depending on context.
I'ts so basic it's used in child stories!
So I'm not happy with Lawful or unlawful my character's still neutral-good and needs to find more good guys!
Quote:There is no good or evil, not in the real world, and typically not in games.
Yes that's true. An example is that OC think they are saving the poor slaves by taking them in and working them in their plantations, but ignoring the fact that they don't allow them to leave whenever they want to, or pay them for their work. They also create demand for slave market so more people are enslaved just because the OC will buy their slaves.
There is enough views on this topic, and everyone will tell you something different probably. Even though there is no doubt slavery is bad as it is, but it wouldn't be that bad in some cases, even be 'better off' than other things like, hunger or death.