A blow using the back of his hand, the ultimate insult, well it could be worse for the girl, but then again, he always reserved the worst for those he really.. Really disliked..
"You little useless thing.."
Set looked down on the woman that was sobbing while laying on his carpet..
"You are shedding tears on my carpet.. Get out.."
She then was then picked up by the two Eunoch's that guarded him, they casually threw her out of the room.
Set picked up his glass and took a sip of wine contemplating his situation..
Sure he had other women, but she was awfully unique, especially since most of his slave women where either Kusari or Bretonian. She had wonderful bronze skin and piercing green eyes, but she had the audacity to dare speak to him!
He threw his glass into the nearby wall where it shattered on impact, throwing wine all over his carpet...
"Bring me another one.. And make sure this one does not speak.."
The two eunoch's looked at each other ending with a nod at their lord and master..
His ever lasting servant and advisor, a shadow of a man, suddenly stood at his side..
"My dear don.. The Joker probably wants to know our location.."
Set contemplated this as he took up his bottle of Gallic wine, pouring it into another glass that stood on the table next to him.
"Very well, send him the coordinates then.. We'l just wait for him here.. I'l entertain myself while waiting.."
A cold smile spread across his lips..
And somewhere below deck an unfortunate girl in her early twenties got her tongue surgically removed..
The Scales of the Serpent lay in empty space, inside a nebula, guarded by a few of Set's favorite guards.. A Storta destroyer patrolled the area close to the Scales, a necessary protection. Especially with Set's.. Fear of death.. He just can't handle that a second time.
There it lay, waiting for the Joker, and for a future prospect Set knew would be excellent..
[font=Trebuchet Ms]One of the many joker's gunboat vessels, which he was testing using borrowed money which he is likely never to pay back, cut through the thick, white-blue nebula clouds. The flight was exhausting as he had to take a much longer route trying to avoid fame-hunters who were at his tail for some time now. Despot's yacht of slave pleasures finally appeared in front of J's boat. He would gladly dock his kusari explorer if it was not depressingly larger than the yacht itself. The Joker knew that, Set knew that. They were both serious men who does not like to mess around.
And that is when the Joker said: "Dock that ship to this floating station of mine, a-haha-haha. Lower your shields, I'm coming aboard."
While the Serpents shields lowered around the Liner the two Sabres flying around the vessel began to keep an closer watch on the Kusari Explorer.
As the much, much smaller and not quite to extravagant in appearance, gunboat moor on the side of the Scales, Set and one of his guards went to greet the Joking madman.
"This will be fun.." Set said aloud as they turned a corner to the mooring point where the ring itself hissed and swished with air as Joker's ship and Set's connected. Then the door opened and Set smiled at Joker, the man he had never actually met face to face before, but nonetheless knew from experience.
"Welcome Mon Capitan! To The Serpent's Scales! Would you want a glass of Wine as we walk?"
Behind Set a gorgeous woman clad in nothing but a linked collar holding two glasses, walked up to the Joker presenting one to him.
[font=Trebuchet Ms]"I hate the damn wine" he responded to the glass held by a beautiful slave-girl "It colors my mouth to black and makes me wanna sleep. Bring me something stronger and transparent."
Then the clown made a few steps, he reached his right hand in order to shake hands with Set. As soon as two hands made a contact, Set Ramirez felt a brief discharge of electricity. Guards around them instantly jumped into the air. Set was certainly not pleased.
"Sorry about that but I knew you'd fall to that old one" mister J said as his host still stood with grim face. "Come on, cheer up. It wasn't set to kill, A-haha-ha. You get it? Set to kill? A-haha-haha."
And they both jumped into a pool of laughter. Guards and slave-girls around them started laughing too as these two seemingly important men started walking to the guest lounge.
"I simply love what you've done with this place. Slave entrepreneurship meets yacht decor holo-magazine. Classy. But I'm sure that you didn't bring me here to grade your life style, yes?"
Set chuckled at the man with a forever looking smile on his face.
"No no I did not, I invited you here to offer you something.. Something Unique!" They turned a corridor in Set's Renzu Liner he had bought trough a series of middlemen. Until they ended up in a extravagant lounge, with sofas and big cozy cushions.. He led them both to a pair of sofas for them to sit down and talk.. He waved at a woman standing not that far away..
"Bring us some Rum and what ever else strong and good you can find.."
She bowed and ran off.. As he looked back at Joker.
"I am.. Working on quite a big.. And when I say big, I mean gigantic! Project.." The woman came back with a tray carrying an assortment of liquors.. Set took a glass of a golden liquid and swirled it in his glass as he motioned to the tray for Joker..
"And yes, this is a Outcast organisation.. But not like anything seen before.. And I want you and your men to be a part of it.. "
He smiles widely at the Joker as he awaited his response
[font=Trebuchet Ms]"Everyone has something to offer me these days" he took a sip of some transparent alcoholic liquid and continued. "And seldom do I run into someone extremely special. Someone... Someone with a vision. I'm not saying that you're not without one. But as soon as I heard you saying Outcast, that spoiled my mood instantly."
Criminal mastermind then turned away from Set and glanced through the nearest window. Gasses of the Sigma 13's nebula danced around the vessel in shapes of hungry wolves preparing to attack its pray. Or at least, that is what he thought he sees.
"Even in peaceful moments such as these is that I can notice the contours of power-hungry enemy stalking me" he paused for a moment as if trying to express that he is tired of his lifestyle "But... I really... I like it so much. Ha. Ha. Ha. Outcast organization, you say" the clown quickly switched back to the topic of the conversation. "Even if you used the term Corsair, it wouldn't make any difference to me. The existence of difference between you two is the lack of one. The two nations of the same kind. It's absurd. Just because someone, somewhere, in the past, took the wrong turn with the helm -- the political dog-chiefs of both sides decided that it's good reason to wage war. Even these mindless, everyday chasing wolves are better than those hypocritical dogs."
And then he turned back to mister Ramirez while taking one more sip of the drink. "I'm going to listen what you have to propose only because it is coming from you. Couldn't care less on which side you're on. As if the sides even exist. Come on, describe me in detail... what is it that you had in mind."
"Oh you, you are a funny one aren't you?" He chuckled and smiled at Joker.. Taking a sip of his drink as he continued, now a little more serious..
"Those.. People in the past, they are as they are, or where.. "
Chuckling a little he continued.
"Well, the part of the Outcast.. That's mainly a facade to hide my TRUE intentions.." He smiled and swirled his drink in it's glass..
"It will operate under outcast colors, on the surface it will be the intelligence of the military, it's true intents are to open up possibilities for it's agents.. Such as you, think what your force can do with Outcast tech, beside the things you already got?!"
He nodded at a second table which showed Sirius.. In all it's splendor..
"This, will be open for you and yours.. All of it, and with the backing of the Outcasts.. Now now, I am drifting.. Hmm.. Well, the organisation will in itself be conducting terrorist actions against.. Well, MOST people.. Heh.. Heh... Heh... That and the fact that we will begin to operate in Bretonia, Liberty and Kusari more and more.. Those will the first stages.. And for my plans to actually succeed, I need capable people out there.. People who can cause.. A bit of trouble.. People who can take out those targets that needs removing.. And informing me and the others what's going on.. Eyes, ears and cannons.. Heh.."
Set now standing up swirls his glass and drinks the last of the liquid in one gulp..
"If you agree Joker, you'l be operating as before, you'l only have more fun and get more toys! And of course take out a few pesky people that I want gone now and then.. Information you get go to me.. And.. Well, help the other agents when they are out there fighting or doing some other important stuff.. So.. What do you think?"
He fills his glass and looks at the Joker, very.. Excited what he will think of his plans..