Previous Jobs: Worked as a Mover for a construction job on Manhatten.
Skills: Im a decent pilot in transports if that helps?
Place of Birth: Planet Manhatten, New york system
Department Interested in Joining: Transporter
Please answer all the following Questions:
Why do you want to join Ageira Technologies? I want ta get off Manhatten and see the some more of Liberty, this way I can do it and still get payed for a decent job. Besides, I aint doin' much good on Manhatten anymore, I could do more help here. Have you ever been charged with crime or have a criminal Record? If so what for? Well about that... Umm, one incident with a bar fight and all. I didnt start it if you are wondering. Do you have any skills that you think will benefit you in the field you requested? Well, I can talk my way out of some situations, if not im pretty good at makin' ships with no manuverability, move well, if ya know what I mean. Tell us about yourself. Well as a boy I was always a bit clever, unfortunately for me, I also had a quick tounge. Luckily I grew out of that. I tried attending a college, but it didnt keep my interest very well... that, and the Dean kicked me out when he knew I slept with his daughter. For a while after that, I decided to do something good for my life, so i got into construction. Built a few nice towers in Manhatten, and one day after we finished with the Harton hotel a bit south of the Liberty, he looked into the sky, starin' at the stars and asked, "Ever wonder whats out there?". I plainly told him, "Yeah... infact, I think ill get there soon.". So here I am, In your office, tryin' to get this job.
OOC Information:
Character Names: Dragen & Emily: Solider's.Misfortune, [HF]-Luara.Aristan, Marcus: Lasting.Gale
Skype Handle: Runesword123
Timezone: Not entirely sure, GMT+6 I think, all I know is im from California in the US
Do you have your own vessel you will be using? No but I can get one, unless the Mastadon works. Have you been sanctioned within the last six months? Nope, havent been sanctioned
When life gives you lemons..... throw them at your enemies!!!
Previous Jobs:Systems Engineer at a growing Chemical and Pharmaceutical company in Leeds, Bretonia.
Skills:My primary qualification is an Engineer, however I have also completed an accredited course in Information & Data Architecture.
Place of Birth:New London, Bretonia.
Department Interested in Joining:Transportation; however if more people are desperately needed in Security I could work there. I plan on moving into Surveillance or Implementation and Maintenance once my rank in the company has increased.
Please answer all the following Questions:
Why do you want to join Ageira Technologies? Ageira's advancements form a cornerstone of the Sirius Sector's economy. My scientific pursuits have led me to Liberty in order to be part of the leading edge in technology development. Have you ever been charged with crime or have a criminal Record? If so what for? I have lived a crime-free life; however during my travels I have encountered people with jobs which sometimes push the boundaries of the law... Do you have any skills that you think will benefit you in the field you requested? While most of my tertiary study and work finds me planetside, in between jobs and studying I have taken piloting courses, enabling me to fly one-man ships from Light Fighters to Freighters. Tell us about yourself. I am a Bretonian national, born and raised on New London. After my high schooling I moved to Cambridge to study combined Chemical and Mechatronic Engineering, and was awarded Honours upon completion. Immediately afterwards I was head-hunted by a corporate emplyment scout, and I moved to Leeds to work as a Systems Engineer at a new Chemical and Pharmaceutical production plant. I worked there several years, but eventually I yearned to do more, and I studied part-time a Information & Data Architecture course, providing me with a thorough understanding of the Sirius Neural Net.
With the blessings of my former emplyer, I left the company to do some freelance trading work before moving to Liberty to seek a new employment opportunity. Now I wish to join Ageira in order to work for a company which develops the best and newest technology in the Sirius Sector.
OOC Information:
Character Names:Echo_7-7
Skype Handle:strokonator
Timezone:GMT +10
Do you have your own vessel you will be using? I have a CSV but I don't think it would be very appropriate, so no. Have you been sanctioned within the last six months? Nope.
Previous Jobs:I have been working as a navigator, copilot and defense gunner on several freelancing Transports
Skills:Advanced transport defense, resource-optimized navigation
Place of Birth:Freeport 2
Department Interested in Joining:Transport Division
Please answer all the following Questions:
Why do you want to join Ageira Technologies I'd like to have more planned shipments on my schedule. Not travels through pirate-infested edgeworlds for uncertain outcome any more, that's what I am after. Have you ever been charged with crime or have a criminal Record? If so what for? No. All clean Do you have any skills that you think will benefit you in the field you requested? Keeping ship and crew whole and healthy under harsh circumstances Tell us about yourself. Starting out as a dockworker in my young days I grabbed the opportunity to work on freighters supplying the Freeport. My dreams always went forth though, so I enlisted as a crew-member on several freelancing Transports. As I have seen a whole lot of Sirius in the meantime, I'd like to do some more regular work for a plannable and regular income.
OOC Information:
Do you have your own vessel you will be using? A Mammoth, currently named Fabio.Krull Have you been sanctioned within the last six months? No sanctions, none in the planning as far as I know
Why do you want to join Ageira Technologies? Trade Lane and Jump Gate technologies are such wonderful technologies, that they should benefit all inhabitants of Sirius. This is why I am applying. Also, I wanted to do something useful of my life (see below). Have you ever been charged with crime or have a criminal Record? If so what for? No. Do you have any skills that you think will benefit you in the field you requested? I can jungle and sing the Liberty Anthem while eating melon. Tell us about yourself. Was born on LA, as mentioned above. As I grew up I became more and more interested in mechanics. My parents, being scientists, paid me the most expensive engineer studies. I ended up working on Norfolk shipyard, fixing large ships' engines and other important parts. Then I realized I deserved better. A friend of mine suggested that I should apply here.
OOC Information:
Character Names:Convoy ships, Researcher Victor Steiner.
Skype Handle:Nekrataal0
Do you have your own vessel you will be using? I guess I could buy a freighter, but I don't have enough money for a large transport. I however have an IC Large Train I could re-rep. Have you been sanctioned within the last six months? I've never been sanctioned.
Skills:Qualified Transport Pilot, hard working and willing to learn
Place of Birth:Planet Los Angeles
Department Interested in Joining:Transport Devision
Please answer all the following Questions:
Why do you want to join Ageira Technologies? Mainly, Credits, Everyone needs credits, all I have ever done is fly transports, and now im looking to get into a nice corporate, well paying job with good people to work with, and oh did i mention credits? Have you ever been charged with crime or have a criminal Record? If so what for? None Do you have any skills that you think will benefit you in the field you requested? Qualified Freight pilot with a few years experience under my belt. Tell us about yourself. Not much to say, born on Los Angeles, Average family, average home, average life. I just want to make my way in these crazy times.
OOC Information:
Character Names:Total Newb.e
Skype Handle:the_guardian_fl
Timezone: (GMT+10)
Do you have your own vessel you will be using? I have no vessel, I will request use of an Ageira Train apon joining. Have you been sanctioned within the last six months? No sanctions for me.
Lieutenant Michael Rivers
Liberty Navy Secondary Fleet