So I've had a couple run-ins with SCRA members. Your RP is up to you, and I understand completely that your RP is pretty much hostile to most everything and KoS.
Both my encounters have been with lone pilots, and I just wanted to leave my impressions of them in compared to tilts I've had with other faction members.
Quite some time ago I was engaged in Gamma (flying a corsair ship) by an SCRA fighter. I was flying a gunboat in my first crack at anything over snubnose size. After engaging me, the SCRA member proceeded to complain about my loadout. In RP taunts (yeah I flew poorly and I knew it) are totally acceptable, expected even. Hearing complaints about a certain weapons seemed to break the experience for me and is frankly discouraging to play the game at all.
My second run in was in Cambridge, flying a BAF Templar. An SCRA Gunboat came out of the jump next to me. I stopped facing him, just finishing an interaction with another player. The SCRA pilot typed in a line, hit enter and opened fire as soon as he hit enter. I was destroyed in two volleys, without the chance to hit enter on my own, half completed chat line, let alone move.
So, my impressions so far. Good pilots and if you're looking for a tilt that is fine by me. But every other time I've had a run in with an official faction, there's been an element of honour to the fight. Both sides get off their taunts, both ships are moving before anyone opens up and there's generally a good feeling and acknowledgement afterwards (usu oorp, but still).
So, I don't mind going for a tilt. I know my HF will lose to a GB every time. I'm completely okay with blowing up. But I'd like to have some fun doing it. You're a mostly KoS faction sure, but a couple members at least need to remember there is a player on the other side of it too. Just my 2 cents after a couple encounters, which I realize is far from the whole faction.
Well, I'm aware that without a screenshot I don't have proof. But the incident with the fighter was a one-off, my first personal encounter with SCRA, so I ignored it at the time.
I thought I took a screenshot of the encounter with the gunboat, but it's not in my files anywhere and I can't remember the name off-hand. I can say that it was right about 4:00 pm pacific time yesterday in Cambridge, near the Leeds jump hole. I had just finished checking an Omicroner Sabre. If you know of anyway to recall a chat log I could recover the name that way.
Apologies for the lack of detail. In the end, I wasn't looking for anyone's head anyway. Just wanted to get my impressions so that faction leadership is aware.
' Wrote:well yes
Pirate in a pirate ship with a pirate id outside a lawful base is probably going to get shot as well.
I think you missed my point.
' Wrote:So, I don't mind going for a tilt. I know my HF will lose to a GB every time. I'm completely okay with blowing up. But I'd like to have some fun doing it. You're a mostly KoS faction sure, but a couple members at least need to remember there is a player on the other side of it too. Just my 2 cents after a couple encounters, which I realize is far from the whole faction.
I second this. I'd kinda like to have some fun as well. But my Bactrian is not built for fighting 4 of SCRA fling bombers and gunboats.
' Wrote:I need more information before I can figure out what happened.
What was the name of the gunboat in question, and the fighter?
/Shoots the Troll two posts back/
What did I ever do to you?!? Is this how you say "welcome to the server?"
Bad things happen in space, there server is not there for your personal fun, but is there for the community as a whole. Just because you log in doesn't automatically give you a freepass to gallivant around the server with impunity. Bad things happen. You were a pirate, in the wrong place at the wrong time. I am not about to order them to leave you alone because of an OoRP reason like you just logged on. I really don't care about your playing time. If you are silly enough to sit under the guns of four bombers when you are that close to a base you can dock on, and you get shot... well come on, wake up just a little bit. The world does not revolve around your fun. Go do something else, log another character, make a run for it. Die, respawn, leave the system and go somewhere else... you make it seem as if you, and you alone have the right to RP in Dublin.
Trying to catch pirate fighter in two gunboats makes me giggle. Thrust thrust he says and leaves with his shield on only to come back in 10 minutes and repeat the process of his evil deeds.
I suggest going on a pirate hunt with fighters, cause doing it with gunboats is laughable.
Let the players fly what they want to fly. No one tells you what you can or cannot fly at a given point, I am not about to do that to my players.
I swear if the next two posts aren't constructive, real and genuine feedback, I am going to have this thread permanently locked. I dislike whinging, and it seems that is what this thread seems mainly to consist of.
waaa one line engagement notices... waaaaaaa prove it, sanction it and deal with it. Otherwise stay out of feedback, I don't care.
waaa you ganked me... ganking isn't against the rules, deal with it.
waaaaaaa you don't listen to feedback... nope, not when it is useless tripe.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you're an (insert explicative here of your choice)... yes, yes I am.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you won't let me join the SCRA... I will when recruitment's open, and you actually show you have a brain/can RP/ and you don't annoy current members.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you have a big old ZOI... yes but there are places in game we tend not to go, it isn't formal, but we have some self-imposed limits.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you (insert whinge) and this means (nit picking detail of the day)... don't care, don't want to hear it.
now that answers that. Constructive feed back is welcome. Any of the above will not be answered and requests will be made to remove them from this thread.
You got constructive criticism from me, you can't kill a pirate which you can't catch. It's even better for me to see you in gunboats, I can thrust away every time. I merely suggested to do that part of your RP in fighters. You don't want ? Nobody cares.
Feedback by your rules ? Why do you bother having a feedback then ? Do you want all of us to pat you on your back ? If I wrote you're doing a good job you wouldn't exactly rage even if it's less constructive the any of comments people left you.
If you can't handle the feedback or if you're getting highly upset, losing your nerves, or feeling depressive by peoples vision of your faction I do suggest you lock it.