Please find in this transmission details of our latest acquirement, one Barge aptly named DSE)Operations.Platform, and also another lead transport DSE)Dakota.
The Operations platform will be commanded by myself, Jess Doe, and Rick Petrone. This station is to offload scrap from the Grande Negra, process it for transport, then allocated out to DSE) transports accordingly. It will also be our primary vessel and act as company bank.
Welcome to our new members, and employees too. You are all a valued part of this team.
Thank you and safe flights!
John Doe
Chief of Departments
Deep Space Engineering
Transmission received
.....Transmission encrypted
.......Applying decrypt key
.........Transmission decoded - Playback started
Greetings all, I finally managed to get access to the channel so that I could introduce myself.
Names James Carter, I'd be the big bulky jerk flying around like some tit-wit without a clue... most likely I was the one that dented your spaceship doing that last speed dock at the gate too....
Anyway - I'd be looking forward to flying with you all, I've attached my Business card so anyone can store it should you need to contact me!
Happy flying and see you out in the midst of nothing...
.....Signal Lost
.......Closing transmission
...Comms data received
Pilot name: James Carter
Rank: Personel
Ship name: DSE)Nighthawk
Ship type: FireFly
Unit: Transport
You should always put something intelligent in your signature. After all, its there to assist people in understanding how your mind works..... I couldn't come up with anything, so I left mine blank....
There are a few things I need to put forward to members currently.
Project Dallas is going ahead, please find the following relevant history as to why we have decided to do this below.
At the turn of the century, in 500AS, the Texas incident. Valhalla Research scientists aboard the Dallas had begun the second phase of testing a new “Hyper-gate. “ A new, long-range jump gate. Although the project's goal was unclear, that would have allowed travel beyond the confines of the Sirius Sector and could have potentially opened the entire galaxy for exploration. The gate’s path, however, was obstructed by an undetected Dark Matter cloud - and when it was activated, the gate backfired and sucked the dark matter through, causing an explosion with the force of 10 nuclear bombs, annihilating the Dallas and expelling massive amounts of Dark Matter and radioactivity into the system. A quarantine was immediately erected across half the system -- not for security, this time, but for the safety of anyone foolish enough to stray into the dangerous morass. Half the system was uninhabitable, and the Dallas and the Jump gate remains sunk into the singularity at the edge of the Texas. Leaving two massive dark matter clouds (Pequena Negra and Grande Negra, Spanish/Portuguese for Little Black and Large Black, respectively), where scanner function is reduced to zero and where radiation levels are so high they will destroy even the best ships within seconds and are, ironically, the most memorable landmark in the system. Texas was promply abandoned by the elite clientele, leaving the system remote. Years later, the system was converted into a prison by the government, with planetside prisons on Houston and orbital prison stations aboard Huntsville and Sugarland. It can be inferred that the Jump Hole to California in the West Dallas Debris Field was a result of the Incident.
Deep Space Engineering has taken it upon itself to put into place a new initiative, 'Project Dallas', a clean up project to remove the scrap metal left behind, and hopefully lessen the radioactive effects in the area.
Please note that any ventures into Kusarian space, besides the Scrap and Hydrocarbon run, and delivering trade lane parts, will be strictly forbidden until further notice. If I hear anything about anyone dismissing this, and heading into Kusari, there will be a hefty fee to pay.
Also take note of the bounty on one the-hidden-treasure. Any contact with this pirate is not recommended, unless you are claiming the bounty, or can not avoid this pilot. The bounty is open for members to collect as long as it does not interfere with your regular duties.
Mrs. Jess Doe
Vice President
Deep Space Engineering
::::: Signal lost :::::
::::: Transmission Closed :::::
This is the newest news we have to share at the moment, Junkers are now considered Friendly, any conflict caused between them and us will not impress me. We are also getting four CSF's from them, as they are suitable ships for 'Project Dallas'.
I would also like to commend all members on the efforts seen in Project Dallas, and also the credits made as a whole, I have not been more impressed with a group of people, feel free to put a few drinks on my tab, Ive already informed Mary on the bar at Baltimore to allow you to do so.
Mrs. Jess Doe
Vice President
Deep Space Engineering
::::: Signal lost :::::
::::: Transmission Closed :::::
DSE)Falkirk LOG:
Completed several deliveries a few days ago including the following.
Sigma-19 Gate Const - EMPTY - Fuchu
Fuchu - Hydrocarbons - Houston
Houston - Basic Alloy - Pueblo
20% of profit transferred to DSE)Operations.Platform.
We are holding up at Pueblo for now until completely loaded.
We had a clear cruise through Kusari on the return. Unfortunately our hold was empty, yet a precaution with the embargo.
Pilot name: Jess Doe
Skype name: Dj__ph0enix
Rank: Vice-President
Ship name: DSE)Dauntless
Ship type: Mastodon (Liberty Super Transport)
Unit: Transport
Ship name: DSE)VP.Miss.Doe
Ship type: Lux. Liner
Unit: Personal and conference use
Pilot name: John Doe
Skype name: Altejago
Rank: Chief of Department, Mining and Exploration
Ship name: DSE)Eagle.Pass
Ship type: Hegemon mining vessel
Unit: Mining and Exploration
Pilot name: N/A
Reason: Missing in action
Ship name: DSE)Stillwater
Ship type: CSF
Unit: Mineral Extraction
Pilot name: N/A
Reason: Missing in action
Ship name: DSE)Conestoga
Ship type: Firefly
Unit: transport
Pilot name: N/A
Reason: Grounded due to pilot leaving without warning. Will be passed on to a new pilot when needed.
Rank: Engineer
Ship name: DSE)Commando
Ship type: Firefly
unit: Transport
Pilot name: N/A
Reason: Currently undergoing repairs
Rank: Engineer
Ship name: DSE)Paracatu
Ship Type: CSF
Unit: Mineral Extraction
Pilot name: N/A
Reason: Exploration unit on hold
Ship name: DSE)Marco.Polo
Ship type: X Shuttle
Unit: Exploration
There is going to be a slight re-structuring of management within DSE) With a leadership role open, Cheif of departments, this will see you in charge of -all- departments, you will still be reporting to myself and John, The description is as follows.
Job Title:
Chief of Departments
Job Description:
Oversees and organizes Department Chiefs, stock takes and requisitioning of equipment for their staff.
Has direct command of all departments, only over-ruled by the President and Vice President. Directly responsible
for staffing placement, operational effeciency and fills in for the President or Vice-President where they
are unable to be contacted. Delegates wages to staff, and instructions to Department Chiefs
Has access to limited banking accounts
Has access to Liberty Gunboat/s
Is given one full equipped Civilian VHF/Bomber of their choice. VHF has opportunity to earn Codenamed weaponary
Is given authority to start/stop operations at their leisure
Is given authority to trial possible new members
Is given authority to put employees and members into needed departments
Is given Acting Presidential Authority (APA)* if 'DSE)' assets are in direct danger and neither the President nor the Vice President are contactable
Is responsible for the safety of all staff under them
Is responsible to negotiate with foreign influences and threats to continue operating safely
Is responsible for reasonable income provided by the staff working under them
Is responsible for staffing behaviours via Department Chiefs (Both are accountable)
Is responsible for staffing efficiency and productivity
*APA; Acting Presidential Authority
This is where the Chief of Departments have no option but to initiate emergency measures to halt, suspend, or the
cancellation of operations to ensure the safety of all staff when the President and Vice President are unavailable.
Can order Department Chiefs to make dock with their production vessels and assist in heavier weaponry to ensure safety of DSE
and allied vessels in strife by our enemies. Can instruct staff to do extraordinary things to ensure the safety of Company
Assets, either by instruction to sacrifice their vessel for others to escape, or by other unethical means.
Abuse of this priviledge will result in your immediate disciplinary action.
The instruction of certain death MUST be the last option available.
You need to send an application to myself, or John Doe stating why you think you would be good for this position. A CV (In role play) will also be required.
Mrs. Jess Doe
Vice President
Deep Space Engineering
::::: Signal lost :::::
::::: Transmission Closed :::::