It would seem that this was the first time you have ever been pirated...
Hope you enjoyed it :lol:
___ New Avatar.. Needs a Bit of cleaning (Damn, I forgot the transparent Background again) The Crateria is Unhappy. From now on if you think you can carry on trading after you've faced Death you SHALL Face him again, and again until it Sinks in! Come on, Traders need to Follow the 4 Hours Cool down after death.. So your dead, Whats that? Your going to get me with a Big Bad Cruiser? As long as it is NOT piloted by yourself let it come...
In Tau 31 it pretty much means every trader moving between the planet and the battleship. I'm just making an assumption, but you must have been trading on this route. Either way, it doesn't matter. If you're a trader among other traders and a pirate demands whatever he demands, you've gotta make the assumption he's talking to you (and ever other trader there). You are a trader, you're near a pirate when he made the demand.
I get the same types of demands all the time, "die pirate." I don't even need to be near the person making that statement. I may just enter a system and hear it over the comms system where no one is in radar range, much less scan range. But guess what, I know they're talking to me. To play innocent and say, "what the... They didn't say my name so I didn't know they were talking to me," wouldn't prevent me from being hunted and killed.
Get over it, you got pirated and lost. Move along...
Ok this has become totally confusing. I merely stated that the traders were confused, I did not get taxed, killed or anything else. I don't make the Tau-31 trade run. All three traders were within 200k of trade lanes. I respect that a pirate has to make a living and was making a suggestion. Take it or leave it.
Well you've stirred a hornets nest... Everybody's got something to complain about pirates... This is just another of the never-ending dramas regarding how pirates conduct their business. Just leave it alone.
didn't we already have a thread about this exact matter called a little more RP please or somthing like that. true we act like highwaymen but as was mentioned by me and countless others we don't have enough time to give of a big long schpeel to conclude in GIMME SOME MONEY DAMMIT OR IL KILL YA.....
lets look at history for example when in the hell have you seen a historical text on pirates where they went upto a ship and said "hello dear fellow we are pirates and today we would like for you very politely give me 2million pounds pls" or dolars or dibloons or whatever.
now lets put it another way how many pirates in history do you know of that boarded a ship saying "GIMME ALL YER BOOTEH OR DIE" ........ pretty much every one.
so now i come to the conclusion people should stop moaning about the way pirates ask for tax or pissing n moaning because they didnt say pls because in reality black beard ain gonna walk up and say can i have 2mil pls
itl be more along the lines of *blows wing off* *blows guns off* *shoves a knife through your rotting corpse and robs you blind*..... in a nutshell
this ain't no English class we ain't here to write 1000 word essays on why we want tax in reality we got all of 10 seconds to stop you from activating your engines and doing a runner to rip your shield down and ask for the money. really the way things done here is perfectly fine the way it is ;o] all the people that are traders or don't like the way pirates go about they're job i invite you to make a pirate character and hunt down my trader Give him a long schpeel on asking for tax and make me give you it before im 20k away infact if you do i'll not jus give you 2mil il add another 100mil to it more than any pirate makes in a week through tax.
well really ive done it again went off on a long pointless rant what im trying to say is
PIRATES ARE HIGHWAYMEN from the dawn of piracy really it has always been you pass by one of they're ships you get told to hand over your money or die...... the fault is really the traders not the pirates for really not obliging them because the way we work really is the way a real life pirate would. you pay you live, you don't you die. Pirates don't say please and they don't explain why they want it. they either get what they want or kill thats what a pirate is basically.............. feel lucky we don't do it the way real pirates did and tell you to hand over every last stinkin penny you got because the only thing that stops you from not giving us it all is the fact it ain't real life and it isnt really your own life at stake but just a computer game character (which is completely ooRP) on the traders part. someone once told me to act like your flying the ship and not playing a game infront of a computer well there you go i now pass on that wisdom to you traders out there PRETEND IT REAL AND DONT BE SO GREEDY cos i can say if i walked upto you in real life with a gun pointed at your head and asked for some spare change and that is all 2million is to you trader spare change you would give me it trust me
not that im saying we should all start taxing every last penny you got 2million is just fine i was just trying to make a point
well...i think you took my statement a little too much to heart. I was thinking more along the lines of pirates destroying traders mercilessly and hailing their cargo hauler to pick up the booty. I realize this is not the way in discovery and i am not moaning about the way it is done now...i actually like just saying traders fly around unprotected and therefore should be subject to utter destruction by criminal factions. i think trading should be done with escorts, as would be done on any hostile trade routes. I just think this could spice things up a bit. and don't try to lecture me on pirates. My family has a real history of killing them and pirates do not bother to talk to their targets. death is the only option.
EDIT: i am not asking to change things...this is just how i see piriacy
Another EDIT: I'm sorry but I think people misunderstand what a disco pirate is. They are more like organized crime and deal in providing "protection", criminals but not quite my vision of a pirate. ok im done now.
sorry heh i actually meant to cut off @Monk after GIMME SOME MONEY DAMMIT OR IL KILL YA
and i completely agree a cat aint gonna run into a den of rabid dogs without a lion supporting it just silly really. traders really should start using that excessive amount of money to actually further a bit of RP and actually hire some protection and not do 1 min cheap and nasty runs and have a lacky sit outside and stand guard we need more diversity more oomft to things i personally don't like pirating a target that runs back and forth more than a flippin coo coo clock. i want a hunt or even a battle to get to my prize not constantly biting the ankle of a wild boar. and in all honesty in real life would the military issue a tank in FL's case a battleship/destroyer to escort a simple trader not likely best you'll get is 2 or 3 soldiers max and in this case 2 or 3 fighters MAYBE a gunboat.
Infact in all honesty military wouldn't dream of helping a solo trader NEVER in a million years so in ways lawful corporations protecting traders kinda wacko also. ofcourse they would help a inter faction trading corp. but not a solo trader which most of the time you see em protecting. i personally think solo traders should not be protected by military but by merc's of they're own hiring. now don't get me wrong police might escort a trader but surely KAF, BAF, LAF or RAF would not they only care about self gain mostly making the most money than one another and would not take time in helping a petty solo trader unto which they get no self gain. unto which they get many thank yous and the like ..... sorry the goverment don't work that way if they not getting summin out of it they shall just let it float by like a tumble weed
this is just a personal thought on maybe sorting out a bit more RP orientated things with Traders and sort out alot of merc jobs because all i see merc's do is run frantically to the nearest fight hoping for someone to hire them its rather harsh on them because they get pretty much no jobs almost. if i am wrong about anything i have said here please feel free to comment. after all these are just some silly opinion of relitively new player here and just passing my opinion
......... done it again rambling on i appologize this now is rather off topic started off to do with pirates now im turning it around on traders this post should probs be deleted
Example : trying to rob a large train yesterday, i called him by name and asked for a decent 100.000 to let him stay unharmed, mentioned also my little daughter who needs something to eat; he just said "No" and made a run for it, that's when the party started. All came at once :
a.) trying to stop the train to activate his cruise engines by firing a Hornet every 6-7 seconds
b.) shooting at the trade lane to stop him using it every 10 seconds
c.) evading 5 NPC police units who arrive thanks to the disrupted trade lane
d.) fiercely going after the train which uses its afterburners to get to the next trade lane
In the time I typed "this is your last chance, I'll open fire!" my shield failed and he managed to dock on the lane which worked again for 1% or so, ran to the next planet and quick-docked there.... and then I'm getting private messages from him about being duped by a merchant vessel ...
Well, I'll try to continue writing anyway :D
originally by sjmuup in #trevanian (irc)
<sjmuup> I really need to learn russian
<sjmuup> I want to be able to go like destroyska destroyska kabumschk!
"Wait... An escape pod within an escape pod? This is like some sort of Escher painting, the eternally ejecting LPI agent." (LPI-Sean.Toronto)
Well, I see it this way. You'll know that I am pirating you when I say 2 mil and then drop your shields. Dont think there would be much confusion then ehh? Now pay up or die! =)