Snak3...actually I dont care about that all I just said my oppinion but...what are you aiming at? With your talk? What is you message? Your goal? Cant you sum it up fastly in one post and then we cant end an upcoming flamewar before it started?
' Wrote:Well, you haven't read our story snak3? Read the story first - IF you want be really a part of this discussion. Then it would be fair.
Thats what I mean, telling people to read the story is never going to work, it's your job here to go out and promote knowledge of your faction, it's your job to educate people and tell them what your rp is over and over and over and over till they understand. This is especially important when you are dealing with a non traditional rp.
' Wrote:Thats what I mean, telling people to read the story is never going to work, it's your job here to go out and promote knowledge of your faction, it's your job to educate people and tell them what your rp is over and over and over and over till they understand. This is especially important when you are dealing with a non traditional rp.
Dear Zelot, I shall now explain every person who we are? He can read it in our Story threads. For that exist a background story Thread. You can read who this Fleet are. Now its the choice of the peoples if they wan't read it or not. If I would write a wall of texts here and explain who we are - who says that the peoples read it? An discussion like this - yeh, that can you read - but a Background story no. This discussion has certainly become just as many letters as our Faith Story. But do you read our background story?
But we differ from the subject and it is off topic at the moment.
It begins with a Bretonian who aspires to join the BAF yet finds himself in prison after murdering several of his fellow recruits to escape what is portrayed as insufferable harassment.
While in prison he meets a group of Corsairs who have been imprisoned following an aborted raid on Cork who take the young Bretonian into their confidance.
The Bretonian and the Corsairs escape by bribing a guard. They escape on the Battleship for which the faction is named which was left at the prison. During the escape the prior captain of the Osiris was killed in his bomber in the wake of which the Bretonian was seemingly named leader of the impromptu armada.
The young Bretonian swears revenge on Bretonia for his change in circumstance and the Corsairs, being as they are, readily concur with the idea of carrying on with shooting up Bretonia. Furthermore they heartily support the idea of recruiting a vast swath of non Corsairs such as Gaians and unaffiliated pirates to join their fleet.
Shortly after this Smith encounters the profit of the Shaulanca cult, which originates from a distant system where a war between two planets has ravaged the population, which is composed of the peoples who fled to Sirius and ultimate arrival at Gran Canaria where the cult begins to build a fleet to take over the entirety of the Sirius sector. The leader of the Shaulanca cult then proceeds to brainwash the Bretonian and convinces him to lend his fleet to the Shaulanca cause.
So! In short!
The Shaulanca fleet is predominantly made up of Corsairs. They seem to have incorporated a crew of unaffiliated pirates from unknown backgrounds.
Their goals are to take over Sirius, starting with Bretonia, starting with Dublin.
Their methods of accomplishing this is a mixture of extortion and military raids.
I imagine your best course of action would be figuring out which way you want to go. Ditch the Corsair ID and go with the pirate, or ditch the pirate ID and go Corsair. Much of what you are doing conflicts with established norms concerning who the Corsairs are and how they perceive outsiders. This is going to earn you friction.
You are not corsairs, you only use those ID's to get access to 'sair tech and that should not be allowed. It's not allowed for official factions and it should not be allowed for unofficial groups neither and if you keep doing that you'll never make it to official
In my opinion the best ID for you is the pirate ID but in that case you will have to stop using the Osiris until the SRP is open again and you should ask for the Corsair Council's permission to use Titans and 'sair guns
YOU CAN NOT HAVE IT ALL. Your group cannot be sair, zoner, pirate and freelancer at the same time. You have to make some compromises
' Wrote:In my opinion the best ID for you is the pirate ID but in that case you will have to stop using the Osiris until the SRP is open again and you should ask for the Corsair Council's permission to use Titans and 'sair guns
Thats no problem, seriously. It would be cool if we could use a Osiris with a Pirate ID - but its not needed and I never said that I really want it.
Thankyou very muchDusty for the short version of the background story.
And now for all:
I never said that we want use the Osiris with a Pirate ID - sure it would be very cool. But DieSchale said it already, she isn't needed. We even don't really need to use the Corsair technology with the Pirate ID's. I have never really said that. I know that we can't have it all - and we don't want to. Admittedly, we use the Pirate ID in my fleet would be able to prohibit a long time. We use her too since the beginning, but maybe 10% of my members really use this ID. But as it began, and this point I have ignored. No matter what result comes out here, if we should stay as corsairs, what I dont believe, we won't use Pirate ID's in the future. If we use Pirate ID's, we also require no technology of the Corsairs. Clear so far?
Sure a SRP would be cool, who don't like a SRP? And snak3 I never wanted to insult you or force you to read something, it was just a favor. You says '' What you want be? '' We could be a Pirate ID group without Corsair Tech, but we do things which every Pirate do. A corsair rob miners, like Outcast, Red Hessians or Independent Pirated too. Sure, we do things which corsairs do too, but our RP style is a bit different with all this ''darkness stuff''
I would first ask all about, especially on snak3 that this here will not be a flame thread - yes, I flamed too. I just opened this thread to get your opinions what for a ID would be the best for our RP style. I didn't opened the thread to ask you how you think about it that we use Pirate ID's and Corsair ID's - but it is understandable that you don't like it, and we will soon stop it to use two different ID's. Then let us forget this part with the double ID's.