Just wanted to let you know here since I was perhaps the one who was quite visible in Dublin IMG play:
I switched my char to Merc ID and left Dublin as an IMG affiliated mercenary (reason: the freedom to do what you want because if my IMG roleplay is destroyed, I don't want the restrictions that come with it).
There has not been a single minute in Dublin which didn't remind me of what I cannot do now and how the situation had deteriorated.
I'm somewhere around Liberty, shooting people.
When the mining comes back, I'll be back in Dublin with IMG|Jack_Hendersin, but as long as there is nothing to do for IMG (not even shooting others because we are neutral with everybody),
I'm working hard to cause more lulwut-stupid-incidents somewhere else to prove to Cannon that behaviour has deteriorated and the mining must be switched back on. *not entirely serious*
Cya in Dublin in a few weeks to resume the cool stuff we had and forget about this "recession", as we treat it ingame.
I dont see Dublin has problem with miners. They work, pay\or die well.
I dont understand exactly the problem with Dublin and why i cant mining now.
Problem is that some fractions going to Dublin and have megamess(NLH, SCRA, Corses, Pirates, Molly, Baf..) sometimes maybe(?)
I cant understant Dublin RP logic: Why Molly killing BMM??
By this logic Dublin cant be the split molly-bretonia system then till baf\molly\bmm killing each other(baf killing bmm too last times btw!)
So my idea: let Molly and BMM will be friendly.
And im(BMM) ready to pay Molly for each trouble_head even. So Dublin will be more lawfully i think.
Every day! Oh, wait. Shoot Gaians, shoot Outcasts, shoot BAF, shoot Mollys, shoot Corsairs, shoot Hogosha, shoot SCRA, shoot everyone. I think that Hogosha, SCRA and Outcasts should be shot down first, though. They aren't even from our district.
Release the Mollys to do what they do best, PIRATE and kick all out of Dublin (allies the exception). That will make it a lot harder for miners to mine. Which in turn will fix the issue. Vanilla RP will fix this easily like stated before.
Can you make a present for me and reestablish Molly dirty bomb roleplay?
'Normally, running Toxic Waste from a ship like this one is not an attractive target, but those Mollys think they can build a dirty bomb with some of this nasty stuff, so we have to deal with stress both ways from LD-14' - Rick Burton, BowEx, BS Norfolk, Cambridge.
'You can process tiny amounts of weapons-grade Plutonium from MOX. We steal the MOX as it gets shipped from BMM's LD-14 base in Leeds. Soon we'll get enough MOX to detonate a bomb in skies over New London. Maybe then they'll leave Dublin to us.' - Eric Adamson, Mollys, Arranmore base, Dublin.