I swear the Junkers Congress must be my favorite faction in disco.
I don't think it has anything to do with Junkers, more the inaction to fix the problem. That is what they are defending here. It has just affected Junkers more than most other factions.
They pulled the plug on mining, thinking it would solve the Dublin problem. In the process they screwed over several other factions. They don't want to admit that and instead defend their position. Simple bait and switch.
By the way, I'm glad we are your favourite faction.
I should point out I guess, that this was an admin decision that neither Dusty or I had anything to do with. But if you want continue to think that I am the Junker anti-Christ, go ahead, no skin off my nose.
' Wrote:I should point out I guess, that this was an admin decision that neither Dusty or I had anything to do with. But if you want continue to think that I am the Junker anti-Christ, go ahead, no skin off my nose.
Yet your both here to say... what exactly? Defend them.. destroy us I am confused as to what your bringing to this other than the bumps. Which I appreciate.. Thank you.
So maybe can you ask the admins where's the scrap?
What Dusty and I have both tried to give suggestions on how to handle the situation. That is what we are doing here.Not that you seem to have any inclination to listen to any suggestion that is not exactly in line with what you want.
' Wrote:I should point out I guess, that this was an admin decision that neither Dusty or I had anything to do with. But if you want continue to think that I am the Junker anti-Christ, go ahead, no skin off my nose.
This is what gets me. No where did we say any of that. You replied to one of my posts with quite a high and mighty sarcastic tone. You joined the discussion and turned it into an anti-Junker rant.
Here I will place your earlier response.
"ah, right, so it's not all about the rp it would seem. Junkers didn't move scrap till the mining mod came out, for all the talk about wanting scrap back, if it came back at it's Pre mining mod prices, no Junkers would haul it. So much for only doing it for the rp."
I am attached to my Junker character, he is after all my first character. One I spent a lot of time on. The scrap mining was an aspect I enjoyed. The RP factor, the working with DSE. The ability to bring something useful to Sirius. Why can't you understand that the reason I am fighting to bring mining back is because I enjoyed it.
What use is my Salvager, if not for scrapping? It's a 105 million credit ship with absolutely no purpose at all.
Ok, I am going to stop the ranting. Can you at least tell us that there is something in the pipeline that will fix this problem. That you are not simply going to leave it as is and expect us to completely change our RP?
Please, help us fix the problem. It has caused enough resentment, as much from our side as from yours. Let us try to fix the problem.
Awesome! Does that mean missiles track again? In response to a previous post:
' Wrote:I dont get dire often in my posts but. this move reeks of "fedup" more then "improvement".
The staff needs to take a long hard look at if they can or even want their jobs anymore this reeks of discontent and a creepy retaliation.
Im not completely lost ont he idea this MAY clear out a certain "type" of player from the mod.. temporarily.
however this severity has compromised the popularity of other...servers... and thats all im going to point to there.
Even with "bad behavior" that isn't shown to or given much proof of claim has put stuff backwards. We have cannons say so. I trust hes fed up enough to pull the mining mod but the blanket statements of "time will tell" or "well see" is just reinforcing my suspicion people are fed up running the show.
i dont think any improvement can be done in reverse otherwise so.. this was a punishment we could have done without. or at least with more clear exsplaination.
ALL mining? should have just turned off dublin if it was truly the issue.
again none of the players know for sure. nor i suspect ever will.
I have to say that I have mixed feelings about this change. For instance, because I won't be able to crash the server by tractoring insane amounts of loot anymore.