I had a huge problem today in server. I was fghting in connecticut with my Sabre and 4 EXCALIBURs. I wanted to suicide and respawn to avoid repair costs so i decided to use a new command /selfdestruct. Previously this command worked for me but not this time. When i typed /selfdestruct i got a message saying "selfdestruct confirmation needed, type /selfdestruct 0000". So i typed in /selfdestruct 0000 i died as it should be but when i respawned in station i had a starflier ship, 3 class 10 EXCALIBURs mounted on class 3 slots(one of the guns disappeared), armour upgrade VIII, mini razor, nuke etc. and when i try to undock i get disconnected form server.
What should i do now??? And except restarting because i have put in a lot of job in repfixing that ship and it was so hard to get all these EXCALIBURs. Admins please HELP!!!! Char name is Priest.