"I have yet to find this individual, I want him at my desk NOW DAMNIT, You admirals and officers are not paid to sit on your asses and twiddle your thumbs. Get out there and find this man impersonating a Legion pilot. If I do not have some information soon I will be getting extremely violent and that is not something any of you want. Drake may have been tolerant but I AM NOT."
Comm ID: Executive Commander Mori
Target ID: Director of Intelligence, Dax Verceron
Encryption: Regulator 3
Excuse me, but are you not the Director of Intelligence? YOU get information on that guy, that's your job.
And by the way, Informant Tarlkor Mori's been going on about needing something to help him collect information, you might want to talk to him about it...
"I'd take that tone and put it away before you get hurt, John Kyle has gone missing as well as Drake and that leaves me in Temporary Command, oh did I mention I'm looking for Drake and Kai? Perhaps that is of slightly more importance. You have a brain Mori go out and use it a little. And Tell Tarlkor he can have the sun if he wants it. Just find that impersonator now!"
Comm. ID: HF Pilot Photuin To: HF High Command Location: BPA Newgate, Manchester System Subject: Oh great...
Bretonia Police finally caught up to me and "invited" me into nothing short of a High-security prison station! I would be flattered, but I already had plans for the week. My schedule is booked, and they were excessively rude. I'm talking to some of the other guests; Mollys, Rogues (a bit far, eh?), and even fellow Hackers; to find a way off this floating piece of junk. I'll be out soon, provided our plan works. I know the system, I used to do cargo runs in my freelance days...
See you later, either in a few weeks, or as late as December.
***Incoming Transmission***
***COMM ID: Grand Admiral Sarah Dvorak***
This is a direct order. All units within Liberty, Bretonia, and the Omegas, mass at Freeport Four. The South Alliance have done themselves such a dishonor today, wantonly attacking a lone retreating craft; we will now cleanse California of their presence for good. All come heavily armed. I will have their severed heads across my bow. In repeat, this is a direct order. Grand Admiral Dvorak out.
***End Transmission***
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
"Little evidence as to the fate of both Drake and Kai Thastus, has been uncovered. I continue to use all methods at my disposal in an attempt to find a shred of information...to no avail. I shall report when some bit of information reveals itself. But it seems that they have merely vanished..."
Comm ID: Executive Commander Mori
Target ID: All members
Encryption: Regulator 3
Well, I am officially annoyed.
The Legion gathered a massive fleet of the HFB Ravager, the HFB Thick as a Brick, the 907th Gunboats HFGB Silverfire and HFGB Mentu, the Bomber Cyberoptic, and the fighters Kai Thastus (Named after the one that usually pilots it, though he clearly didn't this time), Iron Crucifix, Terminator, and perhaps some others, and the Nomad/Humad hybrid Taurvi. We bombarded Planet Los Angeles for half an hour with no hostile activities. There were hostiles detected, yet they refused to come out of their executive bunkers and try to defend their bases from our bombardment. Over ten military bases on Los Angeles were destroyed because of their cowardice.
One coward of particular note is one "'Admiral' Phelps", who claimed he was brave then hid in a civilian bunker to keep us from bombarding him!
Meanwhile, their planetary shield has been badly damaged. They have payed dearly for their cowardice. They will die for it soon.
If we had brought the first fleet to join us, California would have been ours for the taking. Since we did not, we settled on inflicting the kind of damage that you can't recover from in a week.
Drake Thastus dusted off his coat as he stepped aboard a transport, he looked over his shoulder as Kai followed behind him. "At least we'll be back on America..."
Comm ID: Supreme Commander Drake Thastus
To: Hellfire Legion
"Well I have come back to Vespucci after some recon deep inside Liberty. Although I cannot go to the front to assist you my men, I have much work to do as of late. And there is no one else to do it. Kai is unable to fight for reasons I cannot delve in to. But Dax is no longer issuing orders. (Still don't have my comp back but I wanna use Drake for RP again).
It has come to my attention that a new Cruiser for our Blood Dragon allies has been put into production... And that it has similar anti capital power as our Liberty Cruisers that we have stolen and manufactured. It would seem that buying some of these ships from the Dragons my be a practical idea...once they make more of them of course."
It was an interesting evening...we experienced numerous temporal distortions, the so-called Lag-Effect, but overall it was successful. A Sirius Federation Task Force was sighted moving into New London, possibly for an attack on one of our convoys heading to Omega-49, and the Ravager and Brick were dispatched, assisted by Captain Nance on one of our Gunboats, proceeded into Dublin for interdiction. The task force encountered the Sirius Federation battleship Sierra and escorts in the space between the New London gate and the Essex. The Sierra was outmaneuvered and outgunned as Brick and Ravager tore into her hull and set her adrift; recovery should hopefully take some weeks. We were then assaulted by her escorts, a Raven's Claw, an Eagle, and two Taiidans; none were successful in even penetrating our shields. Nance suffered some moderate damage, but nothing the crews at Veracruz can't have fixed up in a few hours. One Taiidan was destrpyed; the rest ran, just as a temporal distortion set Brick adrift for some several dozen Klicks before transporting her back to Vespucci. All in all, a very successful operation. Dvorak out.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
////////Incoming Transmission////////
Encryption: Relocker 7
This is Jack Kaine. I do not have much time to speak, so I shall make this brief.
In secret, I have been watching the Legion, and its slow, gradual death. Where is the spark that I once knew? Have we become the bureaucratic traitors that we once claimed to hate? Simply because our leader is gone is no basis for decreased raids, radio silence, and laxed patrols of the system that I have financed. This is not a game, gentlemen. This is war. Now, unless we bring our great Legion, the brainchild of Drake Thastus, there is no reason to continue on.
For the Legion!
Kaine out
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)