Hy people,
Can someone tell me how do i rep Gallic Junker ship?
Is there a double bribe somewhere cause i took one bribe and it doesn't work,
my rep isn't good enough to buy id.
Missions on Junker base also doesn't work well cause at one point
GJ rep stop raising and Navy rep keep's on going up...
Any help is appreciated.
If you /restart Gallia a Gallic Junker double bribe doesn't work. Just tried it. With a Gallic restart you only pay 165 000 credits for the bribe but even with two you end up one bar short.
' Wrote:If you /restart Gallia a Gallic Junker double bribe doesn't work. Just tried it. With a Gallic restart you only pay 165 000 credits for the bribe but even with two you end up one bar short.
Yeah i notice that...did the same thing and nothing...maybe some admin input on this?
...btw thanks Scavenger...
The old Gallic systems have regular Junkers. You need to go into the new Gallic systems to find th Gallic Junkers. They have different uniforms so you can tell them apart visually. The bribes are high dollar, I think because the Gallic Junker faction is really just the Junker Guard faction, but not sure on that part of it.
' Wrote:The old Gallic systems have regular Junkers. You need to go into the new Gallic systems to find th Gallic Junkers. They have different uniforms so you can tell them apart visually. The bribes are high dollar, I think because the Gallic Junker faction is really just the Junker Guard faction, but not sure on that part of it.
Gallic Junkers used to have the Junker Guard ID and IFF, not so anymore, they have their own ID and IFF now. When you restart Gallia they are about 4 bars green I believe but it only shows up when you see an NPC in the bar. Haven't seen a Gallic Junker NPC in space yet???? That said, no missions at all. None of the Gallic Junker Bases seem to have them, unless I'm missing one?
It seems the only way to get Gallic Junker full green is if you are lucky enough to find a triple bribe. Also, it would seem that the enemies of Gallic Junkers are the GRN, GRP and other Gallic corporations, which make no sense as Gallic Junkers are meant to be semi-lawful. Their allies seem to be the unlawfuls, which itself doesn't make much sense?
' Wrote:The old Gallic systems have regular Junkers. You need to go into the new Gallic systems to find th Gallic Junkers. They have different uniforms so you can tell them apart visually. The bribes are high dollar, I think because the Gallic Junker faction is really just the Junker Guard faction, but not sure on that part of it.
Ok,i took first bribe in Provance,that is new system and it wasn't enough...maybe two bribes will work,but there is no two bribes there.