We will now commence a point-by-point analysis of our opponent's last post to demonstrate the futility of this board's position (yes, our position, for reasons that will be evident as the presentation reaches its finish).
Quote:I am a man...and you?
Subject opens with a direct insult. Sign of desperation and irrational anger.
Quote:Also..if you take the time to think before saying something
Clear hypocrisy, shows signs of lack of comprehension. The point of the Board's original post was clearly and criminally misunderstood.
Quote:you will notice I received the Taisho rank before the time as nobody seems want to lead kusari,
Subject presents an inappropriate piece of evidence in relation to the chosen quote.
Quote:I'm not english native and I'm trying to do my best to roleplay something and to bring on the Kusari tradition.
Presents evidence, once again, unrelated to the quote given.
Quote:It takes me hours of work to lead the KNF and I simply not accept your lack of respect
Subject attempts to make his leadership seem a great self-sacrifice and demands subservience of an unknown quantity in a clear case of over-aggression.
Quote:go bother someone esle..little borg..
Closes with a petty insult.
This Board is appalled at the subject's lack of comprehension and unnecessary aggression. This Board attempted to close down a very destructive, very inflammatory situation and was ignored, hence this board used a more direct means of making it's point. The Board now digs a small hole and places its hatchet inside and invites the opposition to do the same. It was never our intent to become involved in a fight such as this, other than to silence it.
' Wrote:If you allow one pointless battleship, you allow them all. Rules are universal and general, not specific.
That's the problem, I'm afraid. There are a LOT of pointless battleships out there, and there's nothing that can be done about them if they have a proper tag and ID. This is just discriminating against Shago, when it's the rules regarding capship ownership that need revised. Unless battleships are going to be restricted to faction-only (I had a thread about this a while back...), I don't think any faction has the right to disallow a properly tagged and ID'd character from flying one. The KNF doesn't represent ALL of the Kusari Naval Forces... They can't, because NPC KNF do their own thing, and the Discovery storyline goes it's own way, no matter what the KNF player faction wants.
Now, analyze that if you wish.. or show us one piece of roleplay either ingame or on these forums that proves you to be more than a waste of skin and components.
At the risk of seeming "wishy-washy", you even make Shagohad look good!
Now, analyze that if you wish.. or show us one piece of roleplay either ingame or on these forums that proves you to be more than a waste of skin and components.
At the risk of seeming "wishy-washy", you even make Shagohad look good!
Me, I'm the Next! What can I do for you? Hehehehe just trying to calm down the moods!;)
Now, analyze that if you wish.. or show us one piece of roleplay either ingame or on these forums that proves you to be more than a waste of skin and components.
At the risk of seeming "wishy-washy", you even make Shagohad look good!
I demand to know why Mal isn't running for President!
Well, if the KNF want to put him on there KOS list, that is perfectly in there line of RP...The Epigoni was faced with a simmilar situation and did the same, although the one in question apologized and we recinded that order. Shag, honestly, this is at least your second BS to own on this server.... But, if you wish to fly around a slow moving target, that is also your choice. Seriously, if I went and got a xeno tag, a coilition id, and some random BS and then started slagging people, who would be the first to put me as KOS... think about it. Not exactily the same situation, but still.....I would have RP for it...they would have RP for it...and If I wanted them to stop I would go get a totally different id.
There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for. -Elizabeth Elliott
Shagohad: Your RP leaves something to be desired, as police forces don't have admirals. On the other hand, you haven't violated any server rules and KNF has completely overreacted!
LoTeK_: As leader of KNF, you should have displayed something that you obviously lack -- maturity!:nono:
Being leader of a player faction doesn't mean that you can dictate which ships independent players can use. Making a player KOS when he has a KSP tag and ID is wrong and completely out of RP!:nono:
Consequences for KNF: I was considering the possibility of joining KNF with my Kusari character, Lon_Shimabokuro, who is named for somebody descended from real Samurai. I wasn't sure if I would get a KNF tag/ID, then join KNF or if I would get a Blood Dragon tag/ID, then join NovaPG. I don't know if NovaPG will want me, but I know that I won't be joining KNF thanks to LoTeK's overreaction.
My Kusari character, Lon_Shimabokuro, is currently rank 30, is friendly with LPI (I don't think I got the tag yet), but will eventually become a Blood Dragon.
LoTeK_: Feel free to make my Kusari character, Lon_Shimabokuro, KOS. I'm sure that the fact that he has (or soon will have) an LPI tag won't prevent you from doing that, since you're willing to give a KOS order for a character with a KSP tag and ID. I think that Lon_Shimabokuro is currently in Dresden, but don't let that get in the way of hunting down somebody who is KOS to KNF.
I hate power-hungry, abusive despots, which is why I now hate KNF with a passion!:angry:
Juan_Arquero, Lon_Shimabokuro (have I mentioned my Kusari character's name enough for KNF to notice?), et al.