I had to reinstall Freelancer on my computer because the game was bugged. The reinstallation fixed it, but I forgot that the Multiplayer Account ID is being removed after reinstallation. I thought this would only happen after Windows reinstallation.
I have already tried to find the ID-Code on my computer ( with registry, etc) but I couldn't find it. And I know that the Admins don't have my Account ID so I hope they still could help me.
My chars In-Game were:
Trodak - Mastodon Transport ( Interspace ID )
Trodak's.Bank - Spatial Fighter ( Freelancer ID )
Shinri - Dragon Gunboat ( Dragon Guard ID)
Owac - Order Gunboat ( Order ID)
Toxic - Sabre Fighter ( Outcast ID )
I hope that they could simply move these Chars to my new Multiplayer Account.