The name's Murphy... I represent a group of newly organized keepers of the law, bounty hunters is what we are... The Saints.
You have a bounty on the one's who must be punished. We're here to rid the scum of their filthy lives. We're here to start the holy cleansing, by the means of gratuitous violence!
Group name: The Saints
Ships call-sign: All "Saint-|-" tagged vessels.
Ship type: Bounty Hunter tech
Validate your Identification papers, and standing with Deep Space Engineering: Neutral
Superb work again Miss Silver, most excellent delivery I must say. I regret to inform you that due to certain instabilities in the Bank of Sirius' monetary transferring services, I am withholding payments by 48 hours until it is understood that the chance of payment loss through these faults is not made possible. I ask you be patient during this time, and we'll have this sorted in no time.
Keep up the good work.
You will be added to our contractors list as soon as possible. Welcome aboard, and good hunting out there.
I would like to make a few edits to my application to the DSE Job Board. I am no longer flying the Kusari Explorer and I am instead flying a Sabre. My callsign has also changed to just simply Thor_Vorrison.
While I'm not searching for the Liberty citizenship, I don't need green card or the card of any other color and I'm generally happy with the legal status of gastarbeiter, there is always work to be done. So, consider me your new employee. Contracts are useless without people to work on them.
Your name: Alexandra Ujo
Ship call-sign: Shichigatsu
Ship type: Switchblade; Kaichou
Validate your Identification papers, and standing with Deep Space Engineering: ✿✿
You are correct, there is no point in having contracts without people to work on them, I have looked over the information provided, and I will update the paperwork on our end, you are able to claim on any bounties listed on our board from now on in.