' Wrote:Stop Q_Qing that got old by the time Dusty left...and Dusty didn't even leave!
Quote:P.S. Please, logical discussion only. No trolling saying that I'm just Q_Qing, or that I just need to play longer, tell me why I am wrong, and give you reason for that.
Congratulations, you just proved that you didn't even read my post.
Mr.Payne.....I feel that you speak the truth.
Most,not all,are only interested in the bare minimum of rp,so they can go straight to the blue message.
On a rare occasion,I do find some decent rp out there.......but its getting very thin.
Most will scan whatever ship I'm on,and tell me that my set-up is wrong......seems they only scan it from pvp point of view.
So,what does that tell me ? Do I forgo the rp aspects as to the loadouts on my ships? Or think to myself "go sundive you little (insert your choice of sentance enhancers here) "
99% of the time,I choose the latter,for even as long as I have been playing the game,I prefer to do it MY way,cause its not always about the pvp.
I agree Mr Payne, your analysis of the lack of Role Play is true. I indeed would love to see a Role Playing Molly, as it would indeed be refreshing. However I concur, as a LPI officer I always try to Role Play before attacking another vessel, something which is totally amiss. Before engaging a criminal, I always try to maintain in several minutes in stating (for example only) "Halt your vessel immediately!", "You are breaching Liberty Law pilot, please heed!", "If you do not disengage I will engage" and then "I am engaging your vessel for <x><y><z>".
What response do you get for doing that? If its not a pure "Get Lost", its by getting attacked without any substantive RP. Correct I should report every case of Non-RP engagements, but indeed 80% of people that I have engaged that were PvP criminals/no-do-wellers would be in that category. On that fact though, I could imagine how great a Rheinland v Liberty massive battle with Cap ships and the lot would be, however in reality thats nearly impossible unless there is such a tight rigid control of those factions that noone would open fire without any substantive RP. I was once involved in protecting Texas from a RN invasion and I can tell you straight away when trying to RP, I got shot down :rolleyes:I've become to expect it really, nothing more and nothing less. That is why I have revered in my character to use presets to first see if that vessel will RP or not.
In terms of Molly's I do think you're one good RP'ing Molly out of few. I was trading Gold last night from Dublin to Fort Bush with my trading vessel (Non-LPI tag so don't worry:P). Yes it might be illegal to the Molly organisation to export gold. However, I found a Molly pirating me for all my gold, or 'he will destroy me' because 'I'm helping the crown'. On trying to RP about why he stopped me, what policy is it, that I am a poor trader trying to make some money, and continuing to RP, all I got from this Molly in official Molly Player Faction tags was "Drop your cargo now or I'll 'keel' you". I mean, great I would drop it for some good RP, or even pay a few million in reward, but not just from sheer ignorance. I got destroyed because my RP got me nowhere and he clearly had no interest in RP, just to destroy my vessel and/or pirate the gold. It seems he was clearly satisfied with that because he docked in Dublin and disappeared: Must've been his 'fun' for the day. Point of call is that this is exemplary of the issue you talk about.
Point being in that example was it is clearly a matter of the individual, regardless of what faction he is in. LPI, LN, Molly, Nomad, RN, name the faction you have the same individuals who do not follow rule one at all, nor the essence of 'Role Play', not in the fact that you need to write a story everytime you engage, but just following your character's story and faction's stance on issues/situations/etc. Hence in essence, it is not an issue of Faction A having problem B, but individuals A, B, C, D and E not doing what individuals F, G, H and I do. For that to change, there needs to be a 'mindshift'
It is from this though that you can only act your best and lead by example, and RP regardless of no return because at the end of the day if you encourage such actions, its inevitable others will follow that good lead. I enjoy RP'ing even if my vessel gets destroyed or if I lose money, I enjoy combat all the same but I think that if enough people take a positive stance it will in the end have an impact in itself:)
Quote: Its not even fun to play a molly anymore because you have to sneak around to find the occasional miner, then haul home before the BAF catch you.
Wait what? It's no fun? Go play BMM then.
Quote: I told them that taking that much would cause me to lose money, but they didn't care.
Ooh, that would cause you to lose money. Pah. They asked what, half the cargo? They were very nice.
Then the example 3 - gather more forces, duh. And anyway, if fighters are so better then caps, why didn't you win or just fly away from solaris dredies? But wait, if those were solaris dredies, they'd die to RM BSes. Something is wrong here.
Then again, you buy some gb and then you complain about fighters killing you. Well, deal with it, fighterswarm kills caps up to non-solaris battleship. Hint: if you see enemy in gb, take gb. If you see enemy in figter(s), get a fighter. Here, problem solved.
' Wrote:Example 3 is rather common place, and I've come to expect it due to lolcaps prefer to be in Liberty space instead of Rheinland.
If you can, get several pirate bombers and perform hit and runs while someone huals illicit cargo to Manhattan, by being a distraction you are also helping others. Its all give and take.
Ah yes.
So much fun.
Get a bargie and go find a friend, novanova the bejesus out of a whole bunch of loLNS.
I swear, it's how i get my kicks when Disco's turning blue.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
I say well said.... Mr. Payne and El Vado, and Gafwym. Very well said.
This has happened ever since the cap ships were introduced. It was especially bad for a couple years, then we managed to get used to the process of killing them. Which leads to my point in posting here.
This is not meant in any challenge, nor insult, so please don't take it that way, it is simply something I had to learn by having someone tell me too. I took it wrong at first, so I know where it can go, and wish not to have it happen.
First, no matter the amount of time you play, combat is a special thing. sometimes it is not your skill but connection that matters, other times its too many people in one area, these are real factors, they make it lag, which makes you miss, or get hit when you thought you should have missed. Take this into account at all times, even when you think there is no lag, its just a part or possibility.
Next is your skill. I don't mean you suck, I don't mean you need tolearn to fly. You could be elite and kill everyone in one on one battle, but still have no luck in group battles. There are Major differences, and that means different tactics. You can't fight a cap ship the same as you fight a VHF or a Bomber. If you don't learn to change tactics, and learn different types of techniques for each type, you will always find less enjoyment, if you get to join in at all. I suggest putting up a post asking for someone that is good in any particular area and get some actual training. A couple years ago there were a couple schools that did just this and were actually darn good at it. I took a couple classes and I saw the improvement myself. Another avenue for this training is join a faction, and get involved. Most, if not every serious faction does training, in one on one combat as well as organized fleet fights. I know this from my days flying with the XA and SCRA, Both did training exercises and made it a point to help the people that needed it, and it made us ALL better for it, and we all lived longer.
As for RP in combat... this is a golden skill among RPing aces. It is not easy, and it takes a LOT of practice, and you WILL make mistakes, and you WILL die a lot learning, but the effort pays off later when you get into it and the guy you are fighting constantly gets worse because you keep pissing him off more because he can't kill you AND you are constantly talking crap to him about it. The ends justify the means in this case if you ask me. I have found that a person that kills you while you are talking to him is slower to go bragging about it too. A guy that BARELY kills you while you are talking, well that just shows you he's not really got his heart in it, and well heck, it sure hurts my feelings less when I know I took the 'joy' out of killing me in his Destroyer when the whole time he was missing me I told all his friends that were watching how little skill he really had. (In rare cases you can even get them to take the bait to get in a fighter and fight like a man, then you get to kill them too.) But this is just me.
As for the SNAC... the bonus of having the SNAC over the Nova is that radius, the Nova will pop you like a grape, but the LONG recharge and testy aiming of the SNAC (An Art really) makes up for the fact that if you aren't practiced with it, you won't use it well anyway. The Nova on the other hand... You gotta have a clue, or you don't have a ship. It does less damage and takes ammo, but you with practice can take out entire squads with a single hit something the SNAC can't. Each has its place and strengths and weaknesses, this fits with the earlier said skill thing, its just a matter of really knowing how to do it right.
In the end, you simply have to take the time to get into it. Keep trying man. If you leave, don't do it over some N00B in his BC that can't speel his name to make a million creds.
And, definitely it makes a HUGE difference to have a few buddies you fly with and can get your groove on with, covering each other and the like, this too takes time and effort. Ask around man, if you are serious about the RP, the serious people that have that knowledge will help ya out.
somone is ALLWAYS getting ganked at some time or another, it dont matter what faction you in because if youve been playing FL for long enough you WILL get ganked you just gotta get over it and take as many of the suckers with ya as you can.
Heya. I was that Molly.
The RP is simple on my side: You aid the economy of Bretonia - you have been marked as enemy of Old Guard.
I gave you plenty of time to comply with my demand. I even stopped shooting when you were out of hull. Just to give last chances to save your 150M worth ship from destruction. You chose to ignore my RP side. You got shot at for it.
inRP you lost your Shetland and BMM gold was destroyed. Mollys triumph again.
If you disregard RP consequences for RP decisions, you have no right to call me "nonRPing Molly with official faction tag that seeks blue message".
Old Guard = Molly military ( We are the guardians of Dublin ) ~= Queen's Privateers ( We do decline Bretonias exporting and importing ) = PvPers ( We get ganked quite a lot )
So sorry for your lost cargo, but that was inRP action.
You RP'ed poor trader, I RP'ed fierce Molly. I just had more guns, thus my RP was worse =D
@ #0
Yes. The game is not fair. We all get ganked once in a while. We all face 0.0 rule breakers.
We just learned to avoid enemies, since "space is dangerous place".
Example 1:
This is inherent to Dublin. If you don't like it, leave Dublin for say, Omega 7. Just the way it is, and the reason why IMG is deploying a dedicated anti-fighter cap to that system.
Example 2:
Bring a damned escort. If you go blind with a high value cargo in a trader, alone, you're asking to get robbed every now and then. A single scout solves that problem. This is a case of player error, not a 0.0 violation.
Example 3:
You're fighting LNS. What else do you expect.
And your observation about the SNAC is correct, same deal for the razor. It is a "gun" type, which means it -has- no explosive radius, it either hits or does not. This was neccesary due to the way the game calculates explosive damage - Capital ships often don't even get scratched when a torpedo hits them.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
' Wrote:This has happened ever since the cap ships were introduced. It was especially bad for a couple years, then we managed to get used to the process of killing them. Which leads to my point in posting here.