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Easy solution? change it so that typing /S makes all messages from THEN ON automatically turn up in system. /l again to change it to local.
Or just make a new command /defaultchat system?
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
' Wrote:Easy solution? change it so that typing /S makes all messages from THEN ON automatically turn up in system. /l again to change it to local.
Or just make a new command /defaultchat system?
Could be working for lolwuts.
Begin the chat in local and if you want to change it to system chat use /s and the chat will be in system chat everytime you type something. Then if you want to change it back to local, type /l and the chat will be in local again everytime you type something.
I think that is a great idea..
All who are against, speak now or forever hold your silence.
But you can also leave it like it is for all that matters.
User was banned for: Another spam bot.
If the owner come back please send in a player request about getting your account back.
Time left: (Permanent)
I wont read such words on my system channel anymore, thanks to Cannon:)
' Wrote:Bow before the prophet of the great god Lolwut. He sayeth unto you, "2millordai".
Now I handeth down the laws of Lolwut.
1) Shooteth he who rp, for he is the devil.
2) Demandeth credits from starfleas.
3) Sayeth Lol and typeth smileys to end sentence fragments.
4) Screameth, "Ennngggaagggeee" to appeaseth the evil god "Admin".
5) Attacketh only with capships, and only those who flyeth transports.
These are the laws of the great god Lolwut. Offendeth him at your own risk.
Yes, that was a good change. But personally, I would prefer this feature to be deactivated in Pennsylvania. Newbies asking for help in system chat.. sometimes helps.