Our scientists in Sendai reported about your succesful delivery, so the pay has been sent with a little extra due to your swiftness in this task and our delays when replying:
I hope the payment covers your needs. Anyways, for now we have certain matters to attend, so we it will take us some time until we request you any other special delivery. However, you are free to keep smuggling Wildlife and Bio-neural processors to Sendai and take Plutonium or H-Fuel containers from there.
We will contact you soon.
<div align="right]Signed,
Shōgun Itagaki Dato
[color=#FF0000]In Hideyoshi's Memory
Incoming transmission...
Source: Slum City, Office Room 042, ToP Public Relations and Transportation Department
Recipient: Blood Dragon Shogunate, Chugoku Base
Unknown encryption method detected...
Accessing external memory drive, extracting codesolver.exe...
Message encryption recognised. Encryption pattern: CORSAC
Bypassing security protocols, probing system.
System probe sucessfull. System sucessfully entered. System ID: Blood Dragon Communications Network
Acessing internal mainframe, anchoring connection, securing data uplink stream...
System anchor in place, streaming transmission. Executing Protocol C...
Message decrypted in private channel. Video uplink established.
Greetings, my friend,
We've had some fun bringing some supplies into your research complex in Okinawa (providing us with a much needed insight into "lawful" Kusari operations in the meantime). I'm simply sending this message to ask if your research teams (or any other department, for that matter), would require any other delivery. It's been a slow week, and I'm sure we'd be able to handle pretty much anything.
I humbly await a reply,
"Big Joe"
Connection lost, system probe withdrawn...
Data uplink stream closed. Video uplink terminated...
<span style="color:#000000">The awful plight of he who cannot draw to save his own life.</span>
I have received reports from the scientists in Sendai asking for an extra supply of 7500 Bio-Neural Processors. Military projects require huge quantities of resources, as you may see, so we will offer you a bonus of 15.000.000 credits right after you report your succesful deliveries in this channel.
<div align="right]Signed,
Shōgun Itagaki Dato
[color=#FF0000]In Hideyoshi's Memory
---Incoming Transmission--
--Source: ToP Pilot Simon "Smudge"--
--Subject: Replacement for this asignment--
Ah, good evening most honourable gentlemen. I gotta inform you that for this assignment I will be your delivery man! Unfortunately "Big Joe" has been injured in an operation the make some pockets emptier. Fortunately, he did succeed. Pff, don't think uncle would still 'ave 'im if he didn't. Anyways, this is your pilot speaking. Already in the metaphorical air. If you do have any requests, please do not hesitate to ask. Your goods will be with the recievers on Sendai shortly! And mainly in one piece! I mean completely! 'Cos I is an expert pilot I is. Infact, I'm broadcasting this to you whilst flying! *Points camera at window* See! *You hear a bang and a long scraping noise* Er... Nothing to worry about I'm sure..... I'll just have to clean that off later. *Puts down camera, and appears to touch the top. Walks over to a window and starts making hand gestures of an unpleasant variety to whatevers on the other side. Looks at the camera, and an awkward facial expression appears.*
---Incoming Transmission--
--Source: ToP Pilot Simon "Smudge"--
--Subject: Assignment Complete--
Hello again my Blood Dragon friends! Good news! I've done the job! Ah, yes, a great feat for me, I know. But the [ToP]-Star.Dust performed exceptionally well for once. 'Spose ol' Sharon didn't want her circuits melted by you lot if she fouled up. Anywho, I figured you'd want some reliable proof. So I used my skill with the camera and took some shots of datafiles and out of the window.
I even did some maths! 3577+3577+346=7500! I wrote it down an' 'all! Anyways. Successfull delivery! Oh, and lovely credits can be handed out to "[ToP]-Star.Dust".
[font=Comic Sans Ms][color=#FFFFFF]Incoming Transmission: [color=#CC0000]Koizumi Yumi, director of Sendai Chamber of Commerce
Konnichiwa, Smudge-san!
That is absolutely wonderful, thrilling, exciting news. Arigato for your delivery. You'll find 15 million credits floating towards your account as we speak (don't you just love inflation). Use them unwisely, as we economists love to say!
And I'm sure Dato-sama will find some other task for you shortly.
---Incoming Transmission--
--Source: ToP Pilot Simon "Smudge"--
--Subject: More jobs = More Money--
*Looks at note book*
Er... Ah, there it is..... We here at The Outer Project thankyou for using our services. We invite you to use us again for any job you may have..... right, thats that bit done.
*Looks at camera*
Hello again Blood reptiles of a fearsome kind! Remember to give us a comm if you have anything that you need, either going to you or to be delivered! We, and probably I, will gladly service you again! Pleasant business! Er.. lets get this right... say... sayanora? Sayonara! Yes! I got it right, doodoodoodeedaa. Oh wait, proffesionalism. Thats what boss man said. Er... Thankyou and goodbye! Call again!