I am the owner of said account that was banned (Zierra). I asked my loan in order to, let's say, re-install myself in Discovery again, after a pause of at least 6 months.
I was working on paying the loan and I had the money ready to be sent but somehow I forgot (I quit disco again). The amount loaned was about 40ish million credits. As I said the account had enough money to repay the loan, from what I remember.
Since I am interested in returning again, I ask you to lift my ban, if possible. If not, well, don't.
Thank you, and my sincere apologies to the person I apparently "robbed".
P.S-I'm not sure what your policy is about these kind of occurrences but I hope you transfered the money from my account to the loaner's account, if not, I'll do it myself if the ban is lifted (IF I still have my things there).