We decided to build a base and looked over possible areas in which to build. After reading through several things including the FAQ we decided to place the base in a radiation field. This was due largely to this answer listed there..
Quote:Q: Does radiation damage stations?
A: No;
This proved to be the case but after we got things going we decided to build our first weapons platform. Now this is where the problem comes in.
While the station obviously isn't damaged by the radiation the weapons platform clearly is. Every few minutes the weapons platform explodes in a fantastic fireworks display of debris and fire. We had no idea this would happen otherwise it might have changed our decision on where to build. Still even with this problem we would just leave well enough alone but it doesn't end there.
See when the weapons platform receives damage it signals that its being attacked to the station. The station then raises its shield in order to protect itself. So now our shield runs all the time costing us for the fuel it constantly consumes.
So I am asking are there any plans to fix this issue? Can the weapons platform being damaged simply not signal the station to raise its shield? Or are there any changes coming for weapon platforms in the future so that they are not damaged by radiation? If nothing else could someone maybe post that weapon platforms will be damaged in radiation fields causing base shields to activate?
We have tried to contact some of the admins through pms or skype. They have yet to return our messages but its understandable as I know they are busy. Thank you for your time and I look forward to a response.
' Wrote:Can the weapons platform being damaged simply not signal the station to raise its shield?
You'll have the coolest base in Sirius than. Other stations are sitting ducks once someone strips the platforms from the guns. But you have respawn cycle.. Until than... radiation is expensive. :(
When I first asked the Devs about this, the answer I got was.......Oh, we never thought about that. I was told it was possible to set the base so the shield would not activate when the weapons platform took damage. Right now we are more sitting ducks than anything with the shield situation. All I want to know is what to do about it. I want to make an informed decision on whether we should scrap the defense platform, but no one will tell us anything.
EDIT: I know I'm probably annoying a lot of people with this, and I'm sorry for that. As a faction leader it is really frustrating to spend weeks trying to get answers for your people and still have nothing to tell them. Even if we were told "get bent, we're not helping you" at least we would know where we stand and I could tell my people to deal with it and move on. It's just difficult being in limbo.
If we had 1k more of range on the defense platform I think it would solve the problem. If you can move the base just enough to put the platform outside the radiation I think we'd be good.
Our base has the same problem right now and I asked AD about it in skype.
His answer was that this issue was already reported and Cannon already on it writing a plugin to solve it.
Though it may be not that fixed quickly.
AD's suggestion was to either move the defense platform out of the radition field or deactivate it (think he means destroy the module)